bar The aim of the following handbook is two-fold; to give, in a compendious form, such a summary of our scientific knowledge as may be useful to the practical tanner; and such a sketch of manufacturing processes as may enable the chemist to apply his knowledge to their improvement. Each may, therefore, find some superfluous matter, for which his indulgence is asked. The book is an expansion of a short article which appeared in Spons' 'EncyclopÆdia of the Industrial Arts,' and to some extent still bears traces of its origin; and, having been written under stress of limited leisure, and defective eyesight, is very far from being so perfect as I should desire. For the sake of completeness it has been necessary to describe many processes which are outside the range of my own manufacturing experience, and in doing so I have generally referred to the sources of my information. Chapters III. and XXIV. are written by Mr. C. G. Warnford Lock, to whose kind assistance I am much indebted. It may be well to state in conclusion, that while the work is not intended for a cram-book for technical students, it is hoped that it may be an assistance to teachers of the subject. HENRY R. PROCTER.