A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z A Abderahman, on the palm-tree, i. 189, note. Ablutions at table, i. 168, ii. 303. Aborigines of America, origin of the, i. 225, 230-253; of their civilization, 240. Peculiarities in their organization, 250. See Indians and Mankind. Absolution, Aztec rite of, i. 83. Achilles, shade of, cited, i. 77, note. Acolhuans. See Colhuans and Tezcucans. Acolman, iii. 353. Dispute there, 373. Aculan, Spaniards at the capital of, iv. 189. Adelantado, i. 316, note, iii. 29. Adrian of Utrecht, regent of Spain, iii. 355, iv. 139. Warrant by, iv. 139. Pope, 143. Adultery, charge respecting, iv. 271, 371. Agave Americana, or aloe, or maguey, i. 8. Paper from the, 114, 151. Various uses made of the, 114, note, 151, 171. Dresden Codex made of the, 119, note. Account of it, 151, 152. Agriculture, tax on, among the Aztecs, i. 51, 150. Remarks on, 147. Of North American Indians, 148. Among the Mexicans, 149. Articles of Aztec, 150. Encouraged by Nezahualcoyotl, 190. Tlascalan, ii. 107. Cholulan, 189. Near the lake of Chalco, 240. Attention to, after the Conquest, iv. 168, 231. Aguilar, GerÓnimo de, a Christian captive, account of, i. 339. CortÉs’ reception of, 341. An interpreter, 342. In the retreat from Mexico, iii. 175. At Chalco, 326. Aguilar, Marcos de, succeeds Ponce de Leon as royal commissioner, iv. 206, note. Collects opinions in regard to repartimientos, ib.. Ahuahutle, insects’ eggs, used as food, ii. 290, note, iv. 66, note. Ahualco, crossed by Spaniards, ii. 229. Ahuitzotl, i. 25, 26, note, 95, note. Ajotzinco, city of, ii. 237. Alaman, LÚcas, cited, i. 116, note, 297, note, 363, note, ii. 228, note, 246, note, 247, note, 257 note, 298, note, 303, note, 319, note, iii. 156, note, 307, note, 333, note, 348, note, iv. 100, note, 102, note, 103, note, 137, note, 147, note, 152, note, 153, note, 158, note, 167, note, 169, note, 191, note, 230, note, 231, note, 247, note, 249, note, 250, note. Alaminos, Antonio de, chief pilot of the armada, i. 328, ii. 21. Despatched to Spain, ii. 63. Anchors at Cuba, 64. Alderete, Julian de, royal treasurer, iii. 324. At Tacuba, 350. Advice of, as to attack, iv. 36. His division for assaulting Mexico, 37, and note. Too eager and in peril, 39, 41. Urges the torture of Guatemozin, 130, 145. Alexander the Great, iii. 213, note. Alexander VI., Pope, bull of partition by, ii. 209, note. Enjoins conversion of the heathen, 210, note. Algiers, expedition against, iv. 239. Alms-giving, Aztec, i. 85. Aloe. See Agave Americana. Alphabet, Egyptian, i. 108, note. Nearest approach to, 110. European, introduced into Mexico, 112. Alvarado, Jorge de, iv. 37. Alvarado, Pedro de, enters the river Alvarado, i. 292, 359. His return to Cuba with treasures, 294, 295, 310. Joins CortÉs, 322. Marches across Cuba, 323. Reprimanded, 333. In the battles near the Tabasco, 347-350. On a foraging party, ii. 32. Cuts down the body of Morla, 51. Despatched to Cempoalla, 66. Troops put under, 83. At Tlascala, 172. DoÑa Luisa given to, 174. Visits Montezuma with CortÉs, 263. Aids in seizing Montezuma, 342. Montezuma pleased with, 363. Takes command at Mexico, iii. 44. Instructions to, 44. Forces under, 46, 95, note. Assault on, 78, 85. Blockaded, 83, 85. Joined by CortÉs, 85. Aztecs massacred by, 87, note, 88, note, 91, note. Character of, 94. CortÉs’ dissatisfaction with, 94. Chivalrous, 119. Storms the great temple, 129. Overpowered at the Mexican bridges, 143. Acts at the evacuation of Mexico, 162. Unhorsed, 171. At the battle of Otumba, 200. Accompanies Duero and Bermudez to Vera Cruz, 236. Sandoval and, 297. Reconnoitres Mexico, 304. Conspiracy against, 357. To command the point Tacuba, 367. Enmity of Olid and, 373. Demolishes the aqueduct, 374. Operations of, iv. 18. Protects breaches, 25. Sandoval to join, 36. His neglect to secure a retreat, 38. Rebuked, 38. His fortune at the assault, 47. CortÉs opinion of, 51. Temple burnt by, 77. Meeting of CortÉs and, 79. In the murderous assault, 89, 91. To occupy the market-place, 96. Detached to Oaxaca, 134. Conquers Guatemala, 172. Alvarado’s Leap, iii. 172, 173. Amadis de Gaula, ii. 241, note. Amaquemecan, Spaniards at, ii. 236. Ambassadors, persons of, held sacred, i. 57. Ammunition, iv. 62. See Gunpowder. Amnesty, granted by Nezahualcoyotl, i. 183. Anaglyphs, i. 112, note. Anahuac, i. 11. Extent of, 13, note. Meaning of the word, 14, note. Forms of government in, 32. Number of human sacrifices in, 94, note, 95. See Aztecs and Mexico. Andrada, Don Juan, iii. 155, note. Animals, artificial, i. 155, note, 193, note, ii. 16, 58, 217, 313. Animals, of the New World and the Old, different, i. 225. Origin of, in the New World, 227. No useful domesticated, among the Aztecs, 270. Collection of, ii. 295. See Draught-cattle. Antigua or Vera Cruz Vieja, ii. 48, note, iv. 156. Antiquities, i. 199, 264. Of Cozumel, 335, note. Aqueducts, conducting to Tezcotzinco, i. 197. At Iztapalapan, ii. 244. From Chapoltepec, 264, 284, note, 292. Destroyed, iii. 374. Arabic manuscripts destroyed, i. 115, 116. Architecture, refinement and, i. 196. Of the Tezcucans, 199, 207. Coincidences with Aztec, 256, 261. Of Palenque, 261. In Yucatan, 292. Of Cozumel, 334. At Cempoalla, ii. 38, 39. Of Tlascala, 166. Marine, at Ajotzinco, 236. At Cuitlahauc, 240. Of Iztapalapan, 243. On the Tezcucan lake, 248. At Mexico, 254. Encouragement of, by Montezuma, 292. After the Conquest, iv. 151. Archives at Tezcuco, i. 187, 192. Argensola, on the house of CortÉs, i. 298, note. On the detention of CortÉs in Spain, 300, note. Arithmetic among the Aztecs, i. 124. Ark, coincidences with the, i. 233. Armada, intrusted to CortÉs, i. 311. The fitting out of the, 313, 314. Expense of it, 321, ii. 29. Sails, i. 320. Equipment of it, 320, 321, 322. Joined by volunteers, 321. Sails from Havana, 327. Its strength, 328. Chief pilot of the, 328. Sails, 330, 339, 342. Encounters a storm, 332. At Cozumel, 332, 339. At the Rio de Tabasco, 342. Wounded sent back to the, 349. Sails for Mexico, 358. At San Juan de Ulua, Villa Rica, and Vera Cruz, 360, 365, ii. 21. One vessel joins the, ii. 56. One vessel of the, despatched to Spain, 63, 64. Juan Diaz attempts to escape with one of the, 65. Sunk, 68, 69, 70, note. See Brigantines. Armies, account of Aztec, i. 59. Armor, tribute of, i. 51, 52, note. Arms of Montezuma, ii. 264. See Arrows. Arrows, defence against, i. 324, 351. Burnt, ii. 350. Discharge of, at the assault in Mexico, iii. 109. Art, few works of Aztec, found, i. 259. Artillery. See Cannon. Artisans, Montezuma’s, ii. 305. Astrology, i. 133, 136. Origin of, 136. Astronomy, Mexican, i. 137, 138. Studied, 208, 216. Atlantis of Plato, i. 226. Audience, giving of, by Montezuma, ii. 304. Auxiliaries. See Indian allies. Aviary, Aztec, ii. 244, 294, iv. 22, 151. Avila, Alonso de, joins CortÉs, i. 322. Fights, 343, 346, 350. Aids to seize Montezuma, ii. 342; Narvaez, iii. 60. Before CortÉs, in behalf of the soldiers, iii. 76. Tries to calm CortÉs, 96. In the retreat from Mexico, 162, 175. At the battle of Otumba, 200. Despatched to St. Domingo, 243, note; to Spain, iv. 138. Captured by the French, 138. Axayacatl, Aztec sovereign, Tlascalans oppose, ii. 110. His treasure, 333, iii. 7-10. See Treasure. Axayacatl’s palace, ii. 257, 258, iii. 107. Spaniards quartered in, ii. 257, 258. Chapel in, 333. Montezuma’s confinement in, 347. Return of CortÉs to, iii. 85. Spaniards besieged there, 92. Assaulted by Aztecs, 108. Fired, 111. Commanded by the temple of the war-god, 127. Destroyed, iv. 21. Ayllon, the licentiate, sent to stay Velasquez’s expedition, iii. 31. Joins the fleet, 31. Seized and sent back, 35. His report, 35. Released, 355. Azcapozalco, a slave-market, i. 162, 183, iii. 307, note. Aztecs, or Mexicans, civilization of the, i. 1, 62, 218, 225, ii. 316. Extent of their country, i. 4, iv. 112. Quarter from which they came, i. 20, note. Time of their arrival at Anahuac, 20, 22, note, iv. 112. Their migratory habits, i. 20, 242. Settlement of, at Mexico, 21. Domestic feuds and secession among them, 22. Extent of their territory just before the arrival of the Spaniards, 26. Form of government among the, 33. Election and installation of sovereigns, 35. Legislative and judicial system among them, 41. Great aim of their institutions, 56. On calling them barbarians, 62, note. Compared with Saxons of the time of Alfred, 62. Comparison of modern Mexicans and, 62. Their mythology, 70. Cycles, 74, 127, note, 129, 232, 246. Ideas of future life, 76. Their claims to civilization, 98, iv. 112. Compared with Europeans of the sixteenth century, i. 98. Their law of honor, 99, note. Their manuscripts, 114. The Teoamoxtli, or divine book of the, 122, note. Their literary culture, 123. Measurement of time, 125. Their cycle called an “old age,” 128, note. Astrology, 136. Astronomy, 137. Their festival at the termination of the great cycle, 140. Their agriculture, 148. Acquaintance of, with plants, 153; with minerals, 153; with the mechanical arts, 155, 159. Their domestic manners, 165. Differ from North American Indians, 172, 254, note. Character of the, original and unique, 173. Nezahualcoyotl unites his forces with the, 182. Beat and sacrifice Maxtla, 182. Transfer of power to, from the Tezcucans, 217. Essay on the origin of the civilization of the, 225. Traditions respecting their origin, 251. The first communication with them, 293-295. Orders to CortÉs respecting the treatment of them, 315. Their condition, and disgust with Montezuma, at the time of CortÉs’ arrival, ii. 8. Defeated by Tlascalans, 110. Aid in a Cholulan conspiracy, 194, 197. Number of, in the Mexican market, 317. Enraged at the profanation of their temples, iii. 20. Aid in building vessels at Vera Cruz, 21. Insurrection by the, 92. Their assaults on the Spanish quarters, 108, 119. Sally against them, 115. Addressed by Montezuma, 123. Insult Montezuma, 124. Their spirit at the storming of the great temple, 130. CortÉs’ address to, 134. Their reply, 135. Their combatant spirit, 141. Assault the retreating Spaniards, 168. Measures for rallying, 218. Tlascalan alliance with, rejected, 221. Guatemozin emperor of the, 249. Proceeded against as rebels, 251. Want of cohesion among them, 294. Deride CortÉs, 313. Fights with, on the Sierra, 328. At Xochimilco, 344. Defend the aqueduct of Chapoltepec, 374. At Iztapalapan, iv. 3. Defeat of their flotilla, 5. Fight on the causeways, 11. Their exasperation, 23. Their hatred of white men, 34, 74. Their bravery at the general assault, 42. Attack Alvarado and Sandoval, 47. Their spirit and sufferings, 64, 70, 75, 85, 95. Sortie of, 69. Do not bury their dead, 73, 87. Assault on, at the market-place, 93. Effect of Guatemozin’s capture on, 101. Evacuate the city, 107. Remarks on the fall of their empire, 112. See Guatemozin and Montezuma. B Babel, coincidences of the tower of, and the temple of Cholula, i. 235. Bachelors subject to penalties, iv. 157. Badajoz, Gutierre de, storms the great teocalli, iv. 77. Bahama Islands, i. 284. Expedition to, for slaves, 289. Balboa, NuÑez de, i. 284, 306. Transports brigantines, iii. 302, note. Banana, i. 150. The forbidden fruit, 150, note. Bancroft, H. H., cited, i. 53, note, 72, note, 192, note, 238, note, 289, note, 323, note, ii. 301, note, 306, note, iii. 373, note, iv. 152, note. Bandelier, A., cited, i. 17, note, 32, note, 36, note, 72, note, 176, note, 238, note, 259, note, ii. 181, note, 183, note, 186, note, 187, note, 191, note, 231, note. Banner of CortÉs, i. 324, ii. 148, note. Lost and recovered, iv. 46. See Standard. Banners, River of, i. 293, 359. Baptism, Aztec and pagan, i. 78, 240, 241. Barante, on a disclosure in the reign of Louis the Eleventh, iii. 361. Barba, Don Pedro, governor of Havana, ordered to seize CortÉs, i. 326. Barba, Pedro, killed, iv. 29. Barbers, Aztec, ii. 167, 314. Barca, Madame Calderon de la, on Mexican love of flowers, ii. 38, note. On Tacuba, iii. 374, note. On Cuernavaca, iv. 231, note. Barks at Ajotzinco, ii. 237. See Canoes. Barracks built at Mexico, iv. 31. Barrio de San Jago, iv. 81. Barter, Grijalva’s, at the River of Banners, i. 293, 359. Object of CortÉs’ expedition, 315. At Cozumel, 333. With the Tabascans, 356. See Traffic. Basque language, i. 251, note. Bas-reliefs destroyed, ii. 298. Batanzos, Fray Domingo de, discusses the repartimientos and probable fate of the Indians, iv. 207. Baths of Montezuma, i. 198, ii. 299. Battles, Aztecs avoided slaying their enemies in, i. 96. Of Tabasco, 345, 348. Of Ceutla, 351. Between Aztecs and Tlascalans, ii. 110, 111; Spaniards and Tlascalans, 116, 120-125, 135, 143; Escalante and Quauhpopoca, ii. 339; CortÉs and Narvaez, iii. 65. At the Aztec insurrection, 108-119. At the great temple, 129. On leaving Mexico, 141. Of the Melancholy Night, 167. Of Otumba, 197. Of Quauhquechollan, 