CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF HIDE. The chemical composition of skin is very imperfectly understood. The bulk of the skin is, as has long been known, converted by boiling into gelatin or glue. The yellow fibres and cellular tissue remain undissolved. MÜntz, who made some interesting researches on the subject, found that completely dried hide contained—3·086 per cent. of cellular tissue insoluble in hot water, 1·058 of fat, 0·467 of mineral matter, and 95·395 of matters soluble in hot water. MÜntz counts the whole of the tissue soluble in hot water as converted into glue; but this is not strictly the case. Gelatin is not identical with the fibre of the hide, which is only converted into it by boiling. The nature of the change is not well understood; but it is either simply molecular, or depends on the addition of one or more molecules of water. The gelatin of bones seems identical with that of skin and connective tissue, but that of cartilage differs slightly from it, and is called chondrin. Raw hide, unhaired and purified, contains, according to MÜntz—carbon, 51·43 per cent.; hydrogen, 6·64; nitrogen, 18·16; oxygen, 23·06; ash, 0·71; while gelatin has—carbon, 50·1 per cent.; hydrogen, 6·6; nitrogen, 18·3 (Mulder); carbon, 50 per cent.; hydrogen, 6·5; nitrogen, 17·5 (Fremy). Probably, however, neither substance was quite pure. Gelatin is insoluble in alcohol, ether, and cold water, but swells in the last, absorbing about 40 per cent. It is soluble in hot water, but is reprecipitated on the addition of a sufficient quantity of alcohol, resembling in this respect gum, dextrin, and many other substances. It is soluble in glycerin, with the aid of heat, and in concentrated sulphuric acid in the cold. Moist gelatin exposed to the air rapidly putrefies. It first becomes very acid, from formation of butyric (and perhaps other) acids, but afterwards alkaline, from evolution of ammonia. Boiled with concentrated potash, it yields leucin (amidocaproic acid, C6H15NO2), glycocin (sugar of gelatin), and other substances. The same products are obtained by boiling with sulphuric acid, and probably also more gradually, and in greater or less proportions, by the prolonged action of lime or barium hydrate, by putrefaction, and by any other influence which tends to resolve the gelatin molecule into its simpler parts. Gelatin is precipitated by all tannins, even from very dilute solution. A solution containing 2/10000 parts is rendered turbid by infusion of gall-nuts or gallotannic acid. The precipitate is soluble in excess of gelatin. Solution of gelatin dissolves considerable quantities of lime phosphate, hence this is always largely present in common glue. Gelatin is precipitated by mercuric chloride, in this respect resembling peptones; but not by potassium ferrocyanide, by which it is distinguished from albuminoids; and it differs from albumen in not being coagulated by heat. On the contrary, by prolonged boiling glue loses the property of gelatinising, and becomes soluble in cold water, being split up into two peptones; semi-glutin, which is insoluble in alcohol, and precipitated by platinic chloride; and hemicollin, which is soluble in alcohol, and not precipitated by platinic chloride. Both are precipitated by mercuric chloride (see Hofmeister, abst. Chem. Soc. Jour. 1881, p. 294). Gelatin or glue with about 3 per cent. of potassium dichromate becomes insoluble when exposed to the light, from the formation of a chromium compound. This reaction is the base of several modern photographic processes, and has been used for waterproofing and for cementing glass, &c. The connective-tissue fibres are partially converted into gelatin by the action of strong acids and alkalies, as well as by heat. By weak acids, they are swollen and gradually dissolved, and Reimer[C] has found that the material may be reprecipitated by lime-water. It forms an irregular fibrous mass, which has not the sticky feel of gelatin, but is at once converted into that body by boiling. Rollet has demonstrated that when hide and other forms of connective tissue are soaked in lime- or baryta-water, the fibres become split up into finer fibrils, and as the action proceeds, these again separate into still finer, till the ultimate fibrils are as fine as can be distinguished under a powerful microscope. At the same time, the alkaline solution dissolves the substance which cemented the fibres together, and this may be recovered by neutralising the solution with acetic acid, when it comes down as a flocculent precipitate. This was considered by Rollet to be an albuminoid substance; but Reimer has shown that it is much more closely allied to the gelatigenous fibres, if indeed it is not actually produced from them by the action of the alkaline solution. Reimer used limed calf-skin for his experiments, and subjected it to prolonged cleansing with distilled water, so that all soluble parts must have been pretty thoroughly removed beforehand. He then digested it in closed glasses with lime-water for 7-8 days, and precipitated the clear solution with dilute acetic acid. He found that the same portion of hide might be used again and again, without becoming exhausted, which strongly supports the supposition that it is merely a product of the partial decomposition of the hide fibre. The substance, which he called "coriin," was purified by repeated solution in lime-water, and reprecipitation by acetic acid. It was readily soluble by alkalies, but insoluble in dilute acids, though in some cases it became so swollen and finely divided as to appear almost as if dissolved. It was, however, very soluble in common salt solution