Title: The Donkey, the Elephant, and the Goat At a Public Meeting Author: Jack Preston Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 E-text prepared by David Edwards, readbueno, |
Note: | Images of the original pages are available through Internet Archive. See https://archive.org/details/donkeyelephantgo00pres |
This playlet, by virtue of its simple rime, may perhaps claim a small share of that license granted to poets, in assuming that the Goat may at this early stage of the game be taken as an emblem of the Farmers' and Workers' political party, which is unfortunately not as yet quite a fact, nationally. The right to present this discussion as a play, for purposes of raising money, may be obtained only by writing to the author, in care of Box 1625, Great Falls, Montana. The right to present it free of charge, by way of assisting the farm and labor movement, is hereby granted everyone who is in possession of a copy of the printed booklet.
Great Falls, Montana, August, 1920.