His wife’s name was Joan. The truth against the world. The English pronunciation of Twm ShÔn Catti, is Toom Shone Katty; instead of which the Londoners called it Twim John Katty, which seemed doubly ludicrous as the name of a tragedy hero. Another cause assigned for the adoption of this name is, that a cat’s eye formed part of his armorial bearings. A small cup, so called from its contents being able merely to damp the clay of a genuine toper. It is a singular circumstance, that in the county of Cumberland is kept up among the peasantry a custom resembling this of the Welsh—voluntary contributions at weddings—which doubtless had its origin from the same source, and may be thus accounted for. When the Britons were driven by the Saxons from the valleys of England to the mountains of Wales, a considerable number of them separating from their countrymen, remained and settled in the North of England, among the Saxons, in a district thence called “Gwlad y Cymru,” i.e. the land of the Cymru, since corrupted to “Cumberland.” Adopting the language and manners of their conquerors, their own name as a people became entirely lost to their posterity, while this sole vestige (the contributions at weddings) alone remains, of their ancient customs. In addition to the Gwahoddwr’s address, there is another mode prevalent in the present day, of inviting to the Bidding, by a printed circular, which in some parts of the principality supersedes that merry personage altogether, a thing to be regretted, as it deprives the rural Welsh Wedding of one of its most pleasant features, and cuts off its alliance with romance, and the manners of oulden tyme. The following is a specimen of a Bidding circular. October 5th, 182— As we intend to enter the matrimonial state, on Saturday, the 10th of November next, we are encouraged by our friends to make a Bidding on the occasion, the same day, at the young woman’s father’s house, called Tynant, at which place, the favor of your agreeable company is most respectfully solicited; and whatever donation you may be pleased to bestow on us then, will be thankfully received, and cheerfully repaid whenever called for on the like occasion. Your obedient Servants, A. B. C. D. *** The parents of the young man, and his brothers and sisters, desire that all gifts of the above nature due to them, be returned to the young man on the above day, and will be thankful for all favors granted.—Also, the young woman’s parents and her brothers and sisters, desire that all gifts of the above nature due to them, be returned to the young woman on the above day, and will be thankful for all favors granted. The large three-legged iron pot used for cooking. Pronounced Coom dee. Dio is in Wales, the diminutive or familiar of David. This simple rustic song is a translation from a popular ballad by John Jones of Glangors, generally sung to the tune of “Will you come to the bower?” Strawberries strung or beaded on long grass. Ewes are milked in Wales, for which purpose they are driven from the hills and mountain in sheep-pens: their butter is also used for many purposes. Hob y deri dando signifies “away my herd to the oaken grove.” Mr. Parry, for whose Welsh Melodies the modern words were written, remarks, “There is something very quaint and characteristic in this ancient air, and it is popular in Wales.” Pennill signifies stanza. The original, of which the above is a translation, runs thus— Gwych yw y dyffryn, y gwenith, a’r yd, Mwyn dir a maenol, ac aml le clyd, Llinos ac eos, ac adar a gÂn; Ni cheir yn y mynydd ond mawnen a thÂn. A Triban may be defined a lyric epigram; it is common in Welsh literature. In the original— “Nid twyll twyllo twyllwr; Nid brÂd bradychu bradwr; Nid lladrad mi wn yn dda, Lladratta ar ladratwr.” Signifying “The Poem of Affliction.” The original Welsh poem, in recitative measure, of which the above is rather a condensed paraphrase than a translation, is in no ancient MS in the possession of the late Mr. Jenkins of Llwyn-y-groes, Cardiganshire; and published in both Meyrick’s “Cardigan,” and “Hynafion Cymreig.” Between these two rivers, before they unite, is an angular slip of lowland, being the last of Cardiganshire; Dinas, and all the interesting heights here described, are in Carmarthenshire; while the boundary of Breconshire is about half a mile off. The reader who is a Welshman, will hence recognize the etymology of Ystrad FÎn, which signifies, The vale of the boundary. Drayton’s poetry is so constructed, that to read it with any harmony, there should be a pause in the middle of every line, when the sense will permit. Eisteddvod. The Welsh epigramic stanza. Cowydd, or Poem. Awdl, or Ode. |