The method of measuring the motion of very swiftly travelling bodies by noting changes in the light-waves which reach us from them—one of the most remarkable methods of observation ever yet devised by man—has recently been placed upon its trial, so to speak; with results exceedingly satisfactory to the students of science who had accepted the facts established by it. The method will not be unfamiliar to many of my readers. The principle involved was first noted by M. Doppler, but not in a form which promised any useful results. The method actually applied appears to have occurred simultaneously to several persons, as well theorists as observers. Thus Secchi claimed in March, 1868, to have applied it though unsuccessfully; Huggins in April, 1868, described his successful use of the method. I myself, wholly unaware that either of these observers was endeavouring to measure celestial motions by its means, described the method, in words which I shall presently quote, in the number of Fraser’s Magazine for January, 1868, two months before the earliest enunciation of its nature by the physicists just named. It will be well briefly to describe the principle of this interesting method, before considering the attack to which it has been recently subjected, and its triumphant acquittal from defects charged against it. This brief description will not only be useful to those readers who chance not to be acquainted with the method, but may serve to remove objections which suggest themselves, I notice, to many who Light travels from every self-luminous body in waves which sweep through the ether of space at the rate of 185,000 miles per second. The whole of that region of space over which astronomers have extended their survey, and doubtless a region many millions of millions of times more extended, may be compared to a wave-tossed sea, only that instead of a wave-tossed surface, there is wave-tossed space. At every point, through every point, along every line, athwart every line, myriads of light-waves are at all times rushing with the inconceivable velocity just mentioned. It is from such waves that we have learned all we know about the universe outside our own earth. They bring to our shores news from other worlds, though the news is not always easy to decipher. Now, seeing that we are thus immersed in an ocean, athwart which infinite series of waves are continually rushing, and moreover that we ourselves, and every one of the bodies whence the waves proceed either directly or after reflection, are travelling with enormous velocity through this ocean, the idea naturally presents itself that we may learn something about these motions (as well as about the bodies themselves whence they proceed), by studying the aspect of the waves which flow in upon us in all directions. Suppose a strong swimmer who knew that, were he at rest, a certain series of waves would cross him at a particular rate—ten, for instance, in a minute—were to notice that when he was swimming directly facing them, eleven passed him in a minute: he would be able at once to compare his rate of swimming with the rate of the waves’ motion. He would know that while ten waves had passed him on account of the waves’ motion, he had by his own motion caused yet another wave to pass him, or in other words, had traversed the distance from one wave-crest to the next Thus he would know that his rate was one-tenth that of the waves. Similarly if, travelling the same way as the waves, Again, it is not difficult to see that if an observer were at rest, and a body in the water, which by certain motions produced waves, were approaching or receding from the observer, the waves would come in faster in the former case, slower in the latter, than if the body were at rest. Suppose, for instance, that some machinery at the bows of a ship raised waves which, if the ship were at rest, would travel along at the rate of ten a minute past the observer’s station. Then clearly, if the ship approached him, each successive wave would have a shorter distance to travel, and so would reach him sooner than it otherwise would have done. Suppose, for instance, the ship travelled one-tenth as fast as the waves, and consider ten waves proceeding from her bows—the first would have to travel a certain distance before reaching the observer; the tenth, starting a minute later, instead of having to travel the same distance, would have to travel this distance diminished by the space over which the ship had passed in one minute (which the wave itself passes over in the tenth of a minute); instead, then, of reaching the observer one minute after the other, it would reach him nine-tenths of a minute after the first. Thus it would seem to him as though the waves were coming in faster than when the ship was at rest, in the proportion of ten to nine, though in reality they would be travelling at the same rate as before, only arriving in quicker succession, because of the continual shortening of the distance they had to travel, on account of the ship’s approach. If he knew precisely how fast they would arrive if the ship were at rest, and determined precisely how fast they did arrive, he would be able to determine at once the rate of the ship’s approach, at least the proportion between her rate and the rate of the waves’ motion. Similarly if, owing to the ship’s recession, the apparent rate of the waves’ motion were reduced, it is obvious that the actual change in the wave motion would not be a difference If the above explanation should still seem to require closer attention than the