Thirteen for 6s. in a packet. 1. Prasca Loupouloff. CHRISTMAS EVE; or, the History of Poor Anthony. From the German of Schmid. 1s. STORIES OF COTTAGERS. By the Rev. E. Monro. M.A., Perpetual Curate of Harrow-Weald. 4d. each. With Engravings. 1. Mary Cooper. 2. The Cottage in the Lane. 3. The Drunkard’s Boy. 4. Annie’s Grave. 5. Robert Lee. 6. The Railroad Boy. Or in a Vol. cloth, 2s. 6d. STORIES ON THE FIRST FOUR COMMANDMENTS. 8d. with Cuts. SUSAN HARVEY: Confirmation. 6d. The Englishmans Magazine A POPULAR PERIODICAL FOR GENERAL READING. The Volume for 1842 is just published, containing the Twelve Numbers for the year, neatly done up in cloth lettered, price 5s. The Volume for 1841 may also be had, price 5s. 6d. The Magazine in this form is well suited for Lending libraries, or Family reading; and will be found to contain a large mass of interesting and useful matter on every variety of subject. It is continued Monthly, price 4d., and is now printed in a neat octavo size, with a Wrapper. A specimen can be sent by post, price 6d. THE USUAL CONTENTS ARE— Essays on various subjects.—Narratives and Dialogues.—Biography.— Poetry.—Reviews and Notices of New Books, with Extracts.—Miscellaneous Extracts.—Also a copious Account of Proceedings in the Church; Societies, New Churches, &c. &c. Burns Magazine for the Young TO BE CONTINUED MONTHLY, PRICE 2d., WITH ILLUSTRATIONS; The Volume for 1842 is now ready. The contents are varied so as to suit Children of all ages, embracing Biography, Natural History, Dialogues, Tales, &c.; and it is intended that the whole should be simple enough to make it suitable for the poor. It is hoped the Work may be found useful for Monthly Distribution among School-Children; for which purpose it will be sold at 14s. per hundred. A specimen copy can be sent by post, price 3d. |