There must be a singular charm about insoluble problems, since there are never wanting persons who are willing to attack them. I doubt not that at this moment there are persons who are devoting their energies to Squaring the Circle, in the full belief that important advantages would accrue to science—and possibly a considerable pecuniary profit to themselves—if they could succeed in solving it. Quite recently, applications have been made to the Paris Academy of Sciences, to ascertain what was the amount which that body was authorised to pay over to anyone who should square the circle. So seriously, indeed, was the secretary annoyed by applications of this sort, that it was found necessary to announce in the daily journals that not only was the Academy not authorised to pay any sum at all, but that it had determined never to give the least attention to those who fancied they had mastered the famous problem. It is a singular circumstance that people have even attacked the problem without knowing exactly what To begin with, we must note that the term ‘squaring the circle’ is rather a misnomer; because the true problem to be solved is the determination of the length of a circle’s circumference when the diameter is known. Of course, the solution of this problem, or, as it is termed, the rectification of the circle, involves the solution of the other, or the quadrature, of the circle. But it is well to keep the simpler issue before us. Many have supposed that there exists some exact relation between the circumference and the diameter of the circle, and that the problem to be solved is the determination of this relation. Suppose, for example, that the approximate relation discovered by Archimedes (who found, that if a circle’s diameter is represented by seven, the circumference may be almost exactly represented by twenty-two) were strictly correct, and that Archimedes had proved it to be so; then, according to this view, he would have solved the great problem; and it is to determine a relation of some such sort that many persons have set themselves. Before leaving this part of the subject, however, I may mention a relation which is very easily remembered, and is very nearly exact—much more so, at any rate, than that of Archimedes. Write down the numbers 113,355, that is, the first three odd numbers each repeated twice over. Then separate the six numbers into two sets of three, thus,—113)355, Again, many people imagine that mathematicians are still in a state of uncertainty as to the relation which exists between the circumference and the diameter of the circle. If this were so, scientific societies might well hold out a reward to anyone who could enlighten them; for the determination of this relation (with satisfactory exactitude) may be held to lie at the foundation of the whole of our modern system of mathematics. I need hardly say that no doubt whatever rests on the matter. A hundred different methods are known to mathematicians by which the circumference may be calculated from the diameter with any required degree of exactness. Here is a simple one, for example:—Take any number of the fractions formed by putting one as a numerator over the successive odd numbers. Add together the alternate ones beginning with the first, which, of course, is unity. Add together the remainder. Subtract the second sum from the first. The remainder will express the circumference (the diameter being taken as unity) to any required degree of exactness. We have merely to take enough fractions. The process would, of course, be a very laborious one, if great exactness were required, and as a matter of fact mathematicians have made use of much more The largest circle we have much to do with in scientific questions is the earth’s equator. As a matter of curiosity, we may inquire what the circumference of the earth’s orbit is; but as we are far from being sure of the exact length of the radius of that orbit (that is, of the earth’s distance from the sun), it is clear that we do not need a very exact relation between the circumference and the diameter in dealing with that enormous circle. Confining ourselves, therefore, to the circle of the earth’s equator, let us see what exactness we seem to require. We will suppose for a moment that it is possible to measure round the earth’s equator without losing count of a single yard, and that we want to gather from our estimate what the diameter of this great circle may be. This seems, indeed, the only use to which, in this case, we can put our knowledge of the relation we are dealing with. We have then a circle some twenty-five thousand miles round, and each mile contains one thousand seven hundred and sixty yards: or in all there are some forty-four million yards in the circumference, and therefore (roughly) some fourteen million yards in the diameter of this great circle. Hence, if our relation is correct within a fourteen-millionth part of the diameter, or a forty-four millionth part of the circumference, we are safe from any error exceeding a yard. All we want, then, is that the number expressing the circumference (the diameter But as I have said, mathematicians have not been content with a computation of this sort. They have calculated the number not to the eighth, but to the six hundred and twentieth decimal place. Now, if we remember that each new decimal makes the result ten times more exact, we shall begin to see what a waste of time there has been in this tremendous calculation. We all remember the story of the horse which had twenty-four nails in its shoes, and was valued at the sum obtained by adding together a farthing for the first nail, a halfpenny for the next, a penny for the next, and so on, doubling twenty-four times. The result was counted by thousands of pounds. The old miser who paid at a similar rate for a grave eighteen feet deep (doubling for each foot), killed himself when he heard the total. But now consider the effect of multiplying by ten, six hundred and twenty times. A fraction, with that enormous number for denominator, and unity for numerator, expresses the minuteness of the error which would result if the ‘long value’ of the circumference were made use of. Let an illustration show the force of this:— It has been estimated that light, which could eight times circle the earth in a second, takes 50,000 years in reaching us from the faintest stars seen in Lord Rosse’s giant reflector. Suppose we knew the exact length of the tremendous line which extends from the Not only has the length of the circumference been calculated once in this unnecessarily exact manner, but a second calculator has gone over the work independently. The two results are of course identical figure for figure. It will be asked then, what is the problem about which so great a work has been made? The problem is, in fact, utterly insignificant; its only interest lies in the fact that it is insoluble—a property which it shares along with many other problems, as the trisection of an angle, the duplication of a cube, and so on. The problem is simply this: Having given the To illustrate the kind of construction required, I give an approximate solution which is remarkably simple, and, so far as I am aware, not generally known. Describe a square about the given circle, touching it at the ends of two diameters, AOB, COB, at right angles to each other, and join CA; let COAE be one of the quarters of the circumscribing square, and from E draw EG, cutting off from AO a fourth part AG of its length, and from AC the portion AH. Then three sides of the circumscribing square together with AH are very nearly equal to the circumference of the circle. The difference is so small, that in a circle two feet in diameter, it would be less than the two-hundredth part of an inch. If this construction were exact, the great problem would have been solved. One point, however, must be noted; the circle is of all curved lines the easiest to draw by mechanical means. But there are others which can be so drawn. And if such curves as these be admitted as available, As such curves can be described with quite as much accuracy as the circle—for, be it remembered, an absolutely perfect circle has never yet been drawn—we see that it is only the limitations which geometers have themselves invented that give this problem its difficulty. Its solution has, as I have said, no value; and no mathematician would ever think of wasting a moment over the problem—for this reason, simply, that it has long since been demonstrated to be insoluble by simple geometrical methods. So that, when a man says he has squared the circle (and many will say so, if one will only give them a hearing), he shows that either he wholly misunderstands the nature of the problem, or that his ignorance of mathematics has led him to mistake a faulty for a true solution. (From Chambers’s Journal, January 16, 1869.) |