
463. Early.

Early to bed, and early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

464. Early. Early sow, early mow.

465. Early bird. 'Tis the early bird catches the worm.

466. Ears. Little pitchers have long ears.

467. Ears. Walls have ears.

468. Ears. Wider ears and a shorter tongue.

469. Ease. A pennyworth of ease is worth a penny.

470. Ease. Think of ease, but work on.

471. Easily done. That which is easily done is soon believed.

472. Eat. Live not to eat, but eat to live.

473. Eat. Eat a bit before you drink.

474. Eat.

Eat at pleasure,
Drink by measure.

475. Eating. Eating and drinking takes away one's appetite.

476. Edged Tools. It is ill meddling with edged tools.

477. Eel. You cannot hide an eel in a sack.

478. Eggs. Don't put all your eggs into one basket.

479. Egg-shell. 'Tis hard to sail o'er the sea in an egg-shell.

480. Elbow. Rub your sore eye with your elbow.

481. Elbow grease. Give it plenty of elbow grease.

482. Empty house. Better an empty house than a bad tenant.

483. Empty purse. An empty purse fills the face with wrinkles.

484. Empty purse. That's but an empty purse that's full of other men's money.

485. Empty vessels. Empty vessels make the greatest sound.

486. End. Everything hath an end, and a pudding hath two.

487. Endureth. He that endureth is not overcome.

488. England. England is the Paradise of women.

489. Englishman. An Englishman's house is his castle.

490. Enough. Enough is as good as a feast.

491. Enough. Enough and to spare is too much.

492. Enough. There's never enough where nothing's left.

493. Envied. Better be envied than pitied.

494. Envy. Envy never enriched any man.

495. Epitaph. He lies like an epitaph.

496. Err. To err is human; to forgive divine.

497. Errand. Send a wise man on an errand and say nothing to him.

498. Escapes. 'Tis a hard battle where none escapes.

499. Estate. He that throws away his estate with his hands, goes afterwards to pick it upon his feet.

500. Esteems. He that knows himself best, esteems himself least.

501. Evening.

502. Everybody. He had need rise betimes that would please everybody.

503. Everybody's business. Everybody's business is nobody's business.

504. Every man. Every man for himself, and God for us all.

505. Every tub. Let every tub stand on its own bottom.

506. Evil. Evil communications corrupt good manners.

507. Evil. If you must have an evil, choose a little one.

508. Evil. That which is evil is soon learnt.

509. Evil.

Evil is wrought by want of thought,
As well as want of heart.

510. Evil name. The evil wound is cured, but not the evil name.

511. Evil gotten. Evil gotten, evil spent.

512. Evil grain. Of evil grain no good seed can come.

513. Evils. Of two evils choose the lesser.

514. Example. Example teaches more than precept.

515. Exchange. Exchange is no robbery.

516. Excuse. A bad excuse is better than none at all.

517. Expenses. Proportion your expenses to what you have, not to what you expect.

518. Experience. Experience is a dear school, but it is the only one we are apt to learn in.

519. Experience. Experience is the mistress of fools.

520. Extremes. Extremes seldom last long.

521. Extremes. Extremes meet.

522. Eye. Better one eye than quite blind.

523. Eye. What the eye sees not, the heart rues not.

524. Eye. You should never touch your eye but with your elbow.

525. Eye. What the eye does not see the heart does not grieve for.

526. Eye-witness. One eye-witness is better than ten hearsays.



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