of about 10 per cent., though it was precipitated both by the addition of much water, and by saturating the solution with salt. Reimer found that a 10 per cent. salt solution was equally effective with lime-water in extracting it from the hide, and that it was partially precipitated on the addition of acid, and completely on saturating the acidified solution with salt. Other salts of the alkalies and alkaline earths acted in a similar manner, so that Reimer was at first deceived when experimenting with baryta-water, because, being more concentrated than lime-water, the coriin remained dissolved in the baryta salt formed on neutralising with acid, and it was necessary to dilute before a precipitate could be obtained. The slightly acid solution of coriin gave no precipitate with potassium ferrocyanide, nor was it precipitated by boiling, being thus distinguished from albuminoids. The neutral or alkaline solution was not precipitated by iron or mercuric chloride, copper sulphate, nor by neutral lead acetate; but was precipitated by basic lead acetate, basic iron sulphate, and excess of tannin. Its elementary composition is—carbon, 45·91: hydrogen, 6·57; nitrogen, 17·82; oxygen, 29·60; and Reimer proposes the following equation as representing its relation to hide fibre:— Hide fibre. | | Water. | | Coriin. | C30H46N10O12 | + O + | 2H2O | = | C30H50N10O15. | [C] Dingler's Polyt. Journal, vol. 220, p. 167. Hide Albumen.—The fresh hide, besides this coriin (which, very possibly, is only evolved by the action of the lime), contains a portion of actual albumen, viz. that of the blood serum and of the lymph, which is not only contained in the abundant blood-vessels, but saturates the fibrous connective tissue, of which it forms the nourishment. This albumen is mostly removed by the liming and working on the beam, which is preparatory to tanning. Probably for sole-leather, the albumen itself would be rather advantageous if left in the hide, as it combines with tannin, and would assist in giving firmness and weight to the leather. It is, however, for reasons which will be seen hereafter, absolutely necessary to get rid of any lime which may be in combination with it. The blood also must be thoroughly cleansed from the hide before tanning, as its colouring matter contains iron, and, in combination with the tannin, would give a bad colour. The reactions of blood and lymph albumen are very similar to those of ordinary white of egg. It is precipitated by strong mineral acids, especially nitric, and also by boiling. The precipitate produced by strong hydrochloric acid redissolves by the aid of heat to a blue or purple solution. Tribasic phosphoric, tartaric, acetic, and most other organic acids, do not precipitate moderately dilute solutions of albumen, but convert it into a sort of jelly, which, like gelatin, does not coagulate, but liquefies on heating. It is precipitated by neutral salts of the alkali metals. Blood-albumen slightly acidified (with acetic acid) is precipitated by potassium ferrocyanide. It is not precipitated by dilute infusions of oak bark, but is rendered uncoagulable by heat, hence it cannot be employed to remove tannins from their solutions. Elastic Fibres.—The elastic or yellow fibres of the hide are of a very stable character. They are not completely dissolved even by prolonged boiling, and acetic acid and hot solutions of caustic alkalies scarcely attack them. Probably they do not combine with tannin, and are very little changed in the tanning process. Hair, Epidermis, and Glands.—These are, as has been seen, all derived from the epithelial layer, and hence, as might be inferred, have much in common in their chemical constitution. They are all classed by chemists under one name, "keratin," or horny tissue, and their ultimate analysis shows that in elementary composition they nearly agree. It is evident, however, that the horny tissues are rather a class than a single compound. The keratins are gradually loosened by prolonged soaking in water, and, by continued boiling in a Papin's digester, are dissolved to an extract which does not gelatinise on cooling. Keratin is dissolved by caustic alkalies; the epidermis and the softer horny tissues are easily attacked, while hair and horn require strong solutions and the aid of heat to effect complete solution. The caustic alkaline earths act in the same manner as dilute alkaline solutions; hence lime easily attacks the epidermis, and loosens the hair, but does not readily destroy the latter. Alkaline sulphides, on the other hand, seem to attack the harder tissues with at least the same facility as the soft ones, the hair being often completely disintegrated, while the epidermis is still almost intact; hence their applicability to unhairing by destruction of the hair. Keratins are dissolved by fuming hydrochloric acid, with the production of a blue or violet coloration, like the albuminoids. They also resemble albumen, in the fact that their solution in sulphuric acid is precipitated by potassium ferrocyanide. By fusion with potash, or prolonged boiling with dilute sulphuric acid, keratin is decomposed, yielding leucin, tyrosin, ammonia, &c. The alkaline solution of keratin (hair, horns, &c.) is precipitated by acids, and, mixed with oil and baryta sulphate, is employed under Dr. Putz's patent as a filling material for leather, for which purpose it acts in the same way as the egg-yolks and meal used in kid-leather manufacture. Eitner attempted to use it for the same purpose with bark-tanned leather, but without much success. Putz has also proposed to precipitate the material after working its solution into the pores of the leather.