229. Of Iztapalapan, iii. 286. Near Chalco, 290. At Xaltocan, 305. At Tlacopan, 310. Of Jacapichtla, 319. On the rocks of the Sierra, 327. At Cuernavaca, 336. At Xochimilco, 338, 343. At the aqueduct of Chapoltepec, 375. Naval, with the Indian flotilla, iv. 5. On the Mexican causeways, 11. With Alderete’s division, 41. With the Panuchese, 141. Beetles, CortÉs aided by, iii. 67. Beggary, not tolerated, i. 206. Bejar, Duke de, befriends CortÉs, iv. 142, 221. His reception of him, 218. Belus, on the tower of, i. 256 note. Benavente, Count of, i. 281, note. Bermudez, Agustin, iii. 69. Bernaldez on devils, i. 70, note. Bilious fever. See VÓmito. Bird, Dr., on mantas, iii. 140, note. Birds, artificial, i. 155, note, 193, ii. 16, 58, note, 217, 313. See Aviary. Births, consultation at, i. 136. Bishop’s Pass, ii. 91. Bison, domesticated, i. 270, note. Blanc, Mont, height of, ii. 224, note. Blasphemy, prohibited, iii. 255. Blumenbach, on American skulls, i. 256, note. Bodies of the Tlascalans painted, ii. 131, 132. See Dead. Bodleian Library, roll and Codex in the, i. 53, note, 118, note. Body-guard of Montezuma, i. 38, note, ii. 300. Of CortÉs, iii. 362. See QuiÑones. Booty, law on appropriating, iii. 256. Little found in Mexico, iv. 109, 130. See Gold and Treasure. Borunda, the Mexican Champollion, i. 121, note. Botanical garden, ii. 243, note, 297. See Floating gardens. Botello urges night retreat, iii. 159. Boturini, Benaduci, Chevalier, his writings and collection of manuscripts, i. 14, note, 25, note, 26, 40, note, 114, note, 117, note, 121, note, 173, note, 174, 175, 188, note, 235, note, ii. 258, note, iii. 193. Bradford’s American Antiquities, i. 223. Branding of slaves, iii. 225, 299. Brass substituted for iron, i. 154, note. Brasseur de Bourbourg, AbbÉ, cited, i. 12, note, 70, note, 122, note. His theory in regard to Mexican mythology, 226, note. Brazil secured to Portugal, ii. 209, note. Breaches in the causeways, made and filled, iv. 11, 38, 65, 77. Neglected by Alderete, 39. Measures for filling, 63. Bread and wine, consecrated, i. 241, note. Bridges, arched, at Tlascala, ii. 163. At Mexico, ii. 250, 256, 284, 286, 336. Removed, iii. 85, 98. Demolished, 136, 141. Restored, 143. Leaped by CortÉs, 145. Portable, 163, 164, 166. At Cuernavaca, iii. 334. In the expedition to Honduras, iv. 179, 181, 194. See Breaches and Canals. Brigantines, built on Lake Tezcuco, ii. 359. Burnt, iii. 78. Built and transported to Lake Tezcuco, 234, 245, 282, 297, 299, 322, 325, 362, 364. Attempts to destroy, 325. Canal for transporting, 362. Launched, 363. Remains of, preserved, 363, note, iv. 153. Co-operate with the army, iv. 4-11, 37, 48, 99. Decoyed and destroyed, 28. Sail from Honduras to Truxillo, 196. See Fleet. Brinton, Dr. Daniel G., explanations of Mexican mythology by, i. 14, note, 17, note, 72, note, 73, note, 122 note, 238, note, 243, note, 335, note, 339, note. Budh, incarnation of, i. 71, note. Buffalo ranges, i. 270. Buffoons, Aztec, i. 171, note. See Jesters. Bullock, W., on Tezcuco, i. 194, note, ii. 367, note. On a basin at Tezcotzinco, i. 198, note. On antiquities at Tezcotzinco, 200, note. On Puebla de los Angeles, ii. 188, note On the pyramids of Teotihuacan, iii. 190, note, 192, note. On a banner in the Hospital of Jesus, iv. 46, note. Bulls for the Conquerors, iii. 324, iv. 213, note. Burials, i. 78, note. See Dead. Bustamante, editor of Sahagun’s Universal History, i. 103, 110, 121, note, 145, iv. 81, note, 117, note, 125. C Cabot, Sebastian, i. 284. Cacama, king of Tezcuco, rival for the crown, ii. 8, 367, iii. 272. Favors a friendly reception of CortÉs, ii. 14, 366. Counsels Montezuma, 236, 366. Mission of, to CortÉs, 236, 238. Accompanies Montezuma, 251. His plan for liberating Montezuma, 368. Negotiations with, 369, 370. Seizure of, and of his confederates, 370. Brought away from Mexico, iii. 162. Fate of, 264. Cacao, i. 150, 161, note. A circulating medium, 191, ii. 318. CÆsar, Julius, order by, i. 354, note. Calderon, SeÑor de, iii. 155, note. See Barca. Calendar, Aztec, i. 127, 128, and note, 129. Of the lunar reckoning, 132, 133. Coincidences with the Asiatic, 247. Calendar-stone, i. 137, 157, 158, note, ii. 292. Calmecac school, i. 84. Calpixqui, i. 35, note, 54, note. Calpullac, i. 33, note, 34, note. Calpulli, or tribes, distribution into, i. 52, note. Camargo, Diego MuÑoz, ii. 172, note. Account of, and of his writings, iii. 102. Cited, 148, note, 172, note, iv. 299. Campeachy, Bay of, i. 342. Canals, for irrigation, i. 150, 350, ii. 189, 240. Instead of streets, 237. In the gardens at Iztapalapan, 244. In Mexico, 282, 286. Filled up, 169, 282. For transporting brigantines, iii. 362. See Breaches and Bridges. Cannibalism, i. 93, 99, 170, 339. Coincidences as to, 244. During the siege, iv. 29, 66. Of the allies, 33. Spanish captives the victims of, 54. Cannon, landed from the ships, i. 349. Command of, given to Mesa, 349. Effect of, at the battle of Ceutla, 351. Mounted on the Vera Cruz hillocks, 365. Effect of, on Aztec visitors, 370. Sent to the fleet, ii. 34. At Cempoalla, 40. Effect of, on the Tlascalans, 124, 136, 137. At Cholula, 202. Effect of, at Mexico, 262, iii. 109, 115. On board Narvaez’s fleet, 33. At Cempoalla, 62, 65. Turned against Narvaez, 66. Effect of, at the retreat, 171. All lost in the retreat, 181. For attacking Mexico, 251. In the fleet on Lake Tezcuco, 364. Effects of, at the siege of Mexico, iv. 13, 46, 48. Cast in Mexico, 153. Cano, Don Thoan, iii. 89, note. Married Montezuma’s daughter, 89, note, 126, note, 155, note, iv. 186, note. Cited, iii. 126, note, 179, 180, note, 207, note, iv. 438. Canoes, ii. 237, 249, 287, iii. 375, iv. 4, 8. Captives. See Christians and Prisoners. Caribbee Islands, i. 284. Carli, Count, cited, i. 40, note, 139, note, 160, notes, 227, note, 241, note, 244, note, 271, note. Carpets, cotton, at Vera Cruz, i. 365. Carreri, Gemelli, chart of, i. 252, note. Casa de Contratacion, i. 282, iii. 25. Casa, Giovanni della, ii. 287, note. Casas Grandes, ruins of, i. 253, note. Castes in Mexico, i. 161. Catalina. See Xuarez. Catalogue of Mex
ican historians, i. 112, note. Catapult, built, iv. 82. Cathedrals, i. 157, ii. 281, 319, iv. 152. Catherwood’s illustrations, i. 223. Catholics, Protestants and, i. 358, ii. 56. Views of, as to infidels, ii. 208. Catoche, Cape, i. 290, 342. Cattle, i. 309, note, iv. 231. Causeways, dividing Chalco from Xochicalco, ii. 240, 247. The three, at Mexico, 284. Present state of the, iv. 155. See Cojohuacan, Iztapalapan, Tepejacac, and Tlacopan. Cavaliers, i. 322, 335. Cavaliero, superintendent of marine, iii. 77. Cavalry, i. 349, 352, 354. Indian ideas respecting, 354. In Narvaez’s armada, iii. 33, 68. Effect of, at Mexico, 115, 171, 174, 185. Loss of, 180. At the battle of Otumba, 198. For attacking Mexico, 251. At Tlacopan, 309. Ambuscade with, 315, 349. At the siege and surrender of Mexico, iv. 18, 46. See Horses. Cavo, on CortÉs’ bigotry, iv. 259, note. Cempoalla, ii. 25, 34, 38, 39. Reception of CortÉs at, 39. Cacique of, at Chiahuitztla, 43. CortÉs’ second visit to, 52. Cacique of, aided by CortÉs, 51. Arrests there, 54. Proceedings there, 83. Narvaez at, iii. 40, 60. Sick and wounded left at, 79. Cempoallan allies, ii. 85, 86, note. Perish from cold, 91. Distrust Cholulans, 100. Four, sent to the Tlascalans, 100, 119. Fight Tlascalans, 123. Enter Cholula, 190. Detect a conspiracy, 192. Withdraw, 219. At Mexico with CortÉs, 247, note, iii. 95, note. Centaurs, Spaniards thought to be, i. 354. Central America, its ancient civilization distinct from that of Mexico, i. 16, note. See Chiapa, Mitla, and Palenque. Ceremonies, religious, i. 88. Ceutla, battle of, i. 351, 354. Chaac Mol, i. 158, note. Chalcas, i. 195, note. Chalchuites, resembling emeralds, ii. 21. Chalco, iii. 289. Sandoval’s expeditions to, 37, 317. CortÉs’ expedition in favor of, 325. Indian levies join Spaniards at, 366. Chalco, lake of, i. 158, ii. 237, 324. Challenges, iv. 71. Champollion, i. 110, and note, 120, note. Chapoltepec, carved stones at, destroyed, i. 138, note. Residence of Mexican monarchs, ii. 230, 298. Aqueduct from, 264, 284, note, iii. 373, 374. Account of, ii. 298. Views from, 298. Charles V., Spain under, i. 280. Erroneous statements regarding, 281, note. Discovery by the beginning of his reign, 283. Title of, ii. 28, note. CortÉs’ First Letter to, 59. Discussion before, on the civilization of Indians, 74. Montezuma’s gifts to, iii. 6-10. His first visit to Spain after his accession, 25. His treatment of envoys from CortÉs, 27. Second Letter to, by CortÉs, iii. 241, 354. Grant by, to CortÉs, for capturing Guatemozin, iv. 102, note. Third Letter to, from CortÉs and one from the army, 136, 138. In Spain, 143. Board selected by, respecting CortÉs, 143. Powers given by, to CortÉs, 146. Fifth Letter to, 178, note, 331. Appoints a juez de residencia, 204. Writes to CortÉs, 205; orders him to return to Spain, 210. Gives audience to him, 218. Confides in CortÉs, 219. Visits him, 219. Honors and rewards CortÉs, 220. Goes to Italy, 224. Absence of, 238. Applications to, by CortÉs, and the result, 240. Last Letter to, by CortÉs, 241, 337. Charnay, cited, i. 17, note, 259, note, 265, note. Chase, Montezuma’s fondness for the, ii. 364, 365. Chastity, injunctions as to, iv. 270. Chess, ii. 17, note. Chiahuitztla, visit to, ii. 43. Chiapa, Bishop of, ii. 77. See Las Casas. Chiapa, resemblances to architecture in, i. 258, 261. Chichemecatl, a Tlascalan chief, iii. 300, 366, iv. 57. Chichimecs, i. 16, 18, 19, note, 253. Chicxulub, Chronicle of, i. 122, note, 339, note. Chief of Men, i. 25, note. Chilan Balam, i. 122, note. Children, baptizing and naming of, i. 78, 240. Education and discipline of, 83, 166. Sacrificed, ii. 193. CortÉs’ treatment of, 205. Stew of, for Montezuma, 301, note. Chimalpopoca, sacrificed, i. 99, note. China, i. 56, note, 71, note, 161, note. See Chinese. Chinantla, lances from, iii. 44, 52. Chinantlan allies aid CortÉs, iii. 44, 74. Chinese, i. 147. Their language and the Othomi, 251. Iron among the, 271, note. See China. Chivalry, spirit of, in the troops, iii. 340, iv. 71. Chocolate, i. 52, note, 150, 170, ii. 302. Cholula, traditions connected with Quetzalcoatl at, i. 72, ii. 10, 182, iii. 6. Coincidences of the tower of Babel and the temple of, i. 235. Account of, ii. 3, 180, 182, 185. Pilgrims to, 187. Entered by the Spaniards, 190. Massacre, 213, note. Junction of CortÉs and Velasquez de Leon at, iii. 44, 49. Olid’s countermarch on, 228. Cholulan allies, iii. 228, iv. 56. Cholulans, ii. 100. Distrust of, 100, 176, 178. Summons to the, 177, 178. Embassy from the, 178. Their reception of the Spaniards, ii. 190. Conspiracy of the, 194. To aid CortÉs, 197. Massacred, 201. Efforts to convert, 216. Christianity, ideas, rites, and usages not unlike to, among the Mexicans, i. 69, 78, 82, ii. 333. Measures for conversion to, i. 286, 356, 357, ii. 55, 90, 96, 97, 170, iv. 190, 192. Similarity of Quetzalcoatl’s teachings to, ii. 182, note. On conquest for conversion to, 209. Duty to convert to, 209. Attempts to convert Montezuma to, 261, 265, 364, iii. 14. Maxixca, 235; his son, and Xicotencatl, 244. After the Conquest, iv. 152, 165. Rapid spread of, 166. See CortÉs. Christians, in captivity, i. 315, 333, 339. See Christianity. Chronology, i. 126, 129.Weapons headed with, ii. 134. Cora language, i. 253, note. Cordillera mountains, i. 8. Cordova, Gonsalvo de, iv. 250. Cordova, Hernandez de, i. 289. Corn. See Indian corn. Coronation of Montezuma, ii. 4. Corral, ensign, iii. 328, iv. 45. CortÉs, Hernando, expedition of, to Honduras, i. 267, note, iv. 175, 203, note. Velasquez selects him for an expedition, 297-313. Birth and genealogy of, 297. His early years, 298. In Hispaniola, 302. In Cuba, 303. Marriage of, with Catalina Xuarez, 304, 308, 310. His difficulties with Velasquez, 304, 311. Put in irons, 305. Escapes twice, 306, 307. The Armada intrusted to him as Captain-General, 311, 316, 321. Applies all his money to fitting out the fleet, 314, 321, ii. 29. Instructions to, by Velasquez, i. 315, iv. 284. His clandestine embarkation, i. 319. His measures for equipment, 319, 321, 322. Described, 324. Strength of his armament, 328. His address to his soldiers, 329. At Cozumel, 332. Endeavors to liberate captive Christians, 333. His zeal to convert the natives, 335, 356, ii. 22, 41, 52, 90, 96, 216, 325, 327, iii. 245, 254, 350, iv. 162, 244. At Tabasco, i. 342, 350. His first interview with Mexicans, 364. His presents and demands to see Montezuma, 368. Embassy returns to, with presents from Montezuma, ii. 16. (See Montezuma.) His second message to Montezuma, 19. The reply, 21, 22. First made acquainted with the condition of Mexico, 25, 42. His resignation and reappointment, 30, 31, iii. 55. His policy with the Totonacs and Montezuma, ii. 