9822-h@59822-h-35.htm.html#Page_231" class="pginternal">231, 233, 234, 242, 243, 248, 270, 283. GyÖry, 20, 24. Haga, 297. Hain, 98, 161. Hamburg, small-pox epidemic 1870, 239 f.; - typhus fever epidemic 1813, 141 f.
Hammer, 85. Hanau, typhus fever epidemic 1813, 134 f. HÄser, 12, 17, 72, 74, 81, 85, 92, 97, 114, 123, 172, 306. Haurowitz, 176. Hecker, 17, 86, 87, 89, 329. Heilbronn, small-pox epidemic 1870, 263 f. Herero War, 296. Hildenbrand, 106, 113. Hirsch, 15, 18, 19, 173, 178, 184, 185, 330. Holk, 44. HÖring, 263. Horn, 52, 113, 124, 125, 133. HÖrnigk, 64. Hufeland, 100, 103, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113, 124. Hungarian disease, 20, 22 ff. India, small-pox epidemic 1873, 282. Ireland, small-pox epidemic 1871, 280. Italy, small-pox epidemic 1872, 277 f. Joerdens, 99. J
War, 11. Peninsular War, typhus fever, 101. Perroud, 206. Pettenkofer, 286. Pfaff, 40. Physicians, typhus mortality, 123, 129, 131, 135, 137, 142, 145, 151, 155, 319. Plague, 5 ff.; Pneumonia, siege of Paris, 322 f. Pneumonic plague, 5 f. Pont-À-Mousson, typhus fever epidemic 1813, 154. Port Arthur, siege of, 324 ff. Prague, pestilence 1742, 81; - small-pox epidemic 1872, 277.
Presl, 186. Pringle, J., 1, 82, 308. Prinzing, 199. Prussia, small-pox mortality, 198. Rabinowitsch, 272. Rapp, 260. Rasori, 97. Reisseisen, 155. Reissner and Neidhart, 265, 266. Reuss, 260. Rhumelius, 29. Richter, 311–16. Riecke, 313. Roetenbeck, 52. Roller, 99. Roloff, 131. RÖsle, 78. Roth, 297. Russia, small-pox epidemic 1871, 280 f. Russian Campaign, typhus epidemic, 115 ff. Samoilowitz, 89. Sanitary Commission, American Civil War, 176. SchÄfer, 148, 298. Schafonsky, 89. Scheerer, 115, 116. Schinzinger, 152. Schnurrer, 12, 21, 24, 52. SchÖn, 60. Schopper, 301. Schwiening, H., 18.<