
1165. Oak. An oak is not felled by one blow.

1166. Occasion. An occasion lost cannot be redeemed.

1167. October.

Good October, a good blast,
To blow the hog acorn and mast.

1168. Offer. Never refuse a good offer.

1169. Offender. The offender never pardons.

1170. Often. Little and often fills the purse.

1171. Old age. When old age is evil, youth can learn no good.

1172. Old. Old young, old long.

1173. Old cat. An old cat laps as much as a young kitten.

1174. Old cock. As the old cock crows so crows the young.

1175. Old dog. An old dog barks not in vain.

1176. Old dog. An old dog will learn no tricks.

1177. Older. Older and wiser.

1178. Old fools. Old fools are the worst of fools.

1179. Old foxes. Old foxes need no tutors.

1180. Old friends. Old friends to meet, old wine to drink, and old wood to burn.

1181. Old friends. Old friends and old wine are best.

1182. Old men. Old men are twice children.

1183. Old sack. An old sack wanteth much patching.

1184. Old saws. Old saws speak the truth.

1185. Old sore. It's ill healing an old sore.

1186. Omelettes. You can't make omelettes without breaking eggs.

1187. Once. Once well done is twice done.

1188. One. Make much of one, good men are scarce.

1189. One hand. One hand will not clasp.

1190. One hole. The mouse that hath but one hole is easily taken.

1191. One thing. Too much of one thing is good for nothing.

1192. Opportunity. Opportunity makes the thief.

1193. Opportunity. Opportunity lingers sometimes.

1194. Oppression. Oppression causeth rebellion.

1195. Orderly. In an orderly house all is soon ready.

1196. Orts. Evening orts are good morning fodder.

1197. Otherwise. Some are wise, and some are otherwise.

1198. Ought. Do what thou ought, let come what may.

1199. Outbid. Be not too hasty to outbid another.

1200. Over. Over boots, over shoes.

1201. Overtakes. None is so wise but the fool overtakes him sometimes.

1202. Oysters. Oysters are not good in the month that hath not an R in it.

1203. Own dog. A man may cause his own dog to bite him.



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