45. Another Aztec embassy to, 49. Aids the cacique of Cempoalla, 51. Hangs up Morla, 51. Reconciles Totonacs, 52. His despatches to Spain, 57, 59, 60, note, 61. Condemns conspirators, 66. Destroys his ships, 68, 70, 71, note. (See Armada.) His embassy to Tlascala, 100. His vigilance, 101, 118, 143, 169, 198, 222, 237, note, 259, iii. 22. His march to Tlascala, ii. 102, 147, 162. Ill of a fever, 147, 161. Standards borne by, 148, note. Malecontents expostulate with, 150. Mutilates Tlascalan spies, 154. Montezuma discourages his visit to Mexico, 159. Called Malinche, 175, iii. 134. Invited to Mexico, ii. 175. Massacre by, at Cholula, 201-206. Prohibition of wanton injuries by, 205, 212. Encourages the disaffection of the Aztecs, 233. His entrance into Mexico, 246. Visited by Montezuma, 251. His quarters, 257. His visit to Montezuma, 263. Descendants of, now in Mexico, 263. (See Monteleone.) Visits the market, 311; the great temple, 319, 322; its sanctuaries, 325. Chapel granted to, 332. Discovers hidden treasures, 333. His seizure of Montezuma, 342; fetters him, 351; unfetters him, 352. Seizes Cacama, 370. Willing to relinquish his share of Montezuma’s gift, iii. 13. On profaning Mexican temples, 18. Learns Narvaez’s arrival, 37. His treatment of envoy prisoners, 38. His letter to Narvaez, 39; marches against him, 43. His parting with Montezuma, 46. His strength, 52. Met by Guevara and Duero, as envoys, 53, 56. Summons Narvaez, 56; assaults and defeats him, 62-69; his treatment of him, 69; of the captives and his own troops, 75. His return to Mexico, 79. His forces, 80, 95. In ill-humor, 95. Releases Cuitlahua, 96. Rehorses Duero, 118. Wounded, 120, 128, 145, 187, 199, 209, 339, iv. 43. Leads in storming the great temple, iii. 128. Addresses the Aztecs through Marina, 134. Builds a manta, 140. Deceived and releases priests, 143. Exposures and hardihood of, 144. Montezuma’s last conversation with, 149. His respect for Montezuma’s memory, 157. His retreat from Mexico, 163. At Popotla, 174. Loss of his Diary, 180. Kills Cihuaca at the battle of Otumba, 200. At Tlascala, 208. Remonstrance with, by the troops, 212. His expedition against the Tepeacans, 225; against Quauhquechollan, 228. At Itzocan, 231. Increase of his authority, 232. His plans for recovering Mexico, 233, 245, 251, 259, 365, 366. His Second Letter to the emperor, 239. His despatches to St. Domingo, 243. Triumphal return of, to Tlascala, 243. His forces, 251. Enters Tezcuco, 266. His mission to Guatemozin, 283. Reconciles Indian allies, 293. His reception of brigantines from Tlascala, 301. Reconnoitres the capital, 304, 314, 325. Seized and rescued, 339. At Xochimilco, 342. At Cojohuacan, 347. Orders of, respecting his bones, 348, note, iv. 243. Dejected, iii. 350. Proceedings in Spain in regard to, 355. Conspiracy against, in the camp, 356. His body-guard, 362. His forces, 364. Makes three divisions, 367, note. At Iztapalapan, iv. 4. Takes post at Xoloc, 7. His movements on the causeway, 10. Levels buildings, 21, 63, 72. His proffers to Guatemozin, 34, 89, 97. Assaults the city, 38. Reconnoitres Alderete’s route, 39. Seized and rescued, 43. Anxiety respecting, 47. Gives the command to Sandoval, 50. His entries into the tianguez, 79. Murderous assault by, 93. His last assault, 97. His reception of Guatemozin, 103; permits him to be tortured, 130. Sends detachments to the Pacific Ocean, 133. Rebuilding of Mexico by, 135, 145, 151. His Third Letter, and one from the army, 136, 138. Sends costly presents to Spain, 137, note. Complaints against, in Spain, 139. Board appointed respecting, 144. The charges against, and the replies, 144, 204, 226. Commission and powers given to, 147. Founds settlements, 155. Joined by his wife, 158. The ordinances made by, 158, note. His scruples about slavery, 159, 162, 243. Suppresses the royal instructions annulling repartimientos, 161, note. His desire of religious teachers, 162. His regulations respecting agriculture, 168. Voyages and expeditions of, 170. His instructions for expeditions, 172. Looks into the resources of the country, 172, 176, 197. His Fifth Letter, 178, note, 210, 331. At Truxillo, 196. Further plans of conquest by, 196. Embarks and returns, 200. Sick and despondent, 201. Driven to Cuba, 201. At San Juan de Ulua and Medellin, 201. Triumphal return of, to Mexico, 202. Superseded by a juez de residencia, 204. Further faction against, in Spain, 204. Urged to assert his authority, 208. Ordered to leave Mexico, 208. Ordered to Spain, 210. Arrival of, in Spain, 213. Meets Pizarro, 213. At Guadaloupe, 216. His reception, 217. His interview with the emperor, 218. Marquis of Oaxaca, 220. Gift of land to, 220. Not reinstated in government, 221. Captain-General of New Spain, 222. Second marriage of, 223. Embarks for New Spain, 225. An investigation of his conduct by the Royal Audience, 226. Accused of murdering his first wife, 226. To keep ten leagues from Mexico, 229. Welcome to, at Tezcuco, 229. Retires to Cuernavaca, 230. Expeditions of, for discovery, 232, 235. His final return to Castile, 238. His attendance on the Council of the Indies, 238. Joins an expedition against Algiers, 239. Wrecked, 239. His applications to the emperor, 240. His last letter to him, 241, 337. Prepares to return to Mexico, 243. Sick, 243. His will, 243. Dies, 246. Obsequies of, 247, 342. His children and descendants, 249-250. His character, 251. Ascendency over his soldiers, 254. Compared to Hannibal, 255. As a conqueror, 256. Not cruel, 257. In private life, 258. His bigotry, 259. His dress and appearance, 261. His education, 262. See Spaniards. CortÉs, Don Luis, iv. 250. CortÉs, Don Martin, iii. 25. Exertions of, for his son, iv. 142. Death of, 212. CortÉs, Don Martin, son of CortÉs by his second marriage, iv. 238. Wrecked, 239. Provision for, 242. Present at his father’s death, 246. Persecuted, 249. CortÉs, Don Martin, son of Marina, i. 362, iv. 192, 250. Cosmogony, Humboldt on, i. 75, note. Cotton dresses, i. 52, ii. 217, 261. Cotton mail, or escaupil, or jackets quilted with cotton, i. 58, 324, 351, ii. 134, 135. Cottons, given to CortÉs, i. 368, ii. 17, 50. Council, of finance, i. 184. Of justice, 184. Of state, 184. Of war, 184. Of music, 185. Council of the Indies, i. 282. Ordinances by the, iii. 355, iv. 140. Reception of CortÉs by the, iv. 238. Couriers, i. 55, note, 141. Courts, Aztec, i. 43-47. Merchants allowed to have, 164. At the Mexican market, ii. 318. Coxcox, survived the Deluge, i. 233. Cozumel, i. 292, 332-339. Cozumel Cross, i. 238, 239, note. Crimes, punishments for, i. 48. Cross, the, a common symbol of worship, i. 335, note. See Crosses. Crosses of stone, at Palenque, i. 239. Cozumel, 239, note. Frequency of, 239, ii. 90, and note. Antiquity and generality of, among pagans, 241. In Yucatan, 292. In Cozumel, 334. At Naulinco, ii. 90. On raising, at Tlatlanquitepec, or Cocotlan, 96. At Tlascala, 173, 174. Upon Quetzalcoatl’s temple at Cholula, 217. At Mexico, 328, iii. 16. Pulled down, iii. 132. Cruz del Marques, 336. Crowning of Aztec sovereigns, i. 37. Cruz del Marques, mountain, iii. 336. Cuba, i. 287. Expeditions from, to Yucatan, 289-295. CortÉs in, 303-307. Propositions in the army to return to, ii. 20, 25, 27. CortÉs’ emissaries land at, 64. Las Casas’ labors in, 73. CortÉs’ apprehensions from, 220. Sailing of Narvaez’s fleet from, iii. 33. Desire of troops to return to, 212, 357. Return of some to, 236. CortÉs driven to, iv. 201. See St. Jago de Cuba, and Velasquez. Cuernavaca, or Quauhnahuac, capture of, iii. 332-336. Asks aid, iv. 61. CortÉs’ residence at, 230. Remarks on, 230. Cuicuitzca, made cacique of Tezcuco, ii. 371, note, iii. 264. Put to death, iii. 265. Cuitlahua, lord of Iztapalapan, ii. 236. Interview of, with CortÉs, 242. Accompanies Montezuma, 251. Released, iii. 96, 218. Supplies Montezuma’s place, 97, 121, note. Arouses the Aztecs for the battle of Otumba, 195, 218. Notice of, 217. Dies of smallpox, 235, 246. Succeeded by Guatemozin, 249. Cuitlahuac, Spaniards at, ii. 241. Culinary science, Aztec, ii. 301. Currency, Mexican, i. 161, ii. 318. Cycles, Aztec, i. 74, 127, note, 129. Persian, 127, note. Etruscan 128, note. Wheels of, 132, note. Of the lunar reckoning by the priests, 132, note. Analogies respecting, in the Old and the New World, 232, 246. Cypress, CortÉs’, ii. 98. Size of, 298. D Dancing, Mexican, i. 171, and note. Darien, Isthmus of, crossed, i. 284. Colony there, 285, 340. Oviedo there, iii. 98. Dates, on Mexican, i. 129. Daughters, counsels to, i. 166, iv. 267. Days, Aztec arrangement of, i. 127, 128. Division of civil, 138, note. Coincidences as to the signs of, 246. Dead, burnt, i. 78, 218, note. Buried, 78, note. Coincidences as to the obsequies of the, 244, 245. Carried off in battle, ii. 124, 125. Spanish, buried, 139. Unburied during the siege, iv. 73, 87, 105. Buried, 108. See Funeral ceremonies. Death, a penalty, i. 42. Judges punished with, 45. For crimes, 45. Inflicted on soldiers, 60. Two sons put to, by a Tezcucan prince, 60. Defaulters, liable to slavery, i. 54. Deities, Mexican, i. 69-73. Days and festivals appropriated to, 69, 88. On unity and plurality of, 69, note. Huitzilopochtli, the Mexican Mars, 70. Quetzalcoatl, the god of the air, 71. Penates, 75, 140. Tezcatlipoca, 89, ii. 326. See Huitzilopochtli, Idols, Quetzalcoatl, and Tezcatlipoca. Delafield’s Antiquities, map in, i. 252, note. Deluge, coincidences as to the, in the Old and the New World, i. 233. Denon, on an Egyptian temple, i. 106, note. De Roo, P., cited, i. 237, note, 238, note. Devil, Mexican, i. 70, note, 95, note. His delusion of the Aztecs, 242, note, 243. CortÉs possessed with the, ii. 33, note. Diary of CortÉs, lost, iii. 180. Diaz, Bernal, errors of, ii. 175, note. His way of life, iii. 22, note. His share of spoil, 75, note. Letter not signed by, 242, note. Account of, and of his writings, 274-277. Ravine crossed by, 335, note. Leaves his farm to accompany CortÉs to Honduras, iv. 177, note. On the Christianity of Guatemozin and the prince of Tacuba, 185, note. On CortÉs at Honduras, 201. His character of CortÉs, 261-263. Diaz, Juan, the licentiate, efforts of, to convert natives, i. 337, ii. 364. His conspiracy, ii. 65. Performs mass in the great temple, 334, iii. 17. Dikes opened upon the Spaniards at Iztapalapan, iii. 287. See Causeways and Breaches. Discovery, progress of, by the beginning of the reign of Charles V., i. 284. Catholic and Protestant views as to, ii. 209, 210, note. Progress of, under CortÉs, iv. 134, 155, 170, 232, 235. Dishes of Montezuma, ii. 300. Divine book, or Teoamoxtli, i. 122, note. Domestic manners of the Aztecs, i. 165. Dominican friars, i. 285, ii. 75-77. Dove, coincidences with Noah’s, i. 233, 234. On the topmast, 301. Drain of Huehuetoca, ii. 283. Draught-cattle, want of, i. 158, 270, iii. 223. Draw-bridges, Mexican, ii. 250, 286, 336, iii. 98. Dresden Codex, i. 118, and note, 119, note, 263. Dresses, of Aztec warriors, i. 58. Owls embroidered on, 70, note. Of Cholulans, ii. 190. Of Aztec chiefs, 249. Of Montezuma, 252, 300, iii. 122. Of Mexicans, 311. Of Indian allies, iii. 115, 253. Drought at Tezcuco, ii. 275. Drum, the Tlascalan, ii. 121. The huge Mexican, 323, iii. 165. Of the war-god, sounded for the sacrifice of Spaniards, iv. 52. Ducat, value of the, ii. 18, note. Duero, Andres de, i. 311, 318. In Narvaez’s armada, iii. 40. Envoy to CortÉs, 53, 56. To share in the profits, 56. At Cempoalla, 69. Unhorsed and rehorsed, 118. Remonstrates, 213. Returns to Cuba, 236. In Spain, sustaining Velasquez, 236. Dupaix, i. 137, note, 224, 258, note. On Mexican tools, 260, note. On antedeluvian buildings, 265, note. Du Ponceau, P. S., i. 249, note. On the synthetic structure of the Indian dialects, 249, note. Dyes, and dye-woods, Mexican, i. 159, 285. E Eagle, on a standard, ii. 132, iii. 366. Earthen-ware, Aztec, i. 159. Earthquake, i. 110. Ebeling, collection of maps by, iv. 179, note. Eclipses, Aztec knowledge as to, i. 137. Education, Aztec, i. 83, 166, ii. 330. For the profession of hieroglyphical painting, i. 113. The council of music virtually a board of, 185. Of the Tezcucan royal household, 195. Egyptians, temples of, i. 106, note. Hieroglyphics of, 108, 109. Sothic period of, 133, note. Sophocles on the, 149, note. Addresses to their kings by priests, 195. Their representations of the human frame, 262. Elphinstone, W., on mythology, i. 68, note. Emeralds, Mexican use of, i. 155. One of the, sent to Spain, iv. 137. Genuineness of, disputed by Alaman, 137, note. Given by CortÉs to his second wife, 223, and note. Emperor, i. 37, ii. 28, note. Encomiendas. See Repartimientos. Entertainments, style of Mexican, i. 167. Era, the Mexican, i. 129. Ercilla, cited, iii. 185, note, 199, note. Escalante, Juan de, ii. 83, 84. Forces intrusted to, 86, 339. Instructions