
882. Keep. Keep a thing seven years, and you will find a use for it.

883. Keep. Keep some till more come.

884. Kernel. He that will eat the kernel, must crack the nut.

885. Key. The wife is the key of the house.

886. Keys. All the keys hang not at one man's girdle.

887. Kin.

Still stand by kin
Through thick and thin.

888. Kindled. Wood half burnt is easily kindled.

889. Kindness. Kindness will always conquer.

890. Kindnesses. Kindnesses, like grain, increase by sowing.

891. Kinsfolk. Many kinsfolk, few friends.

892. Kiss. As easy kiss my hand.

893. Kiss. Many kiss the child for the nurse's sake.

894. Kissing. Kissing goes by favour.

895. Kitchen. A fat kitchen, a lean will.

896. Kitchen. The taste of the kitchen is better than the smell.

897. Kitchen. Silks and satins put out the fire in the kitchen.

898. Knavery. Knavery may serve for a turn, but honesty is best in the long run.

899. Knaves. Knaves and fools divide the world.

900. Knaves. When knaves fall out, true men come by their goods.

901. Knot. He tied a knot with his tongue he couldn't undo with his teeth.

902. Knots. Fools tie knots and wise men loose them.

903. Knotty timber. To split knotty timber use smooth wedges.

904. Knowledge. Knowledge is power.

905. Knowledge. Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age.

906. Knowledge. The knowledge of the disease is half the cure.

907. Knowledge. Knowledge, like physic, is more plague than profit, if it arrives too late.

908. Knowledge. An ounce of knowledge may be worth a pound of comfort.



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