The sheaves are beaten with flails Frontispiece
"Cherokee"—my father's place 4
Bonaparte 7
Each field has a small flood-gate, called a "trunk" 9
Marcus began work on the breaks 10
"The girls shuffled the rice about with their feet until it was clayed" 11
Near the bridge two negro women are fishing 14
A request from Wishy's mother, Annette, for something to stop bleeding 17
Green thought it was folly and fussiness 27
She picked her usual thirty-five pounds alone 31
To-day the hands are "toting" the rice into the flats 34
"You see a stack of rice approaching, and you perceive a pair of legs, or a skirt, as the case may be, peeping from beneath" 35
Chloe 40
Front porch—Casa Bianca 42
Elihu was a splendid boatman 51
My little brown maid Patty is a new acquisition and a great comfort, for she is very bright 53
The roughness and plainness of the pineland house 54
The yearly powwow at Casa Bianca 60
"Four young girls who are splendid workers" 62
She promised not to war any more 65
"Myself, ma'am, bin most stupid" 66
A rice field "flowed" 72
The hoe they considered purely a feminine implement 79
The back steps to the pineland house 84
"A very large black hat" 87
Her husband brought her in an ox cart 93
"Old Maum Mary came to bring me a present of sweet potatoes" 98
"Pa dey een 'e bald" 102
One or two hands in the barn-yard 107
A corner of Casa Bianca 109
"Chaney" 112
Five children asked me to let them "hunt tetta" 120
"It is tied into sheaves, which the negroes do very skilfully, with a wisp of the rice itself" 122
"The field with its picturesque workers" 124
"The Ferry" 132
His wife was very stirring 136
Day after day I met Judy coming out of her patch 138
"Old Florinda, the plantation nurse" 144
"Miss Patience, le' me len' yer de money" 150
"Jus' shinin' um up wid de knife-brick" 159
Aphrodite spread a quilt and deposited the party upon it 164
"Then he could talk a-plenty" 171
Chloe is devoted to the chicks—feeds them every two hours



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