Oxygen in the Sun 1
Sun-Spot, Storm, and Famine 28
New Ways of Measuring the Sun’s Distance 56
Drifting Light Waves 77
The New Star which faded into Star-Mist 106
Star-Grouping, Star-Drift, and Star-Mist 136
Mallet’s Theory of Volcanoes 151
Towards the North Pole 156
A Mighty Sea-Wave 178
Strange Sea Creatures 199
On some Marvels in Telegraphy 232
The Phonograph, or Voice-Recorder 274
The Gorilla and other Apes 296
The Use and Abuse of Food 330
Ozone 347
Dew 357
The Levelling Power of Rain 367
Ancient Babylonian Astrogony 388


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