- Alazan, a chestnut horse.
- Alpargatas, shoes made of canvas with jute or hemp soles.
- Asado, roast meat. In the camp cooked on a spit over the fire.
- Asador, the spit on which meat is roasted.
- Asulejo, a blue-eyed, grey and white horse.
- Bandurria, an ibis.
- Barranca, cliff-like banks of river or lagoon.
- Bayo, a cream-coloured dun horse.
- Blanco, white; a white horse or cow.
- Bocado, a thong of raw hide passed twice round the lower jaw of a young horse as a bit.
- Bolas, Boleadores, three balls of stone covered with raw hide and attached to one another by twisted thongs of raw hide; used for catching wild animals.
- Boliche, a small drinking-store.
- Bombilla, a metal tube for sucking the tea from the matÉ cup.
- Bozal, a halter.
- Cabresto, a leading rein always attached to the bozal for tying up the horse; from the Spanish word cabestro.
- Cacique, an Indian chief or leader.
- CaÑadon, a dale or dip of low land between stretches of high land.
- Capa, a cape or cloak.
- Carancho, the large, eagle-like carrion hawk (Polyborus tharus).
- Carguero, a pack-horse or mule.
- Carpa, a tent, or shelter of a movable kind.
- Casa, a house, even if only a mud hut.
- Cebruno, a dark mouse-coloured horse with a reddish tinge.
- Chico, little.
- Chimango, a harrier-like carrion hawk (Milvago Chimango).
- China, Indian woman; also a native Criska woman.
- ChiripÁ, a loin-cloth the size of a poncho, and worn so as to form loose, baggy trousers.
- Cinch, English spelling of "Cincha," the raw-hide girth used with native saddles.
- Colorado, red; a bay horse.
- Cordillera, the chain of mountains called the Andes.
- Cruzado, a horse having crossed white feet—i.e., one fore-foot white and one hind-foot of opposite sides; always expected to be good horses.
- Estancia, a farm in Argentina.
- Estanciero, a stock-farmer in Argentina.
- Gateado, a yellow dun horse with a black stripe down the back.
- Gaucho, the Argentine cowboy.
- Horqueta, a fork; the separation of two streams forming a fork; name of a horse with a forked cutting in the ear.
- Macho, a male animal; especially a mule.
- Madrina, the bell-mare followed by all the horses or mules of a tropilla.
- Manada, a herd of mares.
- Manea, hobbles for a horse made of raw hide generally.
- MaÑero, a cunning, tricky horse or person.
- Martineta, the "large partridge" (Calo dromas elegans).
- MatÉ, the small gourd in which the Yerba tea is made; also the tea itself.
- Moro, a dark blue roan horse.
- Mula, female mule.
- Muy limpio, literally "very clean."
- Oscuro, a dark or black horse.
- Overo, a spotted or splashed horse.
- Palenque, posts or rails put up for tying-up horses.
- Pampa, the great plains of South America.
- Pampero, the south-west wind, often a hurricane in South America, blowing across the Pampas.
- PangarÉ, a bay horse, with the peculiar mule-like colouring of the nozzle.
- Pantano, a mud hole; a sticky muddy place.
- Peon, a working man or porter.
- Picaso, a black horse with white feet and face.
- Plaza, open square in a town.
- Poncho, the rug or shawl, with a hole in middle, to slip over the head.
- Potro, a colt or wild horse.
- Puchero, mutton or beef boiled with rice, and vegetables when there are any.
- Rincon, a corner.
- Rosado, a light strawberry roan horse.
- Rosillo, a red-roan horse.
- Soga, a cord or strip of hide.
- Toldo, an awning; the Indian tent of raw hides.
- Tordillo, a grey horse.
- Tostado, a dark chestnut horse.
- Travesia, a desert.
- Tropilla, the troop of horses or mules driven in front of travellers in South America.
- Vaqueano, a guide.
- Vega, a valley.
- Yerba, the Paraguayan tea, universal in Argentina.
- Zaino, a brown horse.