general reader may be disposed to give, the following, suggested by a friend of mine—a very skilful mathematician—will be found still simpler: Suppose a stream to flow quite uniformly, and that at one place on its banks an observer is stationed, while at another higher up a person throws corks into the water at regular intervals, say ten corks per minute; then these will float down and pass the other observer, wherever he may be, at the rate of ten per minute, if the cork-thrower is at rest. But if he saunters either up-stream or down-stream, the corks will no longer float past the other at the exact rate of ten per minute. If the thrower is sauntering down-stream, then, between throwing any cork and the next, he has walked a certain way down, and the tenth cork, instead of having to travel the same distance as the first before reaching the observer, has a shorter distance to travel, and so reaches that observer sooner. Or in fact, which some may find easier to see, this cork will be nearer to the first cork than it would have been if the thrower had remained still. The corks will lie at equal distances from each other, but these equal distances will be less than they would have been if the observer had been at rest. If, on the contrary, the cork-thrower saunters up-stream, the corks will be somewhat further apart than if he had remained at rest. And supposing the observer to know beforehand that the corks would be thrown in at the rate of ten a minute, he would know, if they passed him at a greater rate than ten a minute (or, in other words, at a less distance from each other than the stream traversed in the tenth of a minute), that the cork-thrower was travelling down-stream or approaching him; whereas, if fewer than ten a minute passed him, he would know that the cork-thrower was travelling away from him, or up-stream. But also, if the These illustrations, derived from the motions of water, suffice in reality for our purpose. The waves which are emitted by luminous bodies in space travel onwards like the water-waves or the corks of the preceding illustrations. If the body which emits them is rapidly approaching us, the waves are set closer together or narrowed; whereas, if the body is receding, they are thrown further apart or broadened. And if we can in any way recognize such narrowing or broadening of the light-waves, we know just as certainly that the source of light is approaching us or receding from us (as the case may be) as our observer in the second illustration would know from the distance between the corks whether his friend, the cork-thrower, was drawing near to him or travelling away from him. But it may be convenient to give another illustration, drawn from waves, which, like those of light, are not themselves discernible by our senses—I refer to those aerial waves of compression and rarefaction which produce what we call sound. These waves are not only in this respect better suited than water-waves to illustrate our subject, but also because they travel in all directions through aerial space, not merely along a surface. The waves which produce a certain note, that is, which excite in our minds, through the auditory nerve, the impression corresponding to a certain tone, have a definite length. So long as the observer, and a source of sound vibrating in one particular period, remain both in the same place, the note is unchanged in tone, though AB representing the sound of the approaching whistle, BC representing the rapid degradation of sound as the engine rushes close past the hearer, and CD representing the sound of the receding whistle. When a bell is sounded on the However, the apparent variation of sound produced by rapid approach or recession has been tested by exact experiments. On a railway uniting Utrecht and Maarsen “were placed,” the late Professor Nichol wrote, “at intervals of something upwards of a thousand yards, three groups of musicians, who remained motionless during the requisite period. Another musician on the railway sounded at intervals one uniform note; and its effects on the ears of the stationary musicians have been fully published. From these, certainly—from the recorded changes between grave and the more acute, and vice versÂ,—confirming, even numerically, what the relative velocities might have enabled one to predict, it appears justifiable to conclude that the general theory is correct; and that the note of any sound may be greatly modified, if not wholly changed, by the velocity of the individual hearing it,” or, he should have added, by the velocity of the source of sound: perhaps more correct than either, is the statement that the note may be altered by the approach or recession of the source of sound, whether that be caused by the motion of the sounding body, or of the hearer himself, or of both. It is difficult, indeed, to understand how doubt can exist in the mind of any one competent to form an opinion on the matter, though, as we shall presently see, some students of science and one or two mathematicians have raised doubts as to the validity of the reasoning by which it is shown that a change should occur. That the reasoning is sound cannot, in reality, be questioned, and after careful examination of the arguments urged against it by one or two mathematicians, Ordinary white light, and many kinds of coloured light, may be compared with noise—that is, with a multitude of intermixed sounds. But light of one pure colour may be compared to sound of one determinate note. As the aerial waves producing the effect of one definite tone are all of