
909. Labours. He that labours and thrives, spins gold.

910. Labour. Labour warms, sloth harms.

911. Ladle. The ladle cools the pot.

912. Ladder. Step after step the ladder is ascended.

913. Lamb's tail. A woman's tongue wags like a lamb's tail.

914. Lame. The lame goeth as far as the staggerer.

915. Lammas. After Lammas corn ripens as much by night as by day.

916. Land. Land was never lost for want of an heir.

917. Land.

Many a one for land,
Takes a fool by the hand.

918. Lantern. On a dark night an owl would be glad of a lantern.

919. Last straw. It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

920. Late. Better late than never.

921. Laugh. Let them laugh that win.

922. Laugh. That's where the laugh comes in.

923. Laugh. They laugh the loudest who have least to lose.

924. Law. In a thousand pounds of law there's not an ounce of love.

925. Law. The law is not the same at morning and night.

926. Law. He that loves law will get his fill.

927. Law makers. Law makers should not be law breakers.

928. Laws. Laws catch flies, but let hornets go free.

929. Laws.

Laws, like spiders' webs, are wrought,
Large flies break through, the small are caught.

930. Laws. Laws were made for rogues.

931. Lawyer. A good lawyer, an evil neighbour.

932. Lawyers. Fair and softly as lawyers go to heaven.

933. Lazy folk. Lazy folk take the most pains.

934. Lead. A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make him drink unless he will.

935. Lead. 'Tis folly to dig for lead with a silver shovel.

936. Leak. A small leak will sink a great ship.

937. Learn. Never too old to learn.

938. Learning. Learning makes a man fit company for himself.

939. Least. Least said is soonest mended.

940. Least boy. The least boy always carries the greatest fiddle.

941. Leather. Nothing like leather.

942. Leech. The empty leech sucks sore.

943. Lend. He that doth not lend doth lose his friend.

944. Lend. He would not lend his knife to the devil to stab himself.

945. Liar. A liar should have a good memory.

946. Liars. Liars have short wings.

947. Libel. The greater truth, the greater libel.

948. Liberal. The liberal man deviseth liberal things.

949. Liberty. Too much liberty spoils all.

950. Lie. One lie makes many.

951. Lies. He lies as fast as a dog can trot.

952. Life. Life is full of hazards, which experience neither bought nor taught will always enable us to foresee.

953. Life. Life is half spent before we know what it is.

954. Life. Life is sweet.

955. Life. Life lies not in living, but in liking.

956. Life. While there's life there's hope.

957. Light. He stands in his own light.

958. Light. Every light has its shadow.

959. Light. Every light is not the sun.

960. Light gains. Light gains make a heavy purse.

961. Like. As like as two peas.

962. Like. Every one as they like best, as the good man said when he kissed his cow.

963. Like. Like father like son.

964. Like. Like will to like.

965. Lion. The lion's not half so fierce as he's painted.

966. Lips. Lips however rosy must be fed.

967. Listeners. Listeners never hear good of themselves.

968. Little. Little and often fills the purse.

969. Little. Little mother, little daughter.

970. Little birds. Little birds may peck a dead lion.

971. Little boats. Little boats must keep the shore.

972. Little bodies. Little bodies have large souls.

973. Little good. A little good is soon spent.

974. Little goods. Little goods, little care.

975. Little hole. One may see day at a little hole.

976. Little house.

A little house well fill'd,
A little land well till'd,
And a little wife well will'd.

977. Little minds. Little minds, like weak liquors, are soon soured.

978. Little things. Little things please little minds.

979. Live. Everything would live.

980. Live. It's not how long, but how well, we live.

981. Live. Live and learn.

982. Live. Live and let live.

983. Liver (longest). The longest liver dies at last.

984. Lives. He that lives not well one year sorrows for it seven.

985. Liveth. He liveth long that liveth well.

986. Living dog. A living dog is better than a dead lion.

987. Load. All lay load on the willing horse.

988. Lock. You needn't lock the stable door when the steed is stolen.

989. Look. Look before you leap.

990. Look. They look one way and row another.

991. Looked for. Long looked for comes at last.

992. Long lane. 'Tis a long lane that has no turning.

993. Longs. He that longs most lacks most.

994. Longest day. The longest day must have an end.

995. Loquacity. The loquacity of fools is a warning to the wise.

996. Lords. New lords new laws.

997. Losers. Losers are always in the wrong.

998. Loss.

He that goeth out with often loss,
At last comes home by Weeping Cross.

999. Lost. 'Tis not lost that comes at last.

1000. Love. Love is no lack.

1001. Love. Love is blind.

1002. Love. Love is the touchstone of virtue.

1003. Love. Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.

1004. Love. Love me little, love me long.

1005. Love. Love me, love my dog.

1006. Love. They love too much who die for love.

1007. Love. Whom we love best to them we can say least.

1008. Love and a cough. Love and a cough cannot be hid.

1009. Love (hot). Hot love is soon cold.

1010. Lovers. Lovers live on love, as larks on leeks.

1011. Lowly sit. Lowly sit and be richly warm.

1012. Luck. Give a man luck, and throw him into the sea.

1013. Luck. The devil's children have the devil's luck.

1014. Luck (ill). What is worse than ill-luck?

1015. Lucky. It is better to be born lucky than rich.

1016. Lucky. It's better to be lucky than wise.

1017. Lucky. Happy go lucky.

1018. Lurch. Never leave a friend in the lurch.



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