FIRST practical machine gun.
FIRST repeating rifle used in combat.
FIRST use of the railroads as a major means of transporting troops and supplies.
FIRST mobile siege artillery mounted on rail cars.
FIRST extensive use of trenches and field fortifications.
FIRST large-scale use of land mines, known as "subterranean shells".
FIRST naval mines or "torpedoes".
FIRST ironclad ships engaged in combat.
FIRST multi-manned submarine.
FIRST organized and systematic care of the wounded on the battlefield.
FIRST widespread use of rails for hospital trains.
FIRST organized military signal service.
FIRST visual signaling by flag and torch during combat.
FIRST use of portable telegraph units on the battlefield.
FIRST military reconnaissance from a manned balloon.
FIRST draft in the United States.
FIRST organized use of Negro troops in combat.
FIRST voting in the field for a national election by servicemen.
FIRST income tax—levied to finance the war.
FIRST photograph taken in combat.
FIRST Medal of Honor awarded an American soldier.