one length, so the ethereal waves producing light of one definite colour are all of one length. Therefore if we approach or recede from a source of light emitting such waves, effects will result corresponding with what has been described above for the case of water-waves and sound-waves. If we approach the source of light, or if it approaches us, the waves will be shortened; if we recede from it, or if it recedes from us, the waves will be lengthened. But the colour of light depends on its wave-length, precisely as the tone of sound depends on its wave-length. The waves producing red light are longer than those producing orange light, these are longer than the waves producing yellow light; and so the wave-lengths shorten down from yellow to green, thence to blue, to indigo, and finally to violet. Thus if a body shining Unfortunately in one sense, though very fortunately in many much more important respects, the rates of motion among the celestial bodies are not comparable with the velocity of light, but are always so much less as to be almost rest by comparison. The velocity of light is about 187,000 miles per second, or, according to the measures of the solar system at present in vogue (which will shortly have to give place to somewhat larger measures, the result of observations made upon the recent transit of Venus), about 185,000 miles per second. The swiftest celestial motion of which we have ever had direct evidence was that of the comet of the year 1843, which, at the time of its nearest approach to the sun, was travelling at the rate of about 350 miles per second. This, compared with the velocity of light, is as the motion of a person taking six steps a minute, each less than half a yard long, to the rush of the swiftest express train. No body within our solar system can travel faster than this, the motion of a body falling upon the sun from an infinite distance being only about 370 miles per second when it reaches his surface. And though swifter motions probably exist among the bodies travelling around more massive suns than ours, yet of such motions we can never become cognizant. All the motions taking place among the stars themselves would appear to be very much less in amount. The most swiftly moving sun seems to travel but at the rate of about 50 or 60 miles per second. Now let us consider how far a motion of 100 miles per second might be expected to modify the colour of pure green light—selecting green as the middle colour of the spectrum. The waves producing green light are of such a length, that 47,000 of them scarcely equal in length a single inch. Draw on paper an inch and divide it carefully into But this is the least important of the difficulties affecting the application of this method by noting change of colour, as Doppler originally proposed. Another difficulty, which seems somehow to have wholly escaped Doppler’s attention, renders the colour test altogether unavailable. We do not get pure light from any of the celestial bodies except certain gaseous clouds or nebulÆ. From every sun we get, as from our own sun, all the colours of the rainbow. There may be an excess of some colours and a deficiency of others in any star, so as to give the star a tint, or even a very decided colour. But even a blood-red star, or a deep-blue or violet star, does not shine with pure light, for the spectroscope shows that the star has other colours than those producing the prevailing tint, and it is only the great excess of red rays (all kinds of red, too) or of blue rays (of all kinds), and so on, which makes the star appear red, or blue, and so on, to the eye. By far the greater number of stars or suns show all the colours of the rainbow nearly equally distributed, as in the case of our own sun. Now imagine for a moment a white sun, which had been at rest, to begin suddenly to approach us so rapidly (travelling more than 10,000 miles per second) that the red rays became orange, the Doppler’s method would thus fail utterly, even though the stars were travelling hither and thither with motions a hundred times greater than the greatest known stellar motions. This objection to Doppler’s theory, as originally proposed, was considered by me in an article on “Coloured Suns” in Fraser’s Magazine for January, 1868. His theory, indeed, was originally promulgated not as affording a means of measuring stellar motions, but as a way of accounting for the colours of double stars. It was thus presented by Professor Nichol, in a chapter of his “Architecture of the Heavens,” on this special subject:—“The rapid motion of light reaches indeed one of those numbers which reason owns, while imagination ceases to comprehend them; but it is also true that the swiftness with which certain individuals of the double stars sweep past their perihelias, or rather their periasters, is amazing; and in this matter of colours, it must be recollected that the question solely regards the difference between the velocities of the waves constituent of colours, at those different stellar positions. Still it is a bold—even a magnificent idea; and if it can be reconciled with the permanent colours of the multitude of stars surrounding us—stars which too are moving in great orbits with immense velocities—it may be hailed almost as a positive discovery. It must obtain confirmation, or otherwise, so soon as we can compare with certainty the observed colorific changes of separate systems with the known fluctuations of their orbital motions.” That was written a quarter of a century ago, when spectroscopic analysis, as we now know