to, from Cholula, 220. Treachery towards, 339. Mortally wounded, 339. Escobar, ii. 32, iii. 126. Escudero, Juan, i. 307. Executed, ii. 66. Estates, held by Aztec nobles, i. 39. Estrada, juez de residencia, iv. 207-211. Estrada, MarÍa de, a heroine, iii. 168. Estrella’s manuscript, cited, i. 288, note, 301, note, 303, note, 308, note, 309, note, 318, note. Account of it, 331, note. Etruscans, cycles of the, i. 128, note. Eucharist, rite analogous to the, i. 239. Euripides on purification, i. 241, note. Eve, Aztec coincidences as to, i. 236. Everett, Edward, i. 269, note. F Fairs, days for, i. 126, 161, ii. 317. Traffic at, i. 161. For the sale of slaves, 162. At Tlascala, ii. 167. See Market. Falsehood, a capital offence, i. 185. Famine, in Mexico, iv. 29, 35, 59, 66, 73, 74, 86. At Honduras, 195. Fans given by Montezuma, ii. 59, note. Farfan grapples with Narvaez, iii. 66. Feather-work, mantles of, for tribute, i. 52, and note. Worn by warriors, 58. Manufacture of, 160. Made by the royal household of Tezcuco, 195. Given to CortÉs, 368, ii. 16, 50, 58, note, 159, 234. Worn by Tlascalans, 132. Beauty and warmth of, 311. Female snake, i. 34, note. Females. See Women. Ferdinand and Isabella, state of Spain at the close of the reign of, i. 277. Festivals, for deities, i. 69, 88. At the termination of the great cycle, 140. Festivities, style of, i. 167. Feudal system, in Anahuac, i. 40, note, ii. 106. Fever. See VÓmito. Fiefs, origin of, in Anahuac, i. 39, note. Figurative writing, i. 107. See Hieroglyphics. Fire-arms, i. 351, ii. 140. All lost in the retreat from Mexico, iii. 181. Supply of, 238. Fires always burning, i. 87, ii. 186, 323, 328. First-fruits for the priests, i. 85. Fish, reservoirs of, ii. 244. Tanks of, 297. Fleet fitted out by Velasquez against CortÉs, ii. 65, iii. 32. Narvaez commander of the, iii. 33. Its strength, 33. At San Juan de Ulua, 33. Dismantled, 77. See Armada, Brigantines, Flotilla, and Ships. Fleets for discovering a strait, iv. 133, 170. Ruined by the Royal Audience, 233. Flemings in Spain, i. 280, ii. 73. Floating gardens, or chinampas, ii. 240, 249, 283. See Gardens. Florida, i. 284, iv. 170. Flotilla, Indian, destroyed, iv. 5. Flowers, fondness for, ii. 37, 38, 191, 230, 316. In the Iztapalapan gardens, 243. Fohi, incarnation of the, i. 71, note. Fonseca, Juan Rodriguez de, Bishop of Burgos, notice of, ii. 74, iii. 27. His hostility to Columbus, to his son, and to CortÉs, iii. 28, 242, iv. 145, 148. Exertions of, against CortÉs and his envoys, iii. 28, 354, iv. 139, 145. Orders CortÉs to Spain for trial, iii. 237. Procures the passing of ordinances, 355, iv. 139. Interdiction of, 143, 146. End of his influence, 147. His death, 148. Forbidden fruit, the, i. 150, note. Forests, destroyed, i. 10, ii. 98, and note. Penalties for destroying, i. 150. Laws on gathering wood in, 203, 204. See Fuel. Fractions, arithmetical, of Aztecs, i. 125. Franciscan friars, in New Spain, iv. 163. Francis I., of France, envious of the Emperor Charles V., iv. 138. Franklin, Benjamin, on the turkey, i. 169, note. Fruit-trees not allowed in Montezuma’s gardens, ii. 297, note. Fuel, on gathering, i. 204. Funeral ceremonies, Aztec, i. 78. For Nezahualpilli, 218, note. See Dead. Funeral piles, i. 218, note. Of arms, ii. 350. Future life, Aztec views of, i. 76. G Galindo, Colonel, on civilization in Palenque, i. 264. Gallatin, Albert, on Mexican prayers, i. 79, note, 250, note, 270. Galvez, castle of, ii. 298. Gama, Antonio, on hieroglyphics, i. 109, 110, note. On Mexican notation, 125, note. On intercalation, 127, note. On the beginning of the year of the new cycle, 129, note. On the lunar reckoning of the priests, 132, note. On the nine companions, 133, note. His astrological almanac, 136, note. Carved stones seen by, 138, note. Account of, and of his writings, 144, 145. On a night in Cholula, ii. 199, note. Gaming, ii. 360, iii. 14, 255. Gante, Pedro de, convent by, iv. 152. Garay, Francisco de, his squadron, ii. 84, iii. 237. Crews of, join CortÉs, iii. 237. Gardens of plants, i. 153. Of Iztapalapan, ii. 243. First European, 244, note. Montezuma’s, 297. At Huaxtepec, iii. 318. See Floating gardens. Garrisons, in the larger cities, i. 54, note. Gauntlet run by Spaniards, ii. 348, note. Geology, conjectures confirmed by, i. 76, note. Gerolt, Federico de, ii. 228, note. Gestures, Indian, i. 361. Gibbon, Edward, ii. 71, note. Girls, counsels given to, i. 166, iv. 267. Gladiatorial sacrifices, i. 92, note. Glass
, sent to Montezuma, i. 368. Gold, tribute of, i. 52, note. From a tomb, 78, note. Said to be found in temples, 87. note. Traffic with, 161. Mines of, worked in Cuba, 289, 309. Curiously wrought specimens of, from Yucatan, 291. Plates given to Grijalva, 292. Trade for ornaments and vessels of, 293. Despatched to Spain by Velasquez, 294. Barter for, at Cozumel, 333. Spanish desire of, 346, 364, 369, iii. 12. Given to CortÉs, by Teuhtlile, i. 368. Bits of, obtained by the soldiers, ii. 15. Presented by Montezuma, 16, 17, 50, 58, note, 159, 217, 234, 262, 270. Relinquished by the Conquerors, 57, iii. 13. Sent by CortÉs to Spain, ii. 57. Four loads of, offered as a bribe to CortÉs, 234. Present of, at Amaquemecan, 237. Worn by Montezuma, 252. Place of getting, 372. Sent by Montezuma to the Castilian sovereign, iii. 7, 8. Comparison of, with silver, 10, note. nverted into chains, 14, 160. Effect of the arrival of, in Spain, 24. Given to Narvaez’s soldiers, 75. Fate of, on the evacuation of Mexico, 160, 180, note, 187. Spaniards killed while transporting, 210, 264. Given for maize bread, 211, note. Cannon of, sent to Spain, iv. 172, note. Carried to Spain by CortÉs, 213. Drawn from Tehuantepec by CortÉs, 232. See Treasure. Golden Fleece, i. 281, note. Goldsmiths, skill of Mexican, i. 155, note, ii. 258. See Animals. Golfo Dolce, iv. 195. Gomara, Francisco Lopez de, i. 95, note, 293, note, 326, note. On domesticated bisons, 270, note. Authority for CortÉs’ First Letter, ii. 60. On firing at the Aztecs, iii. 109, note. On the baptism of Montezuma, 148, note. On losses at the retreat, 180. Account of, and of his writings, 272, 273. On protecting Guatemozin, iv. 188. On CortÉs’ precious stones, 233, note. Goods, sale and transportation of, i. 161, 162. Government in Anahuac, i. 32. Under Nezahualcoyotl, 184. Of the Tlascalans, ii. 105. Of Cholula, 181. Grado, Alonso de, at Villa Rica, ii. 358. Granaries, i. 54, 150. Grijalva, Juan de, expedition of, to Yucatan, i. 291. Returns to Cuba and is censured, 294. CortÉs to join, 315. Volunteers from, join CortÉs, 322. Effect of his landing, on Montezuma, ii. 13. Grijalva, River of, i. 292, 342. Guadaloupe, in Spain, iv. 216. Gualipan, iii. 207, note. Guatemala, settlement of the Toltecs in, i. 267. Conquered, iv. 172. Guatemozin, Montezuma’s nephew, iii. 124, note. Tecuichpo, wife of, 155, note, 249, iv. 186, note. Elected emperor, 104. Rallies for defence of his capital, 249. Missions to, iii. 283, 295. His animosity to the Spaniards, 296. His application to Tangapan, 296, note. CortÉs’ desire of an interview with, 312. Attempts the recovery of Chalco, 320, to relieve Xochimilco, 342. His policy, 345, iv. 27. Decoys brigantines, 28. Proffers to, 34, 66, 89, note, 97. Distributes heads of Spaniards and of horses, 54. Effect of his machinations, 61. Council called by, 67. Will not surrender, 68, 97. His palace, 71. Declines meeting CortÉs, 89, 97. Efforts of, to escape, 97. Captured, 100. Intercedes for his wife and followers, 100. His interview with CortÉs, 103. On a monument to, 117, note. Torture of, 130, 142, 144. Regarded as a rebel, 142. Suspected, 183. Executed, 185. Remarks on, 185. Guevara, Narvaez’s envoy to Sandoval, iii. 36. CortÉs’ reception of, 39. His return, 40. Envoy to CortÉs, 53, 56. Gulf of California, iv. 134, 233. Penetrated by Ulloa, 235. Called Sea of CortÉs, 237. Gulf of Mexico, i. 285, ii. 372. Gunpowder, manufactured, iii. 245, iv. 154. Guns. See Cannon and Fire-arms. Guzman, captured, iv. 44. Sacrificed, 57. Guzman, NuÑez de, at the head of the Royal Audience of New Spain, iv. 225, 229. CortÉs’ expedition against, 233. H Hanging gardens of Nezahualcoyotl, i. 196. See Floating gardens. Hannibal, ii. 232, note, iv. 255. Hardy, Lieutenant, on Casas Grandes, i. 253, note. Harems, royal, i. 192, ii. 233, 299. Harvard University Library, maps in, iv. 179, note. Hatuey, on Spaniards and heaven, i. 288. Havana, i. 289, note. The armada at, 323, note. Orders respecting CortÉs at, 326. See Cuba. Head of a Spaniard sent to Montezuma, ii. 340. Heaven, the Aztec, i. 76, note. Hatuey’s remark on, 288. Heckewelder, John, i. 70, note. Heeren, A. H. L., i. 67, note, 106, note, 111, note. Helmet, the Aztec, i. 59. Filled with gold dust, ii. 17. Henry IV. of France, treasury of, iii. 11, note. Hernandez, Francisco, on maize, i. 151, note. On the species of the maguey, 152, note. Panegyrizes tobacco, 169, note. Takes models, 193. His work on natural history, 193, note. On the gardens of Huaxtepec, iii. 319, note. Herodotus, i. 60, note, 67. Heron, an heraldic emblem, ii. 132. Herrera, Antonio de, i. 287, note, 295 note. On CortÉs’ escape on a plank, 308, note. On Aguilar’s temptations, 340, note. Gives a speech by Marina, ii. 123, note. On the Spaniards at Cholula, 191, note. On Canoes in Lake Tezcuco, 249, note. Account of, and of his writings, 272-274. On humming-birds, 294, note. On cochineal, 314, note. On arrows at the Aztec assault, iii. 109, note. On gold thrown away, 187, note. On stewed human flesh, 225, noInfluence of, on the Aztecs, 96, 101, note, iv. 113. Compared with the Inquisition, i. 98. Voluntary, 98. Practised to some extent by the Toltecs, 100, note. At the kindling of the new fire, 141. Of Maxtla, 183. By Nezahualcoyotl, 206. Nezahualcoyotl’s ideas respecting, 206, 214. At the obsequies of Nezahualpilli, 218, note. Among the Mongols, 244. At the Isla de los Sacrificios, 294. Not offered at Cozumel, 337. Of Christians wrecked at Yucatan, 340. At the coronation of Montezuma, ii. 5; during his administration, 9. Remains of, near Vera Cruz, 35. Victims for, demanded of the Totonacs, 45. Among Tlascalans, 109. Of captives in the Aztec and Tlascalan wars, 110. Cempoallan envoys seized for, 119. Victims for, released, 173. Fruits and flowers instead of, 182. Number of, at Cholula, 186. Of children, 193. Condemned in Montezuma’s presence, 266. Stench of, in the great temple, 327. Promise from Montezuma respecting, 364. Of Spaniards, iii. 133, 168, 250, 265, 344, iv. 52, 57, 78. See Cannibalism and Prisoners. Humboldt, on the extent of the Aztec empire, 5, note. On the extent of Anahuac, 13, note. On the Aztec cosmogony and that of Eastern Asia, 75, note. On the Aztec annals, 113, note. On the Dresden Codex, 119, note. On the publication of Aztec remains, 142, note. His obligations to Gama, 145. On Indian corn, 148, note. On the musa, 150, note. On the American agave, 152, note. On silk among the Aztecs, 160, note. On the peopling of a continent, 231, note. On scientific analogies, 247, note. His definition of ocelotl, 247, note. On Mexican languages, 249, note. On Mexican beards and moustaches, 254, note. On the color of the aborigines, 255, note. On diseases in Mexico, 366, note. On the volcano Orizaba, ii. 35, note. On the Cofre de Perote, 91, note. On the mound to Quetzalcoatl, 184, note. On the word volcan, 224, note. On MontaÑo’s ascent, 228, note. Identifies localities, 263, note. On the drain of Huehuetoca, 283, note. On the comparative quantities of silver and gold, iii. 10, note. On the pyramids of Teotihuacan, 191, note. On the avenue to Iztapalapan, 348, note. Humming-birds, i. 234, ii. 294, and note. Husbands, on duties to, iv. 270. Hymns. See Songs. I Iceland, early colonization of, i. 228. Idols, treatment of, at Cozumel, i. 337; at Cempoalla, ii. 55. Of the war-god, thrown down, iii. 133. Destroyed at Peten, iv. 192. See Cathedrals. Immortality. See Future Life. Impressments for manning the fleet, iii. 365. Incense, compliments of, ii. 44, 156. In Montezuma’s palace, 265. Incensing of Huitzilopochtli, iii. 86. India, epic poets of, i. 67, note. India House, i. 282, iii. 25. Indian allies, ii. 118. Value of the, 123. On the march against Mexico, iii. 252, 258. Reconciled by CortÉs, 293. Join Spaniards at Mexico, iv. 30. Desert, 56. Return, 60. In the expedition to Honduras, 177. See Cempoallan, Chinantlan, Cholulan, Tepeacan, Tezcucans, Tlascalan, and Totonacs. Indian corn, i. 148, 151, note. See Maize. Indians, Aztecs and, differ, in domestic manners, i. 172. Repartimientos in regard to, 285, ii. 73. Commission respecting, i. 286, iv. 206, note. Held in slavery that they may be Christianized, i. 286. Las Casas insists upon the entire freedom of the, 286. Treatment of, at Cozumel, 333. Fight the Spaniards, at Tabasco, 344; at Ceutla, 351. Interview