Ten girls in white sing, air, “Annie Laurie”. 1.When war clouds dim the sunshine And shadow all the land, When our country goes to battle With foes on every hand, ’Tis then the call comes clear To loyal hearts and true To lay down their lives and fortunes For our own red, white and blue. 2.Our lovely starry banner Defeat must never know, For it stands for truth and freedom Where’er its colors blow. Then pledge your faith anew A vow to Liberty, Which shall never cease to bless us ’Neath the banner of the free. Enter Uncle Sam, a boy dressed in usual costume. He stands in center of stage while girls who sang group themselves at back of stage. Uncle Sam: I am America’s Uncle Sam, Democracy’s pioneer. I have sent a message across the sea That other lands may hear; And there comes to us now a call for aid For her cause has suffered harm, And Democracy turns for protection now To your Uncle Sam’s strong right arm. And I—in turn—am asking you What help you will give to me, And what will you do to make the world Safe for Democracy. A splendid army you’ve given me But the fight has just begun And men must be training all the time For the work is not yet done. So teach the little children, too, A patriotic zeal And they will be ready, if ever there’s need, To answer a world’s appeal. Enter 12 small boys in soldier suits. They advance to front of stage, Uncle Sam standing at one side. At conclusion of speeches soldiers step to back of stage. Each group take same positions before and after speaking and singing.
Uncle Sam: Don’t fail to help the Red Cross, too, They ease the dying, cure the hurt, So give whene’er they ask. Enter any number girls dressed as Red Cross nurses. They sing air, “Yankee Doodle”. 1.We’ll bandage you and bleed you, too, We’ll give you pills and potions, We’ll bathe your hot and aching brow With cool and soothing lotions. Chorus.Red Cross nurses wise are we Red Cross nurses dandy, If you get wounded don’t be scared, You’ll always find us handy. 2.We’ll tend the wounded under fire In scientific manner, We’ll do our best for all who fight Beneath our starry banner. Chorus. Uncle Sam: Children can help to win the war If they save each penny and dime. If they do without candy and movies and gum They’ll have a quarter in time. And a quarter will buy a Thrift Stamp So, children, all of you try Is a War Stamp by and by. Enter 12 girls in white holding green cards on which are huge white letters spelling Thrift Stamps.
Uncle Sam: Every War Saving Stamp that you buy Is a step on the road to Berlin. So purchase as many as ever you can And the war we soon shall win. Enter any number girls in green with letters W S S on waist. Letters may be cut from white paper. They sing, air, “Coming Through the Rye”. 1.We are stamps of vast importance Everybody knows. Every sale of us, remember, Helps defeat our foes. Chorus.Saving Stamps you all must purchase— Help the war to win, So send us smiling on our way Until we reach Berlin! 2.Save your pennies, dimes and quarters Till you have enough to buy us, Send us o’er the sea. Chorus. Uncle Sam: If you can’t fight your money can— Don’t own a slacker dollar, But send it straightway “Over There” ’Twill make the kaiser holler! Buy bonds, buy bonds for Liberty And loan the U S A Each cent that you can live without, ’Twill surely save the day. Enter 12 girls in white with red, white and blue sashes and gilt paper crowns, to represent Liberty. They carry red letters spelling Liberty Bonds.
Uncle Sam: I view with pride my bold marines Who sail the raging sea. As fighters they are wonderful, So fierce and brave they be. Enter 10 boys in sailor costume. They sing, air, “Sailing”. 1.Heave ho! my lads. We must away And anchor raise while yet ’tis day For far across the waters blue Our bark will bear its gallant crew. Our country’s foes we gladly go to fight While o’er us floats our starry banner bright. Chorus.Then here’s to our country and here’s to the red, white and blue May it wave in every port the wide world thru. Sailing, sailing, over the dashing foam Full many a stormy sky shall frown Ere the sailor lads come home. 2.We’ll chase the U-boats from the sea— They shall no more a danger be, And he who sails the ocean clear With us to guide need have no fear. We’re bold marines who dearly love to fight While o’er us floats our starry banner bright. They may do Sailor’s Hornpipe if desired. Uncle Sam: You all have heard the story How the Minute Men of old Were ever at their Country’s call— So watchful and so bold. They carried warning thru the night Which led to victory And gathered all the patriots To fight for Liberty. Like them are my Four Minute Men Who speak instead of fight And urge a listening country To aid the cause of right. Four Minute Men—Five boys dressed in colonial costume if desired.
Uncle Sam: My aviators rule the air They wing their way on high And soon they’ll drive the enemy Forever from the sky. Aviators—11 boys in aviator’s costume. 5 of them speak.
They sing, air, “Kentucky Home”. This is very effective if accompanied with appropriate gestures. 1.Just gaze on us, for we’re aviators bold We circle and turn in the air. We loop the loop and we dive and mount and glide And our hearts are gay and free from care. Our eyes are bright and our nerves are firm as steel We’re rising—we’re sinking below— We show the world that we’re monarchs of the air As far up above the clouds we go. Chorus.Left—then right—we’re swerving— And now we drop below Then we rise on high, soaring thru the pathless sky Far, far up above the clouds we shall go. 2.My aeroplane will respond to every wish It seems to love thus to leave the world behind Like a bird it wings across the sky The sun by day and the twinkling stars at night Look down in amaze and surprise Our hearts will thrill as the wild wind whistles past While we wing our swift way thru the skies. Chorus.Uncle Sam: A hungry army can never fight, So we must feed our men, And the one who stays at home and plants In every meadow and glen And raises the grain to give them bread Is patriot, brave and true As any soldier who fights today ’Neath the red, the white, the blue. Enter farmers, 10 boys in overalls and straw hats, carrying hoes, rakes, etc. They sing, air, “Vive L’Amour”. 1.We plant and we spade and we rake and we hoe All for the soldier boys, We dig and we harrow, we plant and we sow, All for our soldier boys. Chorus.Sing of the farmers, the patriots true Raising the wheat and the golden corn too. Gladly we toil, tilling the soil, All for our soldier boys. 2.We’ll feed all the allies till victory is won Won by our soldier boys, And welcome them home when their great task is done, Welcome our soldier boys. Chorus. Uncle Sam: With helpers such as these ’tis plain Our victory is assured, And not in vain the hardships Our brave boys have endured. We’ll make the whole wide world today Safe for Democracy, And the Stars and Stripes shall ever float O’er the Land of Liberty. All sing, air, “Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes”. 1.All hail the banner of the free, the bonny Stripes and Stars. A sign of valor you may read within its crimson bars The blue field stands for truth and hope, illumined by Heaven’s own stars. 2.O’er it the light of victory shall ever brightly shine. For freedom, justice and the right, ’twill ever be the sign. Then may it proudly float on high, this flag of yours and mine. And may the bonny Stripes and Stars with added lustre shine. The Blue Book of Favorite Songs, Price, 6 cents Contains:
We can supply “Lightly Row,” in sheet music, for 25 cents. Order From MARCH BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 208, 210, 212 Wright Ave., Lebanon, O. THE SONGS —————— Ye Merry Tunes, Price, 15 cents Contains:
—————— The Nonabel Song Collection, Price, 25 cents Contains:
—————— College Songs, Price, 50 Cents Contains:
Order From MARCH BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 208, 210, 212 Wright Ave., Lebanon, O. |