it, had no existence. Accordingly, while the fatal objection to Doppler’s original theory is overlooked on the one hand, the means of applying the principle underlying the theory, in a much more exact It has been in this way that the spectroscopic method has actually been applied. It is easy to perceive the essential difference between this way of applying the method and that depending on the attempted recognition of changes of colour. A dark line in the spectrum marks in reality the place of a missing tint. The tints next to it on either side are present, but the tint between them is wanting. They are changed in colour—very slightly, in fact quite inappreciably—by motions of recession or approach, or, in other words, they are shifted in position along the spectrum, towards the red end for recession, towards the violet end for approach; and of course the dark space between is shifted along with them. One may say that the missing tint is changed. For in reality that is precisely what would happen. If the light of a star at rest gave every tint of the spectrum, for instance, except mid-green alone, and that star approached or receded so swiftly that its motion would change pure green light to pure yellow in one case, or pure blue in the other, then the effect on the spectrum of such a star would be to throw the dark line from the middle of the green part of the spectrum to the When I first indicated publicly (January, 1868) the way in which Doppler’s principle could alone be applied, two physicists, Huggins in England and Secchi in Italy, were actually endeavouring, with the excellent spectroscopes in their possession, to apply this method. In March, 1868, Secchi gave up the effort as useless, publicly announcing the plan on which he had proceeded and his failure to obtain any results except negative ones. A month later Huggins also publicly announced the plan on which he had been working, but was also able to state that in one case, that of the bright star Sirius, he had succeeded in measuring a motion in the line of sight, having discovered that Sirius was receding from the earth at the rate of 41·4 miles per second. I say was receding, because a part of the recession at the time of observation was due to the earth’s orbital motion around the sun. I had, at his request, supplied Huggins with the formula for calculating the correction due to this cause, and, applying it, he found that Sirius is receding from the sun at the rate of about 29½ miles per second, or some 930 millions of miles per annum. I am not here specially concerned to consider the actual results of the application of this method since the time of Huggins’s first success; but the next chapter of the history of the method is one so interesting to myself personally that I feel tempted briefly to refer to details. So soon as I had heard of Huggins’s success with Sirius, and that an instrument was being prepared for him wherewith he might hope to extend the method to other stars, I ventured to make a prediction as to the result which he would obtain whensoever he should apply it to five stars of the seven forming the so- The next application of the new method was one of singular interest. I believe it was Mr. Lockyer who first thought of applying the method to measure the rate of solar hurricanes as well as the velocities of the uprush and downrush of vaporous matter in the atmosphere of the sun. Another spectroscopic method had enabled astronomers to watch the rush of glowing matter from the edge of the sun, by observing the coloured flames and their motions; but by the new method it was possible to determine whether the flames at the edge were swept by solar cyclones carrying them from or towards the eye of the terrestrial observer, and also to determine whether glowing vapours over the middle of the visible disc were subject to motion of uprush, which of course would carry them towards the eye, or of downrush, which would carry them from the eye. The result of observations directed to this end was to show that at least during the time when the sun is most spotted, solar hurricanes of tremendous violence take place, while the uprushing and downrushing motions of solar matter sometimes attain a velocity of more than 100 miles per second. It was this success on the part of an English spectroscopist which caused that attack on the new method against which it has but recently been successfully defended, at least in the eyes of those who are satisfied only by experimental tests of the validity of a process. The Padre Secchi had failed, as we have seen, to recognize motions of recession and approach among the stars by the new method. But he had taken solar observation by spectroscopic methods under his special charge, and therefore when the new results reached his ears he felt bound to confirm or invalidate them. He believed that the apparent displacement of dark lines in the solar spectrum might be due to the heat of the sun causing changes in the delicate The weak point in his reasoning resided in the circumstance that the solar equator is only moving at the rate of about 1¼ miles per second, so that instead of a difference of 40 miles per second between the two edges, which should be appreciable, the actual difference (that is, the sum of the two equal motions in opposite directions) amounts only to 2½ miles per second, which certainly Secchi could not hope to recognize with the spectroscopic power at his disposal. Nevertheless, when the error in his reasoning was pointed out, though he admitted that error, he maintained the justice