with, at San Juan de Ulua, 360. Aid the Spaniards, 365. On the civilization of, ii. 74. Taken by Spaniards, 128. Find Spanish new-comers to be enemies of the old, iii. 34. Protected by the Spanish government, iv. 208, note. See Aborigines, Christianity, Indian allies, and Repartimientos. Indians evade Census, iv. 230, note. Indies. See Council of the Indies. Indulgences, papal, for the troops, iii. 324, iv. 213, note. Inquisition, Aztec sacrifices compared to the, i. 98. Intemperance, i. 48, 171. Intercalation, among the Aztecs, i. 127, note, 129, note. Persian, 127, note, 248. Interpreters. See Aguilar Marina, and Melchorejo. Iron, not known to the Aztecs, i. 154, 260, 270. Substitutes for, 155. On the table-land in Mexico, 270, 271. The early use of, 271, note. Irrigation, i. 150. See Canals. Irving, Washington, i. 341, note, iv. 148, note. Isabella, suppressed repartimientos, i. 285. Isla de los Sacrificios, i. 294. Israelites, i. 144, 242, ii. 267, note, 332. Itzalana, i. 258. Itzocan, conquered, iii. 231. Itztli, tools made of, i. 155. Weapons pointed with, ii. 131, 134. Blades of, 134. Ixtlilxochitl, cacique of Tezcuco, account of, iii. 270. Instructed and watched, 282. Procures allies, 323, iv. 19. Efficiency of, iv. 19, 23. Kills the Aztec leader, 23. Does not desert, 56. Ixtlilxochitl, son of Nezahualpilli, rival for the Tezcucan crown, ii. 8, 177, 367. Embassy from, to CortÉs, 177. Ixtlilxochitl, the historian, on the extent of Anahuac, i. 14, note. His opinion of the Toltec records, 15, note. On feudal chiefs, 39, note. On halls of justice and judgments in Tezcuco, 7. On the cycles, 75, note. On sacrifices at the dedication of the temple of Huitzilopochtli, 93, note. On measures for procuring victims, 96, note. On Mexican hieroglyphical writers, 113, note. On the divine book, 122, note. Story by, 164, note. Notices of, and of his writings, 220, note. Source of the materials of his works, 187, note, 220, note. Translation by, of a poem of Nezahualcoyotl, 188, iv. 272. Cited, i. 190, note. On the population of Tezcuco, 191, note On Indian antiquities, 200, note. On the Toltec migration, 268. On Nezahualcoyotl’s advice to his son, 212. His character of Nezahualcoyotl, 213. On the Lady of Tula, 215, note. On Nezahualpilli’s punishment of his wife, 216, note, iv. 281. Account of, and of his writings, i. 220. On Montezuma’s conversion, iii. 14, note. On the massacre by Alvarado, 90, note. On a statue of the Sun, 193, note. Authority for Tecocol, 268, note, 269, note. Etymology of the name of, 269, note. On headquarters at Tezcuco, iii. 281, note. On Tangapan’s sister and her vision, 296, note. Termination of his works, iv. 13, note. On the rescue of CortÉs by a Tlascalan chief, 43, note. On Nezahualcoyotl’s residence, 279. Iztaccihuatl, ii. 187, 223, 228, note, 229, iii. 259. Iztacs, destruction of idols by, iv. 192, note. Iztapalapan, ii. 242. Gardens of, 243, iii. 284. Sack of, 285. Sandoval’s expedition against, 367, iv. 3. See Cuitlahua. Iztapalapan causeway, first crossed by Spaniards, ii. 247. Described, 248, 284. Advance on the, iii. 348. At the junction of the Cojohuacan, iv. 6. Cannon placed upon the, 7. Fighting there, 16, 20. Alderete on the, 39. Iztapan, 180. J Jacapichtla, expedition against, iii. 319. Jackets. See Cotton. Jalap, ii. 88, note. Jauhtepec, iii. 331. Java, market-days and weeks in, i. 126, note. Javelin, the Tlascalan, ii. 134. Jesters, i. 317, ii. 304. Jewels, i. 218, note, 293, iv. 137, 212. Jews. See Israelites. Jomard on the new fire, i. 140, note. Judges, Aztec, i. 42. In Tezcuco, 43. Collusions of, punishable with death, 45. Details respecting, 45. Montezuma tries the integrity of, ii. 6. Twelve, at the Mexican market, 318. Jugglers, i. 171, note, ii. 304, iv. 212. Julian, fleet burned by, ii. 71, note. Julian year, i. 129, note. Juste, Juan, inscriptions by, iii. 211, note, 298. K Kings, Egyptian, i. 36, note. Use of the word among the Aztecs, 37. See Sovereigns. Kingsborough, Lord, publishes Sahagun’s Universal History, i. 103. Manuscripts in his work, 117, 118, note. Identifies the Teoamoxtli and the Pentateuch, 122, note. On the scientific instruments of the Mexicans, 137, note. Account of his publication of the remains of the Aztec civilization, 143. On the Aztec knowledge of the Scriptures, 236, note. His Aztec and Israelitish parallelisms, 242, note. On the words Mexico and Messiah, 242, note. Knight-errantry of CortÉs, iv. 257. Knighthood, i. 57, ii. 107, iii. 244, iv. 299. Knotted strings, i. 114, note. L Lances, instructions by CortÉs respecting, i. 353, ii. 119, 130, iii. 196. For the Spaniards, iii. 44, 51. Lands, revenues from, i. 51. Heldin common, 52, note. For the maintenance of priests, 85. Cholulan cultivation of, ii. 189. See Agriculture. Languages, in Anahuac, i. 123, 187. Tlascalans, ii. 109. On coincidences as to, in the Old and the New World, i. 248. Remarks on the Indian, 249; on the Othomi, 250; on the Cora, 253, note. Lares, Amador de, i. 311, 318. Las Casas, BartolomÉ de, on human sacrifices in Anahuac, i. 94, note. On ruins in Yucatan, 266. Procures a commission to redress Indian grievances, 286, ii. 73. Protects the natives of Cuba, i. 288. On the censure of Grijalva, 295, note. On the father of CortÉs, 298, note. On CortÉs and Velasquez, 309, note, 320, 326. On property acquired by CortÉs, 310. On the etymology of adelantado, 316, note. On forced conversions, 338, note, iv. 290. On the proclamation at Tabasco, i. 344, note. On Tabasco, 346. On the loss at the battle of Ceutla, 355, note. On Indian gestures, 361, note. On traditions and Montezuma, ii. 10, note. Account of, and of his writings, 72-80. His connection with negro slavery, 73. His charity and friendship for the Indians, 73. Bishop of Chiapa, 77. His death and character, 78. Biographies of, 80. On the population of Cholula, 180, note. On the massacre at Cholula, 207, note. Herrera borrows from, 273. His portrait of Velasquez, iv. 149. Extract from, 290. Las Tres Cruzes, village of, iv. 180. Latrobe, his descriptions, i. 7, note. On the calendar-stone, 158, note. Describes two baths, 198, note. On Indian antiquities, 200, note. On Tacuba, iii. 176, note. On the interposition of the Virgin, 184, note. Describes a cavity in a pyramid, 191, note. Law of honor, the Aztec, i. 99, note. Lawrence, on animals in the New World, i. 225, note. Laws, Aztec, i. 47. Military codes, 60, iii. 254, iv. 324. Nezahualcoyotl’s code of, i. 184. Lead, from Tasco, i. 153. League. See Mexico. Legerdemain, i. 171, note, ii. 304. Legislative power, i. 41. Le Noir, M., i. 119, note, 264, note. Leon, Juan Velasquez de, joins CortÉs, i. 322. At Tabasco, 349. In irons, ii. 32. At Tlascala, 172. Aids in seizing Montezuma, 342, 344. Guards him, 348. Montezuma’s pleasure in his company, 363. To plant a colony at Coatzacualco, 373. Charged with purloining plate, iii. 12. Narvaez’s letter to, 44. Joins CortÉs at Cholula, 48. Fidelity of, 59, 72, note, 77. To secure Panuco, 77. Joins CortÉs at Tlascala, 79. Tries to calm his anger, 96. Chivalrous, 119. At the evacuation of Mexico, 162. Killed, 181. Fate of gold collected by, 210. Leon, Luis Ponce de, juez de residencia, iv. 206. Le Plongeon, Augustus, i. 258 note. Lerma, defends CortÉs, iv. 43. Lice as tribute, i. 52, note. Lieber, Francis, on punishment, i. 184, note. Lime, i. 52, note, 290, 334, ii. 39. Litters, ii. 44, 238, 251, 346, iii. 46, 200. Livy, cited, iv. 255, note. Llorente’s Life of Las Casas, ii. 80. Lopez, GerÓnimo, condemns the education given by the missionaries, iv. 165, note. Lopez, Martin, ship-builder, ii. 359, iii. 175, 233, 245, 299. Lord’s Supper, rite like the, i. 239, 241. Lorenzana, on a tribute-roll, i. 53, note. On the seizure of Montezuma, ii. 354, note. Cited, iii. 132, note, iv. 37, note. Louis XI., disclosure in his reign, iii. 300. Lucian, on the Deluge, i. 233, note. Lucretius, cited on iron, i. 271, note. Luisa, DoÑa, given to Alvarado, ii. 174. Lujo, Francisco de, i. 347, ii. 342. Encourages CortÉs, iii. 59. At the evacuation of Mexico, 162. Lunar calendars, i. 132, 247, note. Lyell, Charles, on the spread of mankind, i. 229, note. M Macaca, armada at, i. 320, 321. Machiavelli, i. 26, note, 101, note, ii. 12, note. Magarino, at a bridge, iii. 163, 166. Magistrates, Aztec, i. 43. Nezahualpilli the terror of unjust, 216, note. Maguey. See Agave Americana. Mahometan belief as to martyrs, i. 77, note. Maize, the word, i. 151, note. Yearly royal expenditure of, in Tezcuco, 191, note. See Indian corn. Majesty, the title, ii. 28, note. Malinche, ii. 175. See Marina. Malinche, CortÉs called, ii. 175. Malinche, the mountain, ii. 168. Manifesto to the Indians, i. 344, note. Mankind, origin of, in America, i. 225, 228. Two great families of, in America, 230. See Aborigines. Mantas, use and description of, iii. 140. Mantles of feather-work. See Feather-work. Manuscripts, scarcity of, among the Toltecs, i. 14, note. Materials of the Mexican, 114. Their shape, 115. Destruction of, 115, 116. Collected at Mexico and perished, 115, 174. Mendoza Codex, 117. Dresden Codex, 118. With interpretations, 119, note. No clue to the, 120. Report of a key to them, 121, note. The Teoamoxtli, or divine book, 122, and note. Notice of the Aztec, in Europe, 143. Estrella’s, 331. Collection of, by Vega, iv. 272. See Hieroglyphics and Paintings. Maps, for the revenue, i. 54. Ebeling collection of, iv. 179, note. In Delafield’s Antiquities, i. 252, note. Marina, or Malinche, a female slave and interpreter, account of, i. 361, iv. 190. CortÉs and, i. 362. Don Martin CortÉs, son of, 362, iv. 192. Moratin cited on, i. 363, note. Interprets, ii. 40, 44, 54. Cheers a Cempoallan chief, 123. Value of her services, 144. Discovers Tlascalan spies, 154. CortÉs called Malinche from, 175. Discovers a conspiracy at Cholula, 194. Interpreter between CortÉs and Montezuma, 260, 266. Urges Montezuma to go to the Spanish camp, 345. Finds out Cuitlahua, iii. 121, note. Interprets CortÉs’ address to the Aztecs, 134. In the retreat from Mexico, 175. At Chalco, 326. At the interview between CortÉs and Guatemozin, iv. 102. Meets her mother, 190. Marriage of, 190. Marineo, Lucio, on gaming, iii. 256, note. Market, Mexican, ii. 312. Closed, iii. 93. Market-days. See Fairs. Market-place, ii. 313. See Tlatelolco. Marquis of Oaxaca, iv. 220. Marriage, among the Aztecs, i. 49, 167. Among the Tezcucans, 200. Of Nezahualcoyotl, 202. Of Spaniards with Tlascalans, ii. 170, 174. Martin, Benito, chaplain, iii. 24. Martin of Valencia, iv. 164. Martyr, Peter, on maps and manuscripts, i. 115, note, 143, 157, note. On cacao as a circulating medium, 161. On a huge beam, 198, note. On Flemings in Spain, 280, note. On Tabasco, 346, note. On a fabric, ii. 17, note. On the gold and silver wheels, 18, note. Account of, 277. On the dwellings in Mexico, 286, 287, note. On the calendar-stone, 293, note. On Mexican trinkets, 314, note, iii. 7, note. On the pusillanimity of Montezuma, ii. 352, note. On the insurrection against Alvarado, iii. 92, note. On firing Mexico, 134, note. On cannibalism, iv. 33, note. On an emerald, 137, note. Martyrs, Mexican idea respecting, i. 56. Mahometan belief, 77, note. Masks, in the Aztec plays, i. 124. Massacre, at Cholula, ii. 201. By Alvarado, iii. 87. At Iztapalapan, 286. Matadero, fortress in the, iv. 153. Matanzas, i. 289, note. Maundeville, Sir John, i. 155, note. Maximilian, poverty of, iii. 11, note. Maxixcatzin, cacique of Tlascala, ii. 141, iii. 80. Welcomes CortÉs from Mexico, 207. CortÉs quartered in his palace, 209. Present to, 210. Averse to an alliance with Aztecs, 220. Dies of smallpox, 234. Olmedo with, 235. Spaniards in mourning for, 244. Son of, confirmed in the succession, 244. Son of, goes to Spain, iv. 212. Maxtla, Tepanec empire bequeathed to, i. 178. His treatment and jealousy of Nezahualcoyotl, 178. Oppressions by, 182. Conquered and sacrificed, 183. McCulloh, i. 73, note, 114, note, 133, note. Notice of his work, 245, note. Meals, i. 168. Montezuma’s, ii. 301. Mechanical arts, Aztec, i. 155, 156-160. Medellin, iv. 156, 201. Medicinal plants in Mexico, ii. 297. Melancholy night, iii. 169-182. Melchorejo, interpreter, i. 333, 347. Menagerie, at Mexico, ii. 295. Mendicity, not tolerated, i. 206. Mendoza Codex, i. 53, note. History of the, 117. With an interpretation, 119, note. Examined by the Marquis Spineto, 143. The arrangement of, 143. Mendoza, Don Antonio, viceroy of New Spain, iv. 235. Interferes with CortÉs, 237. Merchandise, sale and transportation of, i. 162-164. Merchants, Aztec, i. 162. Merida, Cozumel Cross at, i. 239, note. Mesa, commander of artillery, i. 349. Messiah, the words Mexico and, i. 242. Metals, in Ithaca and Mexico, i. 168, note. Early exportations of, from the Spanish colonies, 285. See Gold, Mines, and Silver. Mexia charges Leon with