Civil War in the Making: 1815-1860—Avery O. Craven The Coming of the Civil War—Avery O. Craven The Irrepressible Conflict—Arthur C. Cole West Point Atlas of American Wars, 2 vols.—Vincent J. Esposito The Story of the Confederacy—Robert Selph Henry Storm Over the Land: A Profile of the Civil War—Carl Sandburg The Confederate States of America—E. Merton Coulter The Compact History of the Civil War—R. Ernest and Trevor N. Dupuy The Civil War and Reconstruction—James G. Randall The Blue and the Gray—Henry Steele Commager The Common Soldier in the Civil War—Bell Irvin Wiley They Fought for the Union—Francis A. Lord Spies for the Blue and Gray—Harnett Kane Battles and Leaders, 4 vols.—Robert Johnson and Clarence Buel, ed. The Civil War at Sea—Virgil Carrington Jones Lee's Lieutenants, 3 vols.—Douglas Southall Freeman R.E. Lee, 4 vols.—Douglas Southall Freeman Mr. Lincoln's Army—Bruce Catton Glory Road—Bruce Catton Stillness at Appomattox—Bruce Catton This Hallowed Ground—Bruce Catton The Generalship of U.S. Grant—J.F.C. Fuller Sherman—Soldier, Realist, American—B.H. Lidell Hart Stonewall Jackson: A Study in Command—G.F.R. Henderson The Civil War: A Soldier's View—Jay Luvaas, ed. As They Saw Forrest—Robert Selph Henry, ed. The Army of the Tennessee—Stanley Horne Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction—William B. Hesseltine Lincoln's War Cabinet—Burton J. Hendrick Organization and Administration of the Union Army, 2 vols.—Frederick A. Shannon War Department 1861—Alfred H. Meneely Rebel Brass: The Confederate Command System—Frank E. Vandiver Jefferson Davis—Hudson Strode Photographic History of the Civil War, 10 vols.—Francis T. Miller and Robert Lanier, ed. American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War—Bruce Catton, ed. Divided We Fought—Hirst Milhollen, Milton Kaplan, Hulen Stuart Notes on U.S. Ordnance, 2 vols.—James E. Hicks U.S. Muskets, Rifles, and Carbines—Arcadi Gluckman Firearms of the Confederacy—Claud Fuller and Richard Stuart