of his conclusion; just as Cassini, having mistakenly reasoned that the degrees of latitude should diminish towards the pole instead of increasing, and having next mistakenly found, as he supposed, that they do diminish, acknowledged the error of his reasoning, but insisted on the validity of his observations,—maintaining Huggins tried to recognize by the new method the effects of the sun’s rotation, using a much more powerful spectroscope than Secchi’s. The history of the particular spectroscope he employed is in one respect specially interesting to myself, as the extension of spectroscopic power was of my own devising before I had ever used or even seen a powerful spectroscope. The reader is aware that spectroscopes derive their light-sifting power from the prisms forming them. The number of prisms was gradually increased, from Newton’s single prism to Fraunhofer’s pair, and to Kirchhoff’s battery of four, till six were used, which bent the light round as far as it would go. Then the idea occurred of carrying the light to a higher level (by reflections) and sending it back through the same battery of prisms, doubling the dispersion. Such a battery, if of six prisms, would spread the spectral colours twice as widely apart as six used in the ordinary way, and would thus have a dispersive power of twelve prisms. It occurred to me that after taking the rays through six prisms, arranged in a curve like the letter C, an intermediate four-cornered prism of a particular shape (which I determined) might be made to send the rays into another battery of six prisms, the entire set forming a double curve like the letter S, the rays being then carried to a higher level and back through the double battery. In this way a dispersive power of nineteen prisms could be secured. My friend, Mr. Browning, the eminent optician, made a double battery of this kind,13 There for a while the matter rested. VÖgel made observations confirming Huggins’s results relative to stellar motions; but VÖgel’s instrumental means were not sufficiently powerful to render his results of much weight. But recently two well-directed attacks have been made upon this problem, one in England, the other in America, and in both cases with success. Rather, perhaps, seeing that the method had been attacked and was supposed to require defence, we may say that two well-directed assaults have been made upon the attacking party, which has been completely routed. Arrangements were made not very long ago, by which the astronomical work of Greenwich Observatory, for a long time directed almost exclusively to time observations, should include the study of the sun, stars, planets, and so forth. Amongst other work which was considered suited to the National Observatory was the application of spectroscopic analysis to determine motions of recession and approach among the celestial bodies. Some of these observations, by the way, were made, we are told, “to test the truth of Doppler’s principle,” though it seems difficult to suppose for an instant that mathematicians so skilful as the chief of the Observatory and some of his assistants could entertain any doubt on that point. Probably it was intended by the words just quoted to imply simply that some of the observations were made for the purpose of illustrating the principle of the method. We are not to suppose that on a point so simple the Greenwich observers have been in any sort of doubt. At first their results were not very satisfactory. The Secchi was not slow to note this. He renewed his objections to the new method of observation, pointing and illustrating them by referring to the discrepancies among the Greenwich results. But recently a fresh series of results has been published, showing that the observers at Greenwich have succeeded in mastering some at least among the difficulties which they had before experienced. The measurements of star-motions showed now a satisfactory agreement with Huggins’s results, and their range of divergence among themselves was greatly reduced. The chief interest of the new results, however, lay in the observations made upon bodies known to be in motion in the line of sight at rates already measured. These observations, though not wanted as tests of the accuracy of the principle, were very necessary as tests of the qualities of the instruments used in applying it. It is here and thus that Secchi’s objections alone required to be met, and here and thus they have been thoroughly disposed of. Let us consider what means exist within the solar system for thus testing the new method. The earth travels along in her orbit at the rate of about 18? miles in every second of time. Not to enter into niceties which could only properly be dealt with mathematically, it may be said that with this full velocity she is at times approaching the remoter planets of the system, and at times receding from them; so that here at once is a range of difference amounting to about 37 miles per second, and fairly within the power of the new method of observation. For it matters nothing, so far as the new method is concerned, whether the earth is approaching another orb by her motion, or that orb approaching by its own motion. Again, the plant Venus travels at the rate of about 21½ miles per second, but as the earth travels only 3 miles a second less Observations have been made at Greenwich, both on Venus and on the moon, by the new method, with results entirely satisfactory. The method shows that Venus is receding when she is known to be receding, and that she is approaching when she is known