CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF TANNERIES. As few architects have specially studied the construction of tanneries, and in most cases much of the arrangement depends on the knowledge of the tanner himself, a short chapter on the subject will not be out of place. In the selection of a site, a clay or loamy soil is to be preferred to a gravelly or sandy one, as lessening the liability to leakage, and waste of liquor. Perhaps, however, the first consideration of all is the water supply, since for manufacturing purposes town water is generally very expensive. With regard to quality and impurities of water, information may be found on p. 83; but, as a general rule, the softer and purer the supply the better. It is also of great advantage when the source is at such a level as to flow into the tan-yard, or at least into the beam-house, without pumping. Filtration too, when needed, is much facilitated by a sufficient head of water. Of scarcely less importance than the water supply is the drainage of the yard. It not unfrequently happens that tanneries are prohibited from discharging their refuse liquors, limes, and soaks into rivers and watercourses, and it is sometimes a matter of extreme difficulty to find any other way of getting rid of them. In default of an outlet, recourse must be had to precipitation and filtration, but this is a costly expedient, and in fixing a site for a new yard it is far better to provide against such a possible contingency. Should, however, such means become necessary, it may be borne in mind that limes and liquors in great measure mutually precipitate each other, and that if all the various The site chosen, the next question is the arrangement of the buildings. It is very doubtful, where ground is not inordinately expensive, whether it is wise to erect drying-sheds over the pits. In case of fire, very serious damage is done to liquor and leather by the heat and burning timber. If the turret form of drier be decided on, strong foundations are required, and the ground-floor or basement is occupied with heating apparatus; and, on the other hand, the tan-house may be easily and cheaply covered with slated roofs, with sections of glass, to the north, if possible, like a weaving-shed, through which sufficient light for convenient work and cleanliness is admitted. The direct rays of the sun should be avoided, but in the writer's opinion the balance of advantage is largely in favour of a liberal supply of light. Iron roofs are unsuitable, since the moisture condenses on, and rusts them; and particles of oxide fall into the liquors, and cause iron-stains. Good ventilation along the ridge of the roof should be provided, wherever there is any steam or hot liquor used; or the condensed moisture soon leads to decay. As regards the general plan of the buildings, much depends on local circumstances; but as far as possible, they must be so arranged that the hides and leather work straight forward from one department to another with as little wheeling or carrying as possible; that the buildings where power is used be near to the engine, so as to avoid long transmissions, which are very wasteful of power; and that the different buildings be so isolated as to diminish the risk of the whole being destroyed in case of fire. As regards the first of these conditions, if the various soaks, limes, bates, and handlers are well arranged, it is hardly necessary to do more than draw the goods from one pit into the next throughout the whole of the process. To, and from To fulfil the second condition named, the engine should be at the centre of the main range of buildings, with perhaps the grinding machinery on one side, and the leather-finishing on the other; but this would be rather contrary to the third requirement. A very good plan would be to have the engine-house in the centre as suggested, but separated from the buildings on each side by brick gables; and with the boiler-house behind it, and under a separate roof, say of corrugated iron. Figs. 61, 62, from Eitner's book on American Tanning, show the arrangement of a sole-leather tannery in the United States. If it be impossible to have the engine near its work, it is in most cases better to employ a separate high-pressure engine, which may be within a glass partition, and will work all day with scarcely any attention. The loss of power in carrying steam for moderate distances through sufficiently large and well-clothed pipes is much smaller than that of long lines of shafting. The writer has known cases where fully half the indicated power of the engine was consumed in friction of the engine, shafting, and belts. High-pressure engines are as a rule to be preferred to condensing for tannery use, since the waste steam can generally be employed for heating, and both the first cost and that of maintenance are smaller. Where much fuel is used, it is quite worth Fig. 61. Fig. 62. Pulleys should always be of ample breadth for the power they have to transmit; and it is more economical both in power and cost, to use broad single belting than the same The horse-power which a belt is capable of transmitting obviously varies extremely with circumstances, but may be approximately calculated by the formula
where a is the area of contact of the belt with the smallest pulley, and v its velocity in feet per minute. Another rule is, that at a velocity of 1000 ft. per min. each inch of breadth of belt should transmit 21/2 horse-power on metal pulleys, or 5 on wooden ones, on which the adhesion is greater. Adhesion may also be increased by covering the pulleys with leather or india-rubber. Both rules assume that the belt is of ample strength. One horse-power would be transmitted by a belt running 1000 ft. per min. with a pull of 33 lb. A good single belt should not break with a much less strain than 1000 lb. per inch of breadth, and should stand about 1/10 as much as a working strain. Countershafting and high-speed machinery, such as disintegrators, striking machines of the Priestman type, &c., should run without material jar or vibration. If this occurs, it is generally a sign that the running part is not equally balanced. In this case, the shaft must be taken out of its bearings, and supported on two exactly horizontal straight-edges, when it will roll till the heaviest part is downwards; and weight must be taken off or added till it will lie in any position. In this way, the writer had recently to add fully 2 lb. of iron to the drum of a striking machine before equilibrium was secured, and a most troublesome vibration prevented. Of course all machinery should be supported as solidly as possible; and if