
The Great Bear (Ursa Major) with its Dipper and Pointers, occupies the northeasterly mid-heaven. A line from the Pole Star (a of the Little Bear, Ursa Minor) to the Guardians, and ?, lies in the position of the minute hand of a clock 23 minutes after an hour. The Camelopard (Camelopardus) is above. The Dragon (Draco), whose head is below the horizon, curves round the Little Bear to between the Guardians and the Pointers. In the northwest, fairly high up, we find Cassiopeia, the Seated Lady, and on her right, lower down, the inconspicuous constellation Cephius. Andromeda, the Chained Lady, is on Cassiopeia's left. The Great Nebula will be noticed in the map—it is faintly visible to the naked eye. Above Andromeda is Perseus, the Rescuing Knight, and above him the Charioteer (Auriga), nearly overhead. On the left of Andromeda is Aries, the Ram, the small constellation the Triangles lying between them.

Toward the southwest, the Whale (Cetus) is beginning to set. The River (Eridanus) occupies the lower part of the southwesterly sky, and extends also to the mid-heavens in that direction. The Dove (Columba) is nearly due south, and at its best—which is not saying much. Above is the Hare (Lepus), on which Orion treads. The Giant now presents his noblest aspect—prince of all the constellations as he is. He faces the Bull (Taurus), known by the Pleiades and the bright Aldebaran.

Close by the poor Hare, on the left, leaps Canis Major, the Greater Dog, with the bright Sirius, which "bickers into green and emerald." The stern of the Star Ship (Argo) is nearing the south.

Very high in the southeast we find the Twins (Gemini), with the twin stars, Castor and Pollux (a and ); and below them the Little Dog (Canis Minor). The Sea Serpent (Hydra) is rearing its tall neck above the eastern horizon (by south), as if aiming either for the Little Dog or for the Crab (Cancer), now high up in the east, with its pretty Beehive cluster showing well in clear weather. The Lion (Leo) is due east, the Sickle (marked by the stars a, ?, ?, , and e) being easily recognized.

Queen Berenice's Hair (Coma Berenices, not Berenicis, as often ignorantly given) is in the northeast. It used to mark the tip of the real Lion's tail, just as the stars of the Crab marked his head. The Hunting Dogs occupy the space between Berenice's Hair and the Great Bear.


At 11 o'clock: Jan. 7. At 9 o'clock: Feb. 6.
At 10½ o'clock: Jan. 14. At 9½ o'clock: Jan. 29. At 8½ o'clock: Feb. 14.
At 10 o'clock: Jan. 22. At 8 o'clock: Feb. 21.

Stars of the first magnitude are eight-pointed; second magnitude, six-pointed; third magnitude, five-pointed; fourth magnitude (a few), four-pointed; fifth magnitude (very few), three-pointed. For star names refer to page 4.


At 11 o'clock: Feb. 6. At 9 o'clock: Mar. 8.
At 10½ o'clock: Feb. 14. At 9½ o'clock: Mar. 1. At 8½ o'clock: Mar. 16.
At 10 o'clock: Feb. 21. At 8 o'clock: Mar. 23.

Stars of the first magnitude are eight-pointed; second magnitude, six-pointed; third magnitude, five-pointed; fourth magnitude (a few), four-pointed; fifth magnitude (very few), three-pointed. For star names refer to page 4.


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