to be approaching. Again, the method shows no signs of approach or recession in the moon’s case. It is thus in satisfactory agreement with the That this will one day happen is rendered highly probable, in my opinion, by the successes next to be related. Besides the motions of the planets around the sun, there are their motions of rotation, and the rotation of the sun himself upon his axis. Some among these turning motions are sufficiently rapid to be dealt with by the new method. The most rapid rotational motion with which we are acquainted from actual observation is that of the planet Jupiter. The circuit of his equator amounts to about 267,000 miles, and he turns once on his axis in a few minutes less than ten hours, so that his equatorial surface travels at the rate of about 26,700 miles an hour, or nearly 7½ miles per second. Thus between the advancing and retreating sides of the equator there is a difference of motion in the line of sight amounting to nearly 15 miles. But this is not all. Jupiter shines by reflecting sunlight. Now it is easily seen that where his turning equator meets the waves of light from the sun, these are shortened, in the same sense that waves are shortened for a swimmer travelling to meet them, while these waves, already shortened in this way, are further shortened when starting from the same advancing surface of Jupiter, on their journey to us after reflection. In this way the shortening of the waves is doubled, at least when the earth is so placed that Jupiter lies in the same direction from us as from the sun, the very time, in fact, when Jupiter is most favourably placed for ordinary observation, or is at his highest due south, when the sun is at his lowest below the northern horizon—that is, at midnight. The lengthening Lastly, there remains the rotation of the sun, a movement much more difficult to detect by the new method, because the actual rate of motion even at the sun’s equator amounts only to about 1 mile per second. In dealing with this very difficult task, the hardest which spectroscopists have yet attempted, the Greenwich observers have achieved an undoubted success; but unfortunately for them, though fortunately for science, another observatory, far smaller and of much less celebrity, has at the critical moment achieved success still more complete. The astronomers at our National Observatory have been able to recognize by the new method the turning motion of the sun upon his axis. And here we have not, as in the case of Venus, to record merely that the observers have seen what they expected to see because of the known motion of the sun. “Particular care was taken,” says But Professor Young, at Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., has done much more than merely obtain evidence by the new method that the sun is rotating as we already knew. He has succeeded so perfectly in mastering the instrumental and observational difficulties, as absolutely to be able to rely on his measurement (as distinguished from the mere recognition) of the sun’s motion of rotation. The manner in which he has extended the powers of ordinary spectroscopic analysis, cannot very readily be described in these pages, simply because the principles on which the extension depends require for their complete description a reference to mathematical considerations of some complexity. Let it be simply noted that what is called the diffraction spectrum, obtained by using a finely lined plate, results from the dispersive action of such a plate, or grating as it is technically called, and this dispersive power can be readily combined with that of a spectroscope of the ordinary kind. Now Dr. Rutherfurd, of New York, has succeeded in ruling so many thousand lines on glass within the breadth of a single inch as to produce a grating of high dispersive power. Availing himself of this beautiful extension of spectroscopic powers, Professor Young has succeeded in recognizing effects of much smaller motions of recession and approach than had before been observable by the new method. He has thus been able to measure the rotation-rate of the sun’s equatorial regions. His result exceeds considerably that inferred from the telescopic observation of the solar spots. For whereas from the motion of the spots a rotation-rate of about 1¼ mile per second has been calculated for the sun’s equator, Professor Young obtains from his spectroscopic observations a rate of rather more than 1? mile, or about 300 yards per second more than the telescopic rate. I venture confidently to predict that, in that day, astronomers will recognize in the universe of stars a variety of structure, a complexity of arrangement, an abundance of every form of cosmical vitality, such as I have been led by other considerations to suggest, not the mere cloven lamina of uniformly scattered stars more or less resembling our sun, and all in nearly the same stage of cosmical development, which the books of astronomy not many years since agreed in describing. The history of astronomical progress does not render it probable that the reasoning already advanced, though in reality demonstrative, will convince the generality of science students until direct and easily understood observations have shown the real nature of the constitution of that part of the universe over which astronomical survey extends. But the evidence already obtained, though its thorough analysis may be “caviare to the general,” suffices to show the real nature of the relations which one day will come within the direct scope of astronomical observation. |