circumstances permit, most For lubricating purposes, mineral oils of high density are Next to the machinery, the pits demand special consideration. The chapter on the subject in Mr. Schultz's book on 'Leather Manufacture,' is well worth attentive study as giving American practice on the subject. The old-fashioned method of sinking pits is to make them of wood, and carefully puddle them round with clay, which should be well worked up before use. Such pits, if made of good pine and kept in constant use, are very durable, some of the original pits at Lowlights Tannery, constructed in 1765, being still in use. Loam mixed with water to the consistence of thin mortar may also be employed, the pits being filled up with water, to keep them steady, at the same rate as the loam is run in. Probably the best materials for pit-sides are the large Yorkshire flagstones. Where these are not attainable, very durable pits may be made of brick, either built with Lias lime, and pointed with Portland cement, or built entirely with the latter. Common lime cannot be used, as it spoils both liquors and leather; and even cements with too large a percentage of lime are unsatisfactory. Brick and common mortar are, however, suitable for lime-pits. The writer has constructed wooden pits in two ways. In If bricks be used, great care must be taken that the cement is not merely laid so as to fill the joints towards the two surfaces of the wall, as is the habit of modern bricklayers, but actually floated into all the joints so as to make the wall a solid mass; or leaks can hardly be avoided. Cement pits are very good, and, though not particularly cheap in material, which must be of the best, are readily made by intelligent labourers under good supervision. The first step is to lay a level floor of good concrete, in which glazed pipes for emptying the pits may be embedded; care being also taken that all joints in these are thoroughly tight, since future repairs are impossible. The next step is to make frames, the exact length and breadth of the pits required, and perhaps 15 in. deep. These are arranged on the floor where the pits are to be, and the intervening spaces are filled with concrete of perhaps 1 of cement to 3 or 4 of crushed stone or brick. Rough stones and bricks may also be bedded in the concrete as the work goes on, to help to fill up. After the first layer has set, the frames may be raised and a second added, and so on. The work is generally finished by floating over it, while still damp, a little pure cement, to give a smooth surface. Fig. 63. If possible, both latches and handler-pits should be provided with plugs and underground pipes, communicating with a liquor-well some feet below their levels. Glazed fire-clay is very suitable both for pipes and plug-holes, which should be in the pit corners. Some means should also be provided for the ready clearing of the pipes when choked with tanning materials. A good plan is to let each line of pipes end in a liquor-well large enough for a man to go down. As it is almost impossible to make plugs fit without occasional leakage, it is not well to run pits with very different strengths of liquors to one well, but the layers, handlers, and different sets of leaches should each have their own, so as to avoid mixture. A good means of clearing pipes consists in a series of iron rods 3-4 ft. long, connected by hooks fitting into double eyes, as shown in Fig. 63. It is obvious that in a narrow pipe or drain, these cannot become disconnected. It is, as Schultz points out, of questionable advantage to lay wooden troughs for supplying liquor to each pit under the alleys, since it is almost impossible to preserve them from decay; but the same objection would not apply to glazed pipes, well clayed or cemented. A very good and cheap plan in practice, is to let the liquor-pump, or a raised liquor-cistern, discharge into a large and quite horizontal trough raised 5 or 6 feet above the level of the yard, and provided with plug-holes at intervals, under which short troughs may be set to run the liquor into the various pits. Pl. VIII. E. & F. N. Spon, London & New York. "INK-PHOTO." SPRAGUE & CO. LONDON. RUBBING-DOWN DYED SKINS. In tan-yard construction, iron should, as far as possible, be avoided wherever it can come into contact with liquor, as it discolours the leather. In default of underground pipes, india-rubber suction hose may be employed. Direct-acting steam pumps without fly-wheels are not suitable for tanneries, as they "hammer" when the pit is nearly sucked up. Steam-jet elevators and the pulsometer are very useful for some purposes, but slightly warm, and dilute the liquors with condensed steam. Fig. 64. Much that has been said about pits applies also to leaches. They may be constructed either of wood, or brick and cement, and where heat is employed the latter is the better. They are also to be provided with plugs and pipes leading to a liquor-well. About 6 in. from the bottom of the pit is a false bottom B made of boards, perforated with holes or set a little distance apart; and in the corner is an "eye" C (Ger. Pfaff) consisting of 2 boards set at right angles, so as to preserve a vertical channel communicating with the space under the false bottom. This serves, in pits provided with pipes, for the insertion of the plug; and where this is absent, for that of a suction hose to pump off the liquor. In the American Press-leck System, the eye of one pit communicates by a horizontal spout with the top of the next (see D, Fig. 64). The Allen and Warren Sprinkler Leck (Fig. 65) has very much superseded this arrangement in America, though it is doubtful if it spends the bark so completely. The round tubs, however, have several advantages and Fig. 65. Leaches and liquors are generally heated by blowing in steam direct. In this case, the condensed water mixes with the liquor, and in heating a liquor to boiling point it may be taken that about 20 per cent. of water will be thus added. Where strong liquors are to be heated, it is therefore obviously much better to pass the steam into a closed copper coil in the liquor. Such a coil, with steam at 30 lb. pressure, will heat about 271/2 gal. per hour per square foot of surface from 46° F. to boiling, and evaporate about half that quantity of liquor already at boiling temperature. (See Box, 'Treatise on Heat,' p. 176.) Heating coils must of course be provided with steam traps to carry off condensed water; and in boiling by open steam it is very desirable to let the steam pass through such a trap before use, to stop water condensed in the pipes, which usually contains iron, and discolours the liquors. |