
1130. Name. A good name is better than riches.

1131. Name. A good name keeps its lustre in the dark.

1132. Name. Take away my good name, and take away my life.

1133. Nature. 'Tis the nature of the beast.

1134. Necessity. Necessity knows no law.

1135. Necessity. Make a virtue of necessity.

1136. Necessity. Necessity is the mother of invention.

1137. Need. Need makes the old wife trot.

1138. Need. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

1139. Needle. To look for a needle in a pottle of hay.

1140. Needy.

He that's needy when he is married
Shall be rich when he is buried.

1141. Neighbour. Love thy neighbour, but pull not down thy hedge.

1142. Neighbour-quart. Neighbour-quart is good quart.

1143. Neighbour. You must ask your neighbour if you shall live in peace.

1144. Neighbour's house. When thy neighbour's house is on fire, be careful of thine own.

1145. Net. All is fish that comes to his net.

1146. New.

Be not the first by whom the new is tried,
Be not the last to cast the old aside.

1147. New broom. A new broom sweeps clean.

1148. News. No news is good news.

1149. Nimble. A nimble ninepence is better than a slow shilling.

1150. Nip. Nip it in the bud.

1151. Noble. The more noble the more humble.

1152. Nods. The great Homer himself sometimes nods.

1153. Nonsense.

A little nonsense now and then
Is relished by the wisest men.

1154. Notice. It is the part of a wise man to take no notice of many things.

1155. Nothing. By doing nothing we learn to do ill.

1156. Nothing. Of nothing comes nothing.

1157. Nothing. Doing nothing is the hardest work.

1158. Nothing. Nothing came out of the sack but what was in it.

1159. Nothing. It is more painful to do nothing than something.

1160. Nothing. Doing nothing is doing ill.

1161. November.

November take flail,
Let ships no more sail.

1162. Now. Now or never.

1163. Nurse. The nurse's tongue is privileged to talk.

1164. Nutshell. You may as well bid me lade the sea with a nutshell.



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