Transcriber's Note: Punctuation has been standardised—in particular, missing periods have been supplied where obviously required. All other original errors and inconsistencies have been retained except as follows; (the first line is the original text, the second the passage as currently stands): - must less of the co-existing faunas of other
much less of the co-existing faunas of other - which it discusses from a purely scientfic
which it discusses from a purely scientific - works of Dana, Le Conte, Prestwich, and Geikie
works of Dana, LeConte, Prestwich, and Geikie - of looking into the geneology of an idea.
of looking into the genealogy of an idea. - history of science did a stranger halucination
history of science did a stranger hallucination - we know they are today in "recent" deposits
we know they are to-day in "recent" deposits - But is is equally evident that each successive
But it is equally evident that each successive - dominated Mediaeval scolasticism and made it
dominated Mediaeval scholasticism and made it - The Glacian Nightmare and the Flood,
The Glacial Nightmare and the Flood, - larger species is the Titnichthys clarki
larger species is the Titanichthys clarki - happening in our modern homogenous world is enough
happening in our modern homogeneous world is enough - widespread numulitic limestones of the Eocene
widespread nummulitic limestones of the Eocene - of organic creation on the instal ment plan,
of organic creation on the instalment plan, - Numulites or Mammals positively were not living
Nummulites or Mammals positively were not living - here and there to make this incredible thicknss,
here and there to make this incredible thickness, - about 1830 it came to the recognized, other
about 1830 it came to be recognized, other - the bison is today absolutely extinct,
the bison is to-day absolutely extinct, - See Le Conte, "Evol. and Religious Thought,"
See LeConte, "Evol. and Religious Thought," - they are directed rather to the empyrical method
they are directed rather to the empirical method - fitting "like a glove" on the preceeding.
fitting "like a glove" on the preceding. - Le Conte, "Evol. and Rel. Thought," pp. 33, 34
LeConte, "Evol. and Rel. Thought," pp. 33, 34 - and spcial monographs in German and French.
and special monographs in German and French. - But to incrase this antiquity by saying
But to increase this antiquity by saying - Lions and monkys, hippopotami and crocodiles,
Lions and monkeys, hippopotami and crocodiles, - and rhinoceroces, now live beneath the palms,
and rhinoceroses, now live beneath the palms, - scientists who can elaborate geneological trees of descent
scientists who can elaborate genealogical trees of descent - have taken for these excedingly numerous
have taken for these exceedingly numerous - the Pleistocene Mammals and the middle Tertiary flora
the Pleistocene mammals and the middle Tertiary flora - literature is fairly innundated with new names;
literature is fairly inundated with new names; - a noted paiaeontologist for finding a pupa
a noted palaeontologist for finding a pupa - the theories of the igenous origin of the crystalline rocks
the theories of the igneous origin of the crystalline rocks - went to school toegther, served in the same wars,
went to school together, served in the same wars, - or are now to be found iiving in our modern world
or are now to be found living in our modern world - e.g. gratolites and numulites
e.g. gratolites and nummulites - these Davonian and other rocks are absolutely
these Devonian and other rocks are absolutely - it cannot save the Alps, Juras and Appenines
it cannot save the Alps, Juras and Appennines - without leaving abundant and indellible marks
without leaving abundant and indelible marks - which it can no more see again than a can can recall
which it can no more see again than a man can recall - and yet refuse the evidently complemntary dposits
and yet refuse the evidently complementary deposits - pages of the ordinary text-boks.
pages of the ordinary text-books. - these is no telling what hosts of similar facts
there is no telling what hosts of similar facts - but so far as the text-boks tell us are
but so far as the text-books tell us are - as recent as the numulitic limestones of the Eocene
as recent as the nummulitic limestones of the Eocene - [Footnote 2: "Old Red Sandstone," pp. 48-221-2.]
[Footnote 2: "Old Red Sandstone," pp. 48, 221-2] - for thousands of skletons are found in localities
for thousands of skeletons are found in localities - is easily understod as the survival of the notion,
is easily understood as the survival of the notion, - the dim past, and all these semitropical plants had
the dim past, and all these semi-tropical plants had - better established than the post-Piiocene submergence."
better established than the post-Pliocene submergence." - example described by Helm, already spoken of,
example described by Heim, already spoken of, - The former is qulet easily answered:
The former is quite easily answered: - race extinction alone that appals the mind.
race extinction alone that appalls the mind. - which in the hands of Copernicus and Galilio,
which in the hands of Copernicus and Galileo, - CHAPTER XII INDUCTIVE METHODS
CHAPTER XIII INDUCTIVE METHODS - In the last edition of his "Manual,"
In the last edition of his "Manual," - pre-conceived theory would at the suggestion of such
preconceived theory would at the suggestion of such - evolution and metaphysical subtilties cleared away,
evolution and metaphysical subtleties cleared away, |