
1695. Valentine's day.

On Valentine's day will a good goose lay,
If she be a good goose, her dame well to pay,
She will lay two eggs before Valentine's day.

1696. Valley. He who stays in the valley will never get over the hill.

1697. Valour. Valour can do little without discretion.

1698. Valour. Valour that parleys is near yielding.

1699. Venture. Nothing venture nothing win.

1700. Venture. Venture a small fish to catch a great one.

1701. Venture. Venture not all in one ship.

1702. Very last. Fools think themselves wise to the very last.

1703. Vicar of Bray. The vicar of Bray will be vicar of Bray still.

1704. Vice. Vice is nourished by being concealed.

1705. Vine. Make the vine poor, and it will make you rich.

1706. Vinegar. The sweetest wine makes the sharpest vinegar.

1707. Virtues. Search others for their virtues, thyself for their faults.

1708. Vows. Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms.



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