purloining plate, iii. 12. Mexican Gulf, i. 285. Explored, ii. 372. Mexicans. See Aztecs. Mexico, interest and importance of, i. 3. Ancient and modern extent of, 4. Climate and products of, 5. Primitive races of, 12-19, 253. Legislative power in, 41. Predictions and prodigies connected with the downfall of, 73, 217, ii. 10-12, 157, 159, 215, and note, iii. 3, 6, 269. On the colonization of, by the Israelites, i. 144. Apathy of, respecting antiquities, 199, note. Languages of, 249. Hostility to Montezuma in, ii. 7. Mexico, Tezcuco, and Tlacopan, league of, i. 23, 183. Extend their territory, 24, 25. Mexico, city, situation of, i. 11. Called Tenochtitlan, 21. Settlement of the Aztecs at, 21, note. Derivation of the name, 21. Map of, referred to, 25. Images spread throughout, 156. Terror there, at the landing of CortÉs, ii. 13. The cacique of Cocotlan’s account of, 94. Spanish route to, 228. First view of, by the Spaniards, 230. Seen from Iztapalapan, 245. Entrance of the Spaniards into, 247. Environs of, 248. Streets in, 255. Population of, 255, 288, note. Comparison of ancient and modern, 281. Description of, 284, 312. View of, from the great temple, 324. Alvarado takes command of, iii. 44. Insurrection in, 78, 92, 98, 108. CortÉs re-enters, 79. Massacre there, by Alvarado, 87. Assault on the Spanish quarters at, 92. Sally of the Spaniards, 115. Fired, 117, 134. Storming of the great temple at, 127-133. Evacuation of, by the Spaniards, 158. Cuitlahua’s acts there after the evacuation, 218. Guatemozin’s measures for defending, 249. Second expedition to, 251. Reconnoitred, 304, 352. Siege of, 366, 376. Assaults on the causeways of, iv. 10. Famine in, 29, 35, 59, 66, 73, 74, 86. General assault on, 38. Measures for securing retreat there, 39, 63. Destruction of buildings at, 63, 72. Want of water in, 73. Seven-eighths of, in ruins, 81. Pestilence in, 87. Murderous assault there, 93. Last assault on, 97. Tempest there, 106. Evacuation of, permitted, 107. Purification of, 107. Loss during the siege of, 108. Remarks on the conquest of, 112. Rebuilding of, 135, 145, 151. Population for, 154. Disturbances in, 199. CortÉs’ triumphal return to, 202. CortÉs ordered to leave, 208; to keep ten leagues from, 229. Deserted to visit CortÉs at Tezcuco, 229. MichoacÁn, tradition there, connected with the Deluge, i. 233. iii. 296, note. Embassy from, iv. 132. Visited, 133. Coliman in, founded, 155. Midwives, baptism by, i. 240, note. Mier, Dr., i
. 73, note, ii. 83, note. Military institutions, Aztec, i. 56. Milk, on the use of, i. 270, 271. Milman, on Budh, i. 71, note. Mines, and minerals, i. 153. Wrought, iv. 167, 232. Minstrels entertained, i. 171, note. Mirrors, Aztec, ii. 314. Missionaries. Charity for their religious analogies, i. 237. To New Spain in the time of CortÉs, iv. 162. Schools and colleges established by, 165. Leave Mexico, 200. Provision for, in CortÉs’ will, 243. See Dominican, Las Casas, Olmedo, and Toribio. Mitla, ruins of, i. 259, ii. 373. Mixtecapan, iii. 232. Monastic institutions among pagans, i. 244, note. Money, substitutes for, i. 161, and note. See Currency. MontaÑo, Francisco, ascends Popocatepetl, ii. 227. Montejo, Francisco de, i. 349. Explores the coast, ii. 21, 23, 43. Alcalde of Villa Rica, 30. In the expedition to Honduras, iv. 177. Montejo and Puertocarrero, mission of, to Spain, ii. 62. Touch at Cuba, 64, iii. 24. On the destruction of the fleet, ii. 71, note. Prosecuted before the Royal India House, iii. 25. Treatment of, by Charles V., 29. Influence of Fonseca against, 27. Monteleone, dukes of, descendants of CortÉs, ii. 263, iv. 152, 250. Monterey, founds Vera Cruz, i. 365, note, iv. 156, note. Montesinos, old ballad of, i. 359. Montezuma I., i. 24. Bas-relief of, destroyed, 157, ii. 298. Montezuma II., i. 36. Bas-relief of, destroyed, 157, ii. 298. The orthography of, i. 364, note. Message to, by CortÉs, 369. Accounts of, ii. 4, 94, 176, iii. 151. Meaning of the word, ii. 4, note. His coronation, 4. Benevolent and religious acts of, 5. Hatred of, 7, 41, 221, 233, 309. Principal cause of his calamities, 8. Resurrection and warning of his sister, 11, note. Dismayed at the landing of Spaniards, 13. Sends presents and forbids CortÉs’ approach, 14, 19, 22, 58, note. Exactions of the Totonacs by his tax-gatherers, 45. Inventory of his gifts, 58, note. His efforts to subdue the Tlascalans, 111. New embassy from, 159. Invites the Spaniards to Mexico, 175. Treacherous embassy from, to the Spaniards at Cholula, 192-197. Spaniards the historians of, 218. Tries to bribe the Spaniards to return, 234. Welcomes CortÉs, through Cacama, 239. Respect for, near the capital, 242. His visit to CortÉs, 250-254. Aztec homage to, 251, 254, 265, iii. 123. His personal appearance, ii. 252. His reception of CortÉs at Axayacatl’s palace, 257. Effect of his conduct on the Spaniards, 262, 270, 362, iii. 5. Conversation of, with CortÉs, ii. 260. Attempts to convert, 260, 266, 364, iii. 14, 147. Visit to, by CortÉs, ii. 263. His palace, 263, 298, iv. 151. Submission of, to Charles V., ii. 269, 271. His domestic establishment, 299-306, iv. 302. His wives, ii. 299, iii. 155, iv. 302. His meals, ii. 301, iv. 302. His reception of CortÉs at the great temple, ii. 323. Aids in preparing a chapel, 332. His treasures discovered, 333. History of his seizure, 338-346. Accompanies CortÉs to head-quarters, 346. Respect shown to, 347, 360. His reception of Quauhpopoca, 349. Fettered, 351. Unfettered, 352. Declines going to his palace, 353. His life in the Spanish quarters, 360. His munificence, 361. His visit to the great temple, 363. Sails in a brigantine, 365. Plan for liberating, by Cacama, 368. Intercedes for Cacama, 369. Swears allegiance, iii. 4. His gifts for the emperor, 7-10. Parting of CortÉs and, 46. Sends a messenger to CortÉs, 83. Checks the Aztecs in an insurrection, 92. Welcomes CortÉs, and is coldly received, 95. Cuitlahua chosen successor of, 97, 195, 218. Witnesses the Aztec fighting, 121. Prevailed on to address the Aztecs, 122. Insulted, 124. Wounded, 124, and note. Last days and death of, 125, 147. Commends his children to CortÉs, 149. His conversation with CortÉs, 149. Fate of his children, 149, note, 155, note, 162, 249, iv. 104, and note, 186, note, 318. Compassion for him, iii. 150, 154, 157. His character, 151. Descendant of, viceroy of Mexico, 156, note. Respect to his memory, 157. His successor, 195, 218. Son of, goes to Spain, iv. 212. See CortÉs and Tecuichpo. Montezuma’s Hill. See Hill. Months, Aztec division of, i. 126. Monument at the limits of Tlascala, ii. 103, 111, 115, iii. 204. Moon, worshipped, i. 208, note. Monument to the, iii. 190. Moran, a horseman, assaulted, ii. 122. Moratin, cited on Marina, i. 363, note. Morgan, Lewis H., cited, i. 14, note, 27, note, 31 note, ii. 288, note, 306, note. Morla, condemned to be hung, ii. 51. Morla, Francisco de, iii. 162, 170, 181. Morpeth, Lord, cited, ii. 37, note. Morton, S. G., on the burial of the dead, i. 245, note. Facial angle of his skulls, 255, note. Remarks on his Crania Americana, 256, note. Mosaic, imitated, i. 160. Mothers. See Daughters. Motilla, Sandoval’s steed, iv. 49, note. Motolinia, ii. 274. Mound to Quetzalcoatl, ii. 183, 187, 204. Mountain of Flints, iv. 193. MuÑoz, zeal of, respecting the manuscript of Sahagun’s History, i. 103. Manuscript of Hernandez discovered by, 193, note. Transcribed an account of Grijalva’s expedition, 296, note. Murray, C. A., i. 55, note. Musa, the plant, i. 150. Music, council of, i. 185. Its influence, 186. Instruments of, 208. Musketry, i. 351. See Fire-arms. Mythology, i. 66. Mexican, 68. Effect of the Aztec, 219. N Naco, expeditions to, iv. 175, 195. Najera, his Dissertatio de Lingua Othomitorum, i. 251, note. NaMarquis of the Valley of, 220. Ober. Cited, i. 152, note, 266, note. Observatory, Nezahualpilli’s, i. 216. Obsidian, Mexican tools made of, i. 155. Ocelotl, Humboldt on the, i. 247, note. Ohcacautin, i. 33, note. Ojeda, at the evacuation of Mexico, iii. 180, note. Olea, CristÓval de, saves CortÉs, iv. 43. Oleron, on the laws of, ii. 209, note. Olid, CristÓval de, sent in search of Grijalva, i. 295. Joins CortÉs, 322. Noticed, 349, iii. 19, 60, 96, 119, 122, 162, 170, 175, 200. Detached to Quauhquechollan, 227, 230, note. His countermarch on Cholula, 228. Sandoval and, iii. 296. Reconnoitres Mexico, 304. At Cuernavaca, 335. Conspiracy against, 357. Takes post at Cojohuacan, 367, 376. Demolishes the aqueduct, 374. Enmity between Alvarado and, 373. His expedition to Honduras, iv. 171. Defection of, 175. Beheaded, 176. Olmedo, BartolomÉ de, Father, notice of, i. 337. His efforts to convert the natives, 337, 356, ii. 22, 90. Interposition of, ii. 97, 170, 172, 325. Character of, 97, 172. Performs mass, 334, iii. 17. Attempts to convert Montezuma, 364, iii. 14, 147. Mission of, to Narvaez, iii. 41. Meets CortÉs, 49. Goes against Narvaez, 63. Before CortÉs, in behalf of the soldiers, 76. Urges Montezuma to address the Aztecs, 122. Visits the expiring Maxixca, 235. Sermon by, after the surrender of Mexico, iv. 111. Last years of, 153. Oral tradition, connection of, with Aztec picture-writing, i. 113, 123. Embodied in songs and hymns, 123. Ordaz, Diego de, i. 322. A spy on CortÉs, 322. To ransom Christian captives, 333. Commander of infantry in the battle of Ceutla, 349. Charges the enemy, 354. In irons, ii. 32. Attempts the ascent of Popocatepetl, 225. Escutcheon of, 227. Visits Montezuma with CortÉs, 263. To settle Coatzacualco, iii. 77. Joins CortÉs at Tlascala, 79. Chivalrous, 119. Storms the great temple, 129. At the evacuation of Mexico, 162, 167, 175. Ordinances for the government of New Spain during CortÉs viceroyalty, iv. 157, note. Orizaba, the volcano, ii. 34, 89, 187. Orozco y Berra, on the various races in Mexico, i. 12, note. On ancient remains in Central America, 17, note. Cited, 18, note, 20, note, 120, note. Orteguilla, page of Montezuma, ii. 363, iii. 19. Otaheitans and New Zealanders, i. 229, note. Otomies, their language, i. 250, ii. 111. Aid the Tlascalans, ii. 111. A migratory race, iv. 19, note. Claim protection, 19, 61, note. Notice of, 19. Otompan, or Otumba, iii. 188, 194, 289. Ovando, Don Juan de, orders manuscripts to be restored to Sahagun, i. 102. Ovando, Don Nicolas de, Governor of Hispaniola, i. 300, 302, iii. 33, note. Oviedo de Valdez, Gonzalo Fernandez, i. 150, note, ii. 73. On the peso de oro, ii. 17, note. On the gold and silver wheels, 17, note. On the device of Tlascala, 132, note. On the skill of Aztec goldsmiths, 258, note. On Montezuma, 300, note, 345, note, iii. 5, note, iv. 302. On Montezuma and Narvaez, iii. 42, note. On the ascendency of CortÉs, 72, note. Narvaez’s gossip with, 73, note. On the massacre by Alvarado, 89, note. Account of, and of his writings, 98-102. Compares CortÉs to Horatius Cocles, 144, note. On a leap by CortÉs, 145, note. On horse-flesh, 186, note. Panegyrizes CortÉs, 295, note, 364, note. Owl, Mexican devil and, i. 70, note. P Pacific Ocean, described by NuÑez de Balboa, i. 284. Discovered and taken possession of, iv. 133. Spanish ideas of the, 171. Padilla, i. 197, note, 198, note. Paintings, hieroglyphical, made in court, i. 46. Chair for the study and interpretation of, 46, 121. Aztec laws registered in, 47, 112. Cycles of the Vatican, 76, note. Of Sahagun, 102, 104. Features of Mexican, 108. Coloring in, 109. Aztec and Egyptian, compared, 109. Chiefly representative, in Anahuac, 111. The records made in, 112. Connection of oral tradition with, 113. Humboldt on, 113, note. Education respecting, 113. Destruction of, 115, iii. 267. Of Narvaez and his fleet, iii. 38. Of the storming of the great temple, 133, note. See Hieroglyphics. Palace of Nezahualcayotl, i. 191, 194, iv. 279. Of Axayacatl, ii. 257, 258, 333. Of Montezuma, 263, 293, iv. 151. Of Maxixca, iii. 209. Of Guatemozin, fired, iv. 72. Of CortÉs, at Mexico, 152; at Cuernavaca, 230. Palenque, cross at, i. 238. Architecture of, 261. Sculpture there, 262. Ancient, 356, iv. 180. Palfrey, John G., Lectures by, i. 233, note. Palos, CortÉs at, iv. 213. Panuchese, defeated, iv. 141. Panuco, ii. 23, iii. 77, 237. Papantzin, resurrection of, ii. 11, note. Paper, i. 52, and note, 114. Papyrus, account of, i. 114, note. Pearls, worn by Montezuma, ii. 252. Penance among Tartars, i. 244, note. Pentateuch and Teoamoxtli, i. 122, note. Perrine, Dr., on the maguey, i. 153, note. Persia, i. 56, note, 127, note. Peru, records in, i. 114, note. Peso de oro, ii. 17, note, iii. 10, note. Pesquisa Secreta, or Secret Inquiry, iv. 226. Pestilence, at Mexico, iv. 87. Peten, lake and isles of, iv. 189, 192. Phonetic writing and signs, i. 106, note, 107, 110, 111, 120, note. Picture-writing, i. 106, 370, ii. 13. See Hieroglyphics. Pikes. See Lances. Pilgrims to Cholula, ii. 152. Pins, from the agave, i. 185. Pisa, tower