1]">, 231, 297 Bluebacking, 217 Boarding, 233 Boiler incrustations, 99, 101 Boiling point, 75, 421 Bone-oil, 62 Book-binding leathers, 234 Boral, 155 Borax, 156, 216 Borgman, 181 Boric or boracic acid, 156 Bottle-tannage, 235 Bourgois, 57 Brabium, 268 Bran-drench, 166, 195 Brands, 43 Brazil-wood, 287, 413 Breaking stress of leathers, 451 Breed, effect on skin, 45 Brick pits, 455 Brining hides, 38 Briquettes of tan, 464 Bronzing, 395, 404 Brunton, 61 Brusca, 272, 280 Brushing machine, 226 Buff-leather, 378 “Buffalo” method, 129 Burns and Hull, 163 Butea, 285 Butyric acid, 61 Byrsonima, 269 C. T. bate, 163 Calcium sulphydrate, 140 Calculation of tannin analysis, 314 Calf-kid, 189 Calorie, 422 Cambium, 243 Camphor, 31 Canaigre, 264 — root, extraction, 348 Carbolic acid, 26, 295 Carbolineum, 28 Carbon disulphide, 30 Carbonic acid, 99, 105, 161 Carboxyl, 295 Carr’s disintegrator, 319 Carter’s disintegrator, 319 Cascalote, 286 Casein, 68 Cassia, 235, 287, 299 Castanea, 251 Casuarina, 249 Catechins, 232 Dry-salted hides, 110 — -salting, 38 Dschigh dschighe, 286 Dubbing, 386 Dust-prevention, 325 Dye-testing, 419 Dyeing alumed leathers, 402 — chrome leather, 403, 493 — Continental method, 408 — defects in, 404 — in drum, 408 — in paddle, 407 — in tray, 406, 408 — kid, 196 — oil-leathers, 404 — selection of goods, 409 — theories of, 396 Dyes, acid, 395, 412 — basic, 395, 411 — lists of, for leather, 486, et seq. — list of manufacturers, 485 — mixtures for leather, 491 — -woods, 412 Earp, W. R., 143 East India skins, 235, 238, 241 Eberle, 212 Edge-stones, 316 Effluents, 467 Egg-albumin, 67 — -yolk, 68, 393 Eglinton Tanning Co., 203 Egyptian leathers, 2 Einbrennen, 390 Eitner, 105, 109, 112, 114, 131, 168, 205, 212, 216, 252, 366, 382, 392 Elandsboschjes, 293 Elastic fibres, 53, 69 Electric driving, 449 Electrolytes, 79 Electrolytic dissociation, 79 Elephantorrhiza, 293 Ellagic acid, 231, 297 Ellagitannic acid, 231, 297 Emulsifying, 240 Enzymes,
7548-h-11.htm.html#Page221" class="pginternal">221, 410 — fermentation, 18 Lamb, 218, 273, 405, 485 Land filtration, 470 Lanoline, 359 Lanosoap, 218 Larch, 247 Larix, 247 LauraceÆ, 267 Layers, 222, 231 Leach-bottom, 329 Leaching, 328 Lead-bleach, 399 — in water, 104 Leather Industries Laboratory Book, 5 LeguminosÆ, 288 Leidgen unhairing machine, 145 Lentisque, 269 Leucadendron, 268 Leucine, 61 Leucospermum, 268 Levulose, 16 Lewkowitsch, 366 Lietzmann, 382 L.I.L.B., 5 LiliaceÆ, 248 Lime, 21, 120 — action on hide, 125 — analyses, 124 — “available,” 125 — -burning, 121 — -liquors, analysis, 143 — pits, 127, 455 — quantity used, 129 — solubility in water, 123 — -water, 123 Limes, age of, 130 — bacterial action in, 134 — plumping, 133 Liming, 126 — loss of hide-substance, 132 — Pullman’s method, 137 — sheep-skins, 34 — temperature, 129 Linolenic acid, 355 Lipowitz, 59 Liquor-pipes, 456 Liquid state of matter, 74 Liquor tanks, 332, 457 — -troughs, 333, 457 Liter, 481 Logwood, 286, 413, 398, 401 Loxopteryngium, 269 Lubrication, 62, 66 Paessler, 56 Pairing, 407 Palmer, A. N., 167 Palmer, T., 176 Palmetto, 245 PalmÆ, 248 Pancreatin, 172 Panniculus adiposus, 53 PapilionaceÆ, 285 Paraffin, 375 Paraform, 31 Parapeptones, 66 Parenchym, 243 Parker, J. G., 162 Parker, C. E., 455 Pars papillaris, 51 “Partial” pressure, 76 Paypay, 293 Payne and Pullman, 137 Peaty waters, 106 Penicillium, 14 Pepsin, 171 Peptones, 60, 61, 62 Perching, 188 Perchromic acid, 200 Perkin, 250, 394 — and Allen, 276 — and Gunnell, 269 Permanent hardness, 100 Persea, 267 “Persians,” 235, 287, 299, 365 Phenol, 26 — for deliming, 162 Phenols, 295 Phenolphthalein, 155 Phloem, 243 Phlobaphenes, 231 Phloroglucol, 295, 297 Phosphates, 159 Phyllanthus, 293 Phyllocladus, 248 Pickling, 23, 89, 187 Pigeon-dung, 178 Pilang, 290 Pinus, 246 Pipes, arrangement of, 436, 440 — heat from, 432 Piptadenia, 293 Pistacia, 269, 272 Pits, construction of, 454 Plaster-cure of Indian kips, 39 Pleating, 407 PlumbaginÆ, 268 Podocarpus, 447 — fire risks, 446, LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W., AND DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E. |