| PAGE | Strange Discoveries respecting the Aurora | 1 | The Earth a Magnet | 14 | Our Chief Time-piece losing Time | 30 | Encke the Astronomer | 46 | Venus on the Sun’s Face | 49 | Britain’s Coal Cellars | 72 | The Secret of the North Pole | 97 | Is the Gulf Stream a Myth? | 114 | Floods in Switzerland | 133 | A Great Tidal Wave | 138 | Deep-Sea Dredgings | 142 | The Tunnel through Mont Cenis | 148 | Tornadoes | 153 | Vesuvius | 167 | The Earthquake in Peru | 189 | The Greatest Sea-Wave ever known | 194 | The Usefulness of Earthquakes | 211 | The Forcing Power of Rain | 225 | A Shower of Snow-Crystals | 230 | Long Shots | 233 | Influence of Marriage on the Death-Rate | 238 | The Topographical Survey of India | 244 | A Ship attacked by a Sword-fish | 256 | The Safety-lamp | 259 | The Dust we have to Breathe | 265 | Photographic Ghosts | 267 | The Oxford and Cambridge Rowing Styles | 269 | Betting on Horse Races: or, the State of the Odds | 274 | Squaring the Circle | 288 | A New Theory of Achilles’ Shield | 297 |