
832. Idle brain. An idle brain is the devil's workshop.

833. Idle folk. Idle folk have the least leisure.

834. Idle folk. Idle folk take the most pains.

835. Idle. A young man idle, an old man needy.

836. Idle. Better be idle than ill employed.

837. Idleness. Idleness is the key of beggary.

838. Idleness. Of idleness comes no goodness.

839. Idleness. Idleness is the root of all evil.

840. Idleness. Idleness must thank itself if it goes barefoot.

841. Ignorant. The ignorant think all things wrong which they cannot understand.

842. Ill bird. It is an ill bird that defiles its own nest.

843. Ill dog. 'Tis an ill dog that deserves not a bone.

844. Ill fortune. He who hath no ill fortune, is dazed with good.

845. Ill got. Ill got, ill spent.

846. Ill gotten. Ill gotten gains seldom prosper.

847. Ill luck. When ill luck falls asleep, let nobody wake her.

848. Ill news. Ill news comes apace.

849. Ill weeds. Ill weeds grow apace.

850. Ill word. One ill word asketh another.

851. Impossible. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.

852. Impudence. Impudence is not courage.

853. Inch. Give him an inch, and he'll take an ell.

854. Inches. God never measures men by inches.

855. Industry. Industry is fortune's right hand and frugality her left.

856. Infirmities. Jest not at another's infirmities.

857. Ingratitude. Ingratitude is the daughter of pride.

858. Injury. Pocket an injury.

859. Inn. He goes not out of his way that goes to a good inn.

860. Instinct. Woman's instinct is often truer than man's reasoning.

861. Intentions. Hell is paved with good intentions.

862. Irons. He that hath many irons in the fire, some of them will cool.

863. Itch. Itch and ease can no man please.



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