of, i. 268. Pizarro, Francisco, iv. 213. Pizarro y Orellana, i. 297, note, 301, note, 352, note. Plants, medicinal, among the Aztecs, ii. 297. Plato’s Atlantis, i. 226. Plaza Mayor, in Mexico, i. 156, and note, iv. 152. Pliny, on the papyrus, i. 114, note. Poetry, connection of mythology and, i. 67, 68. Tezcucan, 218. See Nezahualcoytl. Polo, Marco, i. 161, note. On cannibalism, 244, note. Polygamy, among the Mexicans, i. 166, 195, note. Popes, power of, ii. 209, 210. Popocatepetl, ii. 187, iii. 245. Sulphur from, ii. 227, iii. 245. The Hill that smokes, ii. 223. Account of, 224. Attempt to ascend, 225. Ascended by MontaÑo, 227. Popotla, CortÉs rests at, iii. 174. Porters, or tamanes, ii. 43. Drag cannon to Tlascala, 85, 161. Carry Narvaez’s envoys to Mexico, iii. 37. Carry wounded Spaniards, 184; rigging from Vera Cruz, 245; the brigantines from Tlascala, 301. Portraits of CortÉs, Aztec, i. 262, 263, note. Potonchan, i. 342. Pottery, i. 159, note, ii. 167, 181. Poyauhtlan, battle of, ii. 105, 110. Prayers, Mexican, like Christian, i. 78, 79, note, 80, note. Of Aztec priests, 82. By Aztec confessors, 83, note. Sahagun collected forms of, 103. Predictions or forebodings respecting the fate of the Aztec empire, i. 73, 217, ii. 8-10, 157, 159, 215, note, iii. 3, 6, 269. Priestesses, i. 83. Priests, connection of, with Aztec royalty, i. 36, note. Aztec, 80. Their influence, 81, 96. Services by, 81. Duties of, in regard to education, 83, 113. Maintenance of, 85. Aztec and Egyptian, 86, note. Extorting victims for sacrifices, 96. On secret symbolic characters by the, 110. Their lunar reckoning, 132, note, 134. Their celebration of the kindling of the new fire, 141. Among Tartars, 244, note. Mexican word for, 250, note. Defend their gods, ii. 54. Consulted by Tlascalans, 142. Disclose the conspiracy at Cholula, 195. In the great temple, 325, 330. Influence Aztec warriors, iii. 130. Captured, 132. Released, 143. Hurled from the great teocalli, iv. 15. Sacrifice Spaniards, 52. Cheer Guatemozin, 55. The eight days’ prediction by, 55-60. Dissuade Guatemozin from surrendering, 68. Immoralities in, punished, 163. See High-priests. Prisoners, usually sacrificed, i. 49. Zeal to make, 60, 95, ii. 125, iii. 344. Treatment of, at Cozumel, i. 333. Tabascan, taken by CortÉs and sent to their countrymen, 355. Aztec plan in regard to Spanish, ii. 194. At the Cholulan massacre, 205. Released by Tlascalans, 206. Spaniards made, and sacrificed, iii. 344, 349, iv. 45, 49, 52, 57. See Human sacrifices. Prizes, distribution of, i. 186. Proclamation at Tabasco, i. 344. Prodigies. See Predictions. Property of infidels and pirates, ii. 209, note. Protestants, Catholics and, i. 358, ii. 56. Their rights to discoveries, ii. 210, note. Provisions, in the Mexican market, ii. 315. Distress for, on the retreat, iii. 186. Camp supplied with, iv. 32. See Famine. Puebla de los Angeles, ii. 188, note. Puertocarrero, Alonzo Hernandez de, i. 322, 349, 359. Deposition of, ii. 28, iv. 291. Alcalde of, Villa Rica, ii. 30. See Montejo and Puertocarrero. Pulque, i. 48, 152, 171. Punishments, i. 47. Absolution substituted for, 83. Object of 184. For falsehood, 184. Pyramids, at Cholula, ii. 183, 187, 204. At Teotihuacan, iii. 189. Q Qua, changed into Gua, iii. 249, note. Quails, sacrificed, i. 88, note. Quauhnahuac. See Cuernavaca. Quauhpopoca, an Aztec chief, deceives Escalante, ii. 339. Sent for by Montezuma, 343, 349. Burnt, 350. Quauhquechollan, or Huacachula, iii. 227-229. Quauhtitlan, iii. 185, 307, note. Quetzalcoatl, the god of the air, account of, i. 71, 358, ii. 182. Temple to, at Cholula, i. 73, ii. 183. Fate of, i. 73. Tradition respecting, favorable to the future success of the Spaniards, 73, ii. 8, iii. 3, 6. Meaning of the word, i. 73, note. Identified with the apostle Thomas, 73, note, 237, ii. 183, note, with Noah, i. 73, note. Mythological character, 73, note. Analogies with Scripture suggested by, 236. Helmet worn by, 368. Mound to, ii. 183. Does not aid the Cholulans at the massacre, 203. Firing of the temple of, 203; cross put upon its ruins, 217. Temple of, at Mexico, 329. QuiÑones, Antonio de, captain of CortÉs’ body-guard, iii. 362. Aids in saving CortÉs’ life, iv. 44. Killed at the Azores, 138. Quintana’s Life of Las Casas, ii. 80. Quintero, Alonso, i. 300. Quippus, recording events by the, i. 114, note. R Racine, cited, i. 190, note, iii. 250, note. Raffles, Sir Stamford, i. 126, note. Ramirez, JosÉ F., his views of human sacrifices and cannibalism, i. 97, note; of the destruction of the fleet by CortÉs, ii. 72, note. Cited, i. 100, note, 154, note, 221, note, 371, note, ii. 257, note, 263, note, 318, note, 349, note, iii. 88, note, 166, note. Rangre, Rodrigo, commander at Villa Rica, iii. 79. Mission to, 211. Takes troops sent by Velasquez, 237. Purchases a ship with military stores, 238. Ranking’s Historical Researches, i. 208, note, 244, note. Raynal, AbbÉ, i. 154, note. Razors, Mexican, ii. 314. Rebels, proceedings against Tepeacans as, iii. 224; against Aztecs, 251. Receiver-general, i. 54. Refinement, in domestic manners, among the Aztecs, i. 165, 218. Shown in the council of music, 186. At Cempoalla, ii. 37. See Civilization. Religion, similar ideas as to, in remote regions, i. 69, note. On outraging, iii. 18. See Christianity and Mythology. Religious services always public, i. 87. Repartimientos, the system of, i. 285, ii. 72. To CortÉs, in Hispaniola, 302; in Cuba, 309. In New Spain, iii. 226, iv. 159, 258. Disapproved by the crown, iv. 160. Regulations respecting, 161. Consultations and opinions respecting, iv. 207, note. Representative writing, i. 107, 111. Resurrection of Tangapan’s sister, iii. 296, note. Reubios, Palacios, proclamation by, i. 345, note. Revenues, sources of, i. 51. Houses for collecting, ii. 286. See Tribute. Ribera, on Indian maps, i. 115, note. Rigging saved and used, ii. 68, 359, iii. 77, 234, 302. Rio Gila, remains there, i. 253. Rio de Tabasco, i. 292, 342, iv. 179. Ritter, i. 69, note. River of Banners, i. 293, 359. River of Canoes, iii. 57, 61. Robertson, William, i. 50, note, ii. 17, note. Inconsistency of, respecting a colony, ii. 29, note. Cites a harangue from SolÍs, 31, note. Spelling of proper names by, 43, note. On the First Letter of CortÉs, 60, note. Error of, as to Montezuma’s gift, iii. 10, note. On CortÉs’ expedition to Honduras, iv. 203, note. Rock of the Marquis, iv. 4. Roman Catholic communion, i. 357, ii. 56. Romans, on their successes, i. 26, note. Royal Audience of New Spain, iv. 209. Their investigation of CortÉs’ conduct, and treatment of him, 225. Superseded, 228. Disagreement of CortÉs and the, 229. Superseded by a viceroy, 234. Royal Audience of St. Domingo, iii. 31, 35, 243, 355. Royal Council of Spain, i. 344. Ruins, antiquity of American, i. 264. S Saavedra, ii. 249, note, 253, note, iv. 44, note. Sacrifices. See Human sacrifices. Sacrificial stone, i. 87, 91, iii. 130, iv. 52. Sahagun, Bernardino de, i. 78, note, 81, note. Account of, and of his Universal History, 101-104. Noticed, 137, note, 161, note, 163, note, 164, note. On Aztec counsels to a daughter, 165, note, iv. 267; to a son, i. 167, note. Cited, ii. 21, note, 185, note, 215, note, iii. 84, note, 85, note, 109, note. Says Montezuma and others were strangled, 126. Noticed, 131, note, 174, note, 198, note, 208, note, 235, note, 265, note. On a sacrifice of Spanish captives, iv. 53, note. On the devastation at Mexico, 65, note. Cited, 73, note, 79, note, 82, note, 86, note, 88, note. Notice of, 125. On the demolition of the temples, 166, note. St. Antonio, Cape, i. 323, 327. St. Augustine, i. 227, 228, note. St. Domingo. See Hispaniola. St. Francis, convent of, ii. 89, note, iv. 202. St. Hypolito, iv. 96. St. Jago de Cuba, i. 289, 291, 309, 313. St. James, appearance of, in battle, i. 353, note, iii. 145, 203, note. St. Lucar, ii. 65, iii. 24. St. Peter, patron saint of CortÉs, i. 330, 352, note. St. Thomas, identification of Quetzalcoatl and, i. 73, note, 237, ii. 183, note. Salamanca, i. 298, ii. 72. Salamanca, Juan de, iii. 201. Salazar, Juan de, killed, iii. 169. Sales of merchandise, i. 162. Salt, i. 52, note, 191, note, ii. 248. Tlascalans without, 112. Spaniards without, 139. Manufacture of, 248. Salvatierra, iii. 41, 67, 69. San ChristÓbal, iii. 305. Sandoval, Gonzalo de, i. 281, note, 322, ii. 83, 263, iii. 26, 29, note. Aids in seizing Montezuma, i. 342. Commands at Villa Rica, ii. 359. Noticed, iii. 34, 42, 51, 60, 66, 119. Storms the great temple, 129. At the evacuation of Mexico, 162, 165, 167, 169, 175. In battles, 198, 201, 232. Commander at Tezcuco, 285, 304, 326. Expedition of, to Chalco, 290, 317. Transports brigantines, 297. Notice of, 297. At Zoltepec, 298. Wounded, 321. Misunderstanding of CortÉs and, 322. Conspiracy against, 357. Expedition of, against Iztapalapan, 367, iv. 3. At the Tepejacac causeway, 9. In the assault, 18, 31, 46, 48. His visit to CortÉs, 48. His steed, 48. Returns, 50. To aid in the murderous assault, 89. To secure Guatemozin, 96, 99. To escort prisoners to Cojohuacan, 105. Detachment of, to reduce colonies, iv. 134, 141. Hangs four hundred chiefs, 142. In the expedition to Honduras, 181. Domestic of, punished, 208. Accompanies CortÉs to Spain, 212. Death of, 214. San Estevan, iv. 141, 155. San Gil de Buena Vista, iv. 195. San Juan de Ulna, i. 294, 360. Narvaez’s fleet at, iii. 33. Vera Cruz built there, 33. Santa Cruz, iv. 233. Santa MarÍa de la Victoria, i. 354. Saucedo, a cavalier, ii. 57. Saussure, M. de, ii. 224, note. Scalping, i. 60, note. Science, instruments of, i. 137, note. Tribunal for works on, 185. Coincidences as to, in the Old and New World, i. 246. Sculpture, i. 157, 262. Secret Inquiry, The, iv. 226. SedeÑo, joins the armada, i. 322. Segura de la Frontera, iii. 239. Sequoias, i. 198, note. Serpents, wall of, ii. 320, iii. 87, iv. 14. Serradifalco, Duke di, i. 262, note. Sheep, importation of, iv. 231. Shields, ii. 59, note, 133. Ships, Aztec painting of, i. 370. See Armada and Vessels. Sidonia, Medina, iv. 216, 245. Sierra, Madre, ii. 89. Del Agua, 92. De Malinche, 187, iii. 134, note, 245. De los Pedernales, iv. 193. Siesta, i. 169, note, ii. 260, 304. Siguenza, Dr., on Quetzalcoatl and the apostle Thomas, i. 73, note. Silk, i. 160, note. Silver, i. 153. Vases of, 155. From Montezuma, ii. 16, iii. 10. Comparative gold and, iii. 10, note. Carried to Spain by CortÉz, iv. 213. From Zacatecas, 232. Sin, Aztec origin of, i. 236. Sismondi, on blasphemy, iii. 255, note. Skins, use of human, iii. 265, note. Skulls, i. 95, ii. 93, 329. Coincidences with Mexican, i. 255. Morton’s work on, 256, note. Scarceness of Aztec, 256, note. Slavery, Aztec, i. 48, 54, iv. 244. Slaves, sacrificed, i. 78, 83, note. Traffic in, 162, 163. Eaten, 170. Expedition to the Bahama Islands for, 289, 291, note. Female, given to CortÉs, 356, 361, ii. 52. Bring gifts to Montezuma, ii. 16. Sent to Spain, 63. Owned by Las Casas, 73. Wait on Spaniards at Mexico, 260. For sale in the Mexican market, 315. Branded, iii. 225. Given to Spaniards by the Mexicans, 226, note. Hung, 257. Scruples of CortÉs as to, iv. 159, 244. Exemption of, 181. See Negro slaves and Repartimientos. Smallpox, iii. 77, note, 234. Smoking, i. 168, 169, note. Snuff, taken, i. 169. Soldiers, i. 56. Nezahualcoyotl’s kindness to disabled, 206. SolÍs, Don Antonio de, i. 320, note, ii. 30, note. On CortÉs, ii. 33, note, 46, note. On Montezuma’s oath of allegiance, iii. 5, note. On Cuitlahua, iii. 246. Account of, and his writings, iv. 119-125. Songs and hymns, i. 123. Sons, counsels to, i. 167, note, 168, note. Sotelo, catapult by, iv. 82. Sothic period, i. 133, note. Southey, i. 58, note, 141, note, ii. 131, note, 245, note, iv. 6, note. Sovereigns, Aztec, i. 33, 57. Influence of priests on, 97. Presents to, by merchants, 163. Reproved, 195. Power of, for ameliorating the condition of man, 219. The title, ii. 28, note. Spain, at the close of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, i. 278. Subsequently, 279. Gold despatched to, by Velasquez, 296. Titles applied to the royal family of, ii. 28, note. Despatches to, by CortÉs, 57, 63, iii. 239. Chivalry in, iii. 340. Faction in, against CortÉs, 354, iv. 139, 142, 204, 209. See Charles V. Spaniards, traditions and prodigies connected with the, i. 73, 217, ii. 10-13, 57, 59, 215, and note, iii. 3, 6, 270. Cause of their not being slain in battle, i. 96, ii. 125, iii. 340. Their desire of gold, i. 346, 356, 364, 369, iii. 276. Aided and befriended by Indians, i. 365, ii. 15. Effects of Montezuma’s gifts on the, ii. 18. Proposition to return to Cuba, 20, 26, 28. Sickly, and distressed for supplies, 21. Troubles in the camp, 24. Reinforced, 57. Send gold to Spain, 57. Effect on, of the destruction of the ships, 68. Fight Tlascalans, 116-125. Loss of, 125, 139. The killed are buried, 139. Declared to be children of the Sun, 142. Enter Tlascala, 164. March to Cholula, 190. On judging of their actions, 213. Called “The white gods,” 215. Their route to Mexico, 229. Effect of Montezuma’s conduct on them, 262, 270, 362, iii. 5. Assaulted in Mexico, iii. 78, 93. Besieged, 83, 93. Assault on their quarters, 108. Storm the temple, 128. Mutiny among, 137. At the hill of Otoncalpolco, 176. All wounded at the battle of Otumba, 199. Cut off, 210, 298. Discontents of the, 212. Remonstrance, 212, 216, 236. Jealousy between the allies and, 216. Reinforced, 237. Great purpose of the, 254. Murdered, 265. Quartered in Nezahualpilli’s palace, 267. Guatemozin’s description of, to Tangapan, 296, note. Capture Cuernavaca, 355. Captured and sacrificed, 344, 349, iv. 52, 76. (See Human Sacrifices.) At Cojohuacan, iii. 347. Reinforced, 353. At the temple of the war-god, iv. 17. Second assault by the, 20. Their distresses, 26, 35. Joined by allies, 30. Their places of settlement, 167. General illusion of the, 171. Their dreadful march to Honduras, 177. Deserted by guides, 181. See CortÉs. Spaniards under Narvaez, iii. 33. Indians find them enemies of CortÉs, 34. Join CortÉs, 81. Overladen with gold, 161, 170. See Narvaez. Spanish nobles and Charles V., i. 281, note. Spies, i. 163, i
