- All Souls’ Day, 147
- Alsatians, 39, 40, 51, 86
- American motor vans for Russia, 114;
- Y.M.C.A., 203
- Anarchists, 192-195, 225, 227, 228
- Angara, 210
- Austrian army, 64;
- doctors, 145, 153;
- prisoners adopt Bolshevism, 223, 224, 232;
- Red Cross, 153
- Austrians, 75, 76, 77, 177;
- hatred of, by Germans, 101, 103, 223
- Baikal, 119
- Bolshevism, early outrages of, 193-195;
- propaganda, 199, 200;
- among prisoners, 227;
- equality in the army, 211, 212, 225, 229;
- and Germany, 201-203, 208, 229;
- and German prisoners, 222, 223;
- at Irkutsk, 204, 205, 207-215;
- and Socialism, 216, 217, 219, 242;
- and Capitalism, 230;
- and land question, 240;
- and education, 241;
- and nationalization, 239;
- and Courts of Justice, 241, 242;
- and professional classes, 242, 243;
- origin of, 219;
- methods of, 220, 222;
- conspiracies against, 221;
- what it means, Appendix;
- and the press, 229, 242
- Brest-Litovsk, 237
- Brigands, 233
- Brusiloff, 9;
- before Revolution, 168;
- economic difficulties of, 195
- Russian State, venality of, 160, 162-168;
- army, 111, 112, 171-173;
- army training, 51;
- army officers, 155, 161, 162, 172, 185;
- army and Revolution, 186-188;
- artillery, 66;
- treatment of prisoners, 95-99, Chapter VI.;
- character, 123, 155-158, 218;
- peasants, 106-108;
- doctors, 139, 144, 148;
- Red Cross, 113, 141, 148
- Siberia, journey to, 124;
- criminals in, 192;
- barrack life in, Chapters VII., VIII.;
- attempts to escape from, 156-159;
- food rations, 162;
- camp officials, 161, 165, 168;
- amusement for prisoners, 177;
- parcels, 167;
- seasons of, 169, 170;
- commercial importance of, 198;
- revolution in, 189;
- pro-Germanism in, 228, 229
- Soldiers’ Councils, 219, 220
- Soviet, 231, 232, 237
- Spies, Chapter II., 182, 183, 184
- Strendberg, 208
- Stretensk, 150, 156, 187, 188, 223, 232
- Tartars, 175
- Turks, 144, 145, 173, THE END