736. Hail. Hail brings frost in the tail.
737. Half a loaf. Half a loaf is better than no bread.
738. Half hanged. Better be half hanged than ill wed.
739. Hand-saw. A hand-saw is a good thing, but not to shave with.
740. Hand-saw. He knows not a hawk from a hand-saw.
741. Handsome. He who is not handsome at twenty, nor strong at thirty, nor wise at forty, nor rich at fifty, will never be handsome, strong, rich, or wise.
742. Hanged. He who is born to be hanged will never be drowned.
743. Hanged. One may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.
744. Hanging. There are many ways of killing a dog beside hanging him.
745. Happy.
Happy is the bride the sun shines on,
And the corpse the rain rains on.
746. Hare. Where we least think, there goeth the hare away.
747. Hardly ever. "Hardly ever" saves many a lie.
748. Hare. Little dogs start the hare, but great ones catch it.
749. Hare skin. Sell not the hare's skin before you have caught him.
750. Harm. Harm watch, harm catch.
751. Harms. Wise men learn by others' harms, fools by their own.
752. Harvest. He that hath a good harvest may be content with some thistles.
753. Haste. More haste worse speed.
754. Haste. Haste trips up its own heels.
755. Haste. Over haste makes certain waste.
756. Haste. Haste over nothing but catching fleas.
757. Hasty men. Hasty men never lack woe.
758. Hasty resolutions. Hasty resolutions seldom speed well.
759. Hat. Pull down your hat on the wind side.
760. Hatchet. When the tree is down, every one runs with his hatchet.
761. Haven. 'Tis safe riding in a good haven.
762. Hay. Make hay while the sun shines.
763. Head. Man is the head, but woman turns it.
764. Head. He that hath no head, needs no hat.
765. Head. Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse.
766. Headache. When the head aches, all the body is the worse.
767. Healed. A man is not so soon healed as hurt.
768. Healeth. God healeth, and the physician hath the thanks.
769. Health. Health is better than wealth.
770. Heart. What the heart thinketh, the tongue speaketh.
771. Hearts. Hearts may agree though heads differ.
772. Hedge. Where the hedge is lowest, men commonly leap over.
773. Hedge. A low hedge is easily leapt over.
774. Hedge.
A hedge between
Keeps friendship green.
775. Hedges. Hedges have eyes, and walls have ears.
776. Heed. Good take heed doth surely speed.
777. Heels. One pair of heels is often worth two pair of hands.
778. Hen crows. It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.
779. Hid. Love and a cough cannot be hid.
780. Hide. You cannot hide an eel in a sack.
781. Hide. Hide nothing from thy minister, physician, and lawyer.
782. High places. High places have their precipices.
783. High winds. High winds blow on high hills.
784. Himself. Every man is best known to himself.
785. Himself. He is not wise that is not wise for himself.
786. Hind. To fright a hind is not the way to catch her.
787. Hindermost dog. The hindermost dog may catch the hare.
788. Hobby. Happy is the man that has a hobby.
789. Hobby-horse. Every man has his hobby-horse.
790. Hog. A hog in armour is still but a hog.
791. Holloa. Do not holloa till you are out of the wood.
792. Home. Home is home, be it ever so homely.
793. Honesty. Honesty is the best policy; but he who acts on this principle is not an honest man.
794. Honesty. A man never surfeits of too much honesty.
795. Honour. Better poor with honour than rich with shame.
796. Honour. Honour and ease are seldom bed-fellows.
797. Honour. Where honour ceaseth, there knowledge decreaseth.
798. Hoop. He giveth one knock on the hoop, and another on the barrel.
799. Hope. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick.
800. Hope. Hope humbles more than despair.
801. Hope. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper.
802. Hope. If it were not for hope, the heart would break.
803. Hops.
804. Horn. All are not hunters that blow the horn.
805. Horse. A good horse cannot be of a bad colour.
806. Horse. A good horse often wants a good spur.
807. Horse. 'Tis an ill horse will not carry his own provender.
808. Horse. One man may lead a horse to water, but fifty cannot make him drink.
809. Hot love. Hot love is soon cold.
810. Hot May. A hot May makes a fat churchyard.
811. Hounds. Hold not with the hounds and run with the hare.
812. House.
He that buys a house ready wrought,
Hath many a pin and nail for nought.
813. House. Better one's house too little one day, than too big all the year round.
814. Householders. Wishers and woulders are never good householders.
815. Housekeeper. A noble housekeeper needs no doors.
816. Humour. Every man has his humour.
817. Humours. The stillest humours are always the worst.
818. Hundred years. It is all one a hundred years hence.
819. Hung. As well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.
820. Hunger. Hunger costs little; daintiness much.
821. Hunger. Hunger will break through stone walls.
822. Hunger. Hunger makes short devotion.
823. Hunger. Hunger makes hard bones sweet beans.
824. Hunger. Hunger is the finest sauce.
825. Hungry flies. Hungry flies bite sore.
826. Hungry horse. A hungry horse makes a clean manger.
827. Hungry man. A hungry man, an angry man.
828. Hungry men. Hungry men think the cook lazy.
829. Hungry men. Bitter is sweet to hungry men.
830. Husband. Be a good husband, and you will get a penny to spend, a penny to lend, and a penny for a friend.
831. Husband. In the husband wisdom, in the wife gentleness.