i. 154. Spineto, Marquis, i. 143. Standard, Aztec national, i. 59, iii. 114. Of Tlascala, ii. 132, iii. 366. See Banner. Stars, worshipped, i. 208, note. Statues of the Montezumas, destroyed, i. 157, ii. 298. Stephens, John L., i. 120, note, ii. 224, note, i. 223, 224, 239, note. Stone houses, i. 290, 334, ii. 39, 229, 237, 243. Stone, sacrificial, i. 87, 91, iii. 130, iv. 52. Stones, hurling of, iii. 116, 144, 327; from the great temple, 129; at Jacapichtla, 319. Strait, efforts for discovering the, iv. 171. Streets. See Canals. Sugar-cane, i. 285, 289, iv. 168, 231. Sully, Duke of, iii. 11, note. Sulphur, ii. 228, iii. 245. Sun, temples to the, i. 208, note. Plate representing the, ii. 17. Spaniards, children of the, 142. Alvarado called child of the, iii. 172. Monument to the, 190. Statue of the, 192. Superstition, Aztec, during the siege, iv. 88. Sword-blades, iii. 218. Swords, substitutes for, ii. 134. Symbolical writing, i. 107. T Tabascans, i. 343-348. Conversion of, 357. Tabasco, Rio de, i. 293, 342, iv. 179. Tabasco, town of, i. 344, 348. Table, ceremonies at, i. 168. Table-land, i. 8, ii. 88. Tables, hieroglyphical, i. 131, note. Tactics, Aztec military, i. 59. Tacuba. See Tlacopan. Tamanes. See Porters. Tamerlane’s skulls, ii. 330, note. Tangapan, lord of MichoacÁn, iii. 296, note. Tapia, AndrÉs de, i. 353, note, ii. 205, note, 306, note, 329, note, 347, note, iii. 17, note, 335, iv. 38, 46, 48, 62. Tapia, ChristÓval de, commissioner to Vera Cruz, iii. 355, iv. 140. Bought off, iv. 141. In Castile, 143. Brings charges against CortÉs, 143. Tarentum, vessels at, iii. 24, note. Tasco, mines of, i. 153, iv. 153. Tatius, Achilles, i. 248, note. Taxes. See Revenues and Tribute. Tax-gatherers, i. 54, ii. 44. Collect tribute for the Spanish sovereign, iii. 6. Tecocol, cacique of Tezcuco, iii. 268, 269, note. Tecpan, ii. 191, note. Tectetan, meaning of, i. 290. Tecuhtli, i. 33, note. Tecuichpo, daughter of Montezuma and wife of Guatemozin, iii. 155, note, 249, iv. 104, 186, note. Her several husbands, iii. 155, note, iv. 186, note. CortÉs’ reception of, iv. 104. Grant to, 318. Teeth, Aztec custom as to, i. 168, note. Tehuantepec, iv. 231, 232. Telleriano-Remensis, Codex, i. 95, note, 120, note. Tellier, Archbishop, i. 120, note. Temixtitan, a corruption of Tenochtitlan, i. 21. Tempest after the surrender, iv. 106. Temples, or teocallis, to Huitzilopochtli, the Mexican Mars, i. 70. Account of, 84-87, note. On the teachings of Egyptian, 106, note. Built by Nezahualcoyotl, to the Unknown God, 208. Toltec, dedicated to the Sun, 208. Various, at Cholula, 234, ii. 183-185. All destroyed, i. 257, iii. 165, and note. Resemblances to, in the East, i. 257, 261. At Xochicalco, 257, 261, note. At Cozumel, 332, 337. Rifled by Alvarado, 332. Turret of one in Mexico burned, ii. 10, 11. At Tlatlanquitepec, 93. On the hill of Tzompach, 125, 162. To Quetzalcoatl, 183, 203, 329. Modern, on the site of Quetzalcoatl’s, 217. In Mexico, 319-322, 328. Occupied at Cempoalla, iii. 62. At Popotla, 174. On the hill of Otoncalpolco, 176. On a pyramid of Teotihuacan, 192. At Xochimilco, 342. At Tacuba, 350. Burnt by Alvarado, iv. 76. See Huitzilopochtli, Idols, and Quetzalcoatl. Tenajoccan, town of, iii. 307, note. Tenochtitlan, i. 21. Called Mexico, 21. The word, 21, note, ii. 257, note. Prosperity and enlargement of, i. 25. See Mexico. Teoamoxtli, or divine book, i. 122, note. Teotihuacan, pyramids of, iii. 189. Tepanecs, i. 19, 23, 177, 182. Tepeaca, colony at, iii. 239. Tepeacan allies, iv. 56. Tepeacans, iii. 223. Tepechpan, lord of, exposed to death, i. 201. Tepejacac causeway, ii. 284, iv. 9. Tetzmellocan, village of, iii. 259. Teuhtlile, a provincial governor, under Montezuma, i. 364. Orders supplies and favors, 370, ii. 16. Teules, iii. 185. Tezcatlipoca, the god, sacrifices to, i. 89, ii. 327. Tezcotzinco, palaces and ruins there, i. 196, 199, 217, 257. Tezcucans, or Acolhuans, arrival of the, in Anahuac i. 17, 177. Their character, 18, 100. Assaulted and beaten, 19, 23, 177. Their institutions, 32-37. In advance of the Mexicans, 100, 219. The divine book of the, 122, note. Their dialect, 123, 187. Their fidelity to Young Nezahualcoyotl, 182. Transfer of their power to the Aztecs, 218. Their civilization, 219, 220. Cause of their superiority, 219. Oppose CortÉs, iii. 195. In CortÉs’ second reconnoitring expedition, 326. Efficiency of, at the siege of Mexico, iv. 19. Desertion of, 56. See Nezahualcoyotl and Nezahualpilli. Tezcuco, its situation, i. 10, 11, 17, 177, iii. 281. Meaning of the word, i. 18, note, iii. 266, note. Requirements of the chiefs of, i. 40. Halls of justice, and pronouncing of sentences in, 46. Golden age of, 176. Historians, orators, and poets of, 188. Contents of its archives, 187. Pile of royal buildings at, 191. Royal harem in, 192. Architecture of, 199. Territory of, clipped by Montezuma, 217, 366. Description of, at the time of the Conquest, 367, note. Reception of CortÉs at, on his return to Mexico, iii. 83. State of affairs there, 266, 269. Brigantines brought to, 301. Mustering of forces at, 366. Respect to CortÉs there, on his return from Spain, iv. 229. See Cacama, Nezahualcoyotl, and Nezahualpilli. Tezcuco lake, its height, ii. 230, note, 282. Conjectural limits of, 242, note. Dike across, 247. Towns on the, 248, and note. Canoes there, 249, 257, iii. 305. Ancient state of, ii. 282, iv. 155. Tides in, ii. 282, note. Two brigantines built there, 359. Opened upon the Sp Tlaxcallan, i. 111. See Tlascala. Tobacco, i. 168, 169, note, ii. 304. Tobillos, lances and, iii. 51. Toledo in Spain, CortÉs at, iv. 218. Tollan, or Tula, supposed original seat of the Toltecs, i. 12, note. Etymology of the name, 13, note. Toltecs, account of the, i. 12, 100. Doubtful accounts of their migrations, 20, 253, 267. Tonatiuh, iii. 172. See Alvarado. Tools, i. 155, 260. Toribio de Benavente, i. 132, note, ii. 248, note, 251, note, 265, note. Account of, and of his writings and labors, 274-276. Cited, 297, note, 321, note, 322, note, 367, note, iii. 234. Torquemada, i. 11, note, 15, note. Notice of, and of his writings, 64, note. Cited, 76, note, 81, note, 82, note, 84, note, 86, note, 91, note, 93, note, 94, note, 95, note. Avails himself of a manuscript copy of Sahagun’s Universal History, 103. On Mexican intercalation, 129, note. On women, 149, note. Cited, 156, 172, 191, note, 194, note. On the Mexican Eve, 236, note. His Aztec and Israelitish analogies, 242, note. On pilgrims to Cholula, ii. 185, note. On the baptism of Montezuma, iii. 148, note. Torres, Juan de, teacher of Totonac converts, ii. 56. Tortillas, iv. 32, and note. Tortures, i. 91, iii. 345, note. See Guatemozin. Totonacs, ii. 25. Their fondness for flowers, 37. Their feelings towards Montezuma, 42. Exactions of, by Aztec tax-gatherers, 44. Cortes’ policy as to, 45. Join CortÉs, 46. Effect on, of CortÉs’ interview with Montezuma’s embassy, 51. Defend their idols, 54. Their conversion, 55. Join CortÉs’ expedition, 85, 86, note. Trade, i. 164, ii. 312. See Traffic. Trades, Aztec, i. 161. Traditions, instances of similar, in the two continents, i. 233. Argument from, for the Asiatic origin of Aztec civilization, 251. As authorities, 268. See Oral traditions and Predictions. Traffic, i. 161, ii. 108. See Barter. Transportation of vessels, iii. 302, note. See Brigantines. Transubstantiation, ii. 267, note. Travelling, i. 110. See Couriers. Treasure, Axayacatl’s, discovered, ii. 333; disposition of it, iii. 7, 11, 160. Found after the siege, iv. 109. See Gold. Trees, size and duration of, in Mexico and Central America, i. 265. See Forests. Trials, among the Aztecs, i. 45. Tribes, i. 52, note. Tribute, kinds of, i. 52, 149. Items of, furnished by different cities, 52, note. Roll respecting, 53, note. Maps for the, 54. Burdensome exactions of, prepare the way for the Spaniards, 54. Montezuma’s exaction of, ii. 7, 44. Tlascalans, refuse, 110. Collected for the Castilian sovereign, iii. 6. Trinidad de Cuba, i. 321. Truth, punishment for violating, i. 186. Truxillo, CortÉs at, iv. 196. Tudor, William, ii. 89, note, 90, note, iii. 190, note, 259, note. Tula, capital of the Toltecs, i. 15. Arrival of the Aztecs at, 20. See Tollan. Tula, the Lady of, i. 215. Turkeys, i. 169, 191, note, ii. 35. Tylor, Edward B., his account of Mexican remains, ii. 290, note. Cited, i. 14, note, 16, note, 70, note, 77, note, ii. 228, note. Tzin, the termination, iii. 249, note. Tzompach, Hill of, ii. 125, 162. Tzompanco, or Zumpango, iii. 185. U Ulloa, discoveries by, iv. 235. Uxmal, i. 258-266. V Valley of Mexico, i. 11, ii. 187, 229, iii. 347. Vanilla, cultivated, i. 150. Vater, i. 234, note, 249, note, 254, note, 256, note. Vega, Manuel de la, collection of manuscripts by, iv. 272. Velasquez, Don Diego, i. 288. Conqueror and governor of Cuba, 288. Sends Cordova on an expedition, 289. Despatches Juan de Grijalva to Yucatan, 291. Censures Grijalva, 294. Despatches Olid in search of Grijalva, 295. Armament of, under CortÉs, 296, 311, 313. Difficulties of, with CortÉs, 304-308. His instructions to CortÉs, 315, iv. 284. Jealous and dissatisfied, i. 317. Orders the seizure of CortÉs, 323, 326. Partisans of, oppose CortÉs, ii. 27, 32, 150. Tries to intercept despatches, 64. Gets no redress, 64. Fits out a fleet against CortÉs, 65, iii. 29. Chaplain of, in Spain, complains against Cortes’ envoys, iii. 25. Sends to Spain an account of CortÉs’ doings, 28, note. His vexation with CortÉs, 29. Made adelantado, 29. Intrusts his fleet to Narvaez, 30. Interference with, of the Royal Audience of St. Domingo, 31. Sustained by Duero, in Spain, 236. Capture of forces sent to Vera Cruz by, 237. Ignorant of the fate of his armament, 242. State of things in Spain, in relation to him and CortÉs, iii. 355, iv. 139, 144, 149. Fate of, 149. His character, 149. See Narvaez. Venezuela, ii. 241, note. Venice, Mexico and, ii. 287. Vera Cruz, New, i. 365, ii. 48, note. Natives flock to, i. 365. Built at San Juan de Ulua, iii. 33. Narvaez at, 33. Narvaez’s plans for a colony there, 34, 40. The removal to, iv. 156. Vera Cruz Vieja, or Antigua, ii. 48, note, iv. 156. See Villa Rica. Verdugo, i. 323, iii. 357. Vessels, Aztecs aid in building, iii. 21. See Armada. Vestal fires. See Fires. Veytia, i. 14, note, 26, note, 130, note, 186, note, ii. 180, note, 189, note. VillafaÑa, conspiracy of, iii. 356. Villa Rica de Vera Cruz, colonization of, ii. 30, 48, iv. 296. Remarks on, ii. 48, note. Arrival of a Spanish vessel at, 56. Despatches to Spain from, 57, 62. Garrisoned, 86. Grado succeeds Escalante at, 358. Sandoval commander at, 359. Rangre commander at, iii. 79. Reinforcements from, cut off, 210. Messenger to, 211. Troops ordered from, 212. Desire to return to, 213. Departure from, for Cuba, 236. Capture of troops sent to, by Velasquez, 237. Ships at, 237, 238, 323, iv. 62. Harbor of, iv. 156. See Sandoval and Vera Cruz. Virgin Mary, i. 71, note. Appears in battle, ii. 340, iii. 145, 203, note. Image of, iii. 16, 132, note, 184. Interposition of, in 1833, 184, note. Volante, escape of, iii. 311. Volcanoes, remains of, i. 7. The Orizaba, ii. 34, 89, 187. The Cofre de Perote, ii. 91. Popocatepetl, 187, 223, 224. Use of the word, 224, note. Region of, iii. 332. Voltaire, i. 99, note, iii. 147, note. Anecdote by, of Charles V. and CortÉs, iv. 240, note. VÓmito, or bilious fever, i. 7, 366, note, ii. 48, note, 88. W Waldeck, i. 258, 259, note, 265, note, 290, note, iii. 224. Wall of serpents, ii. 320, iii. 87, iv. 14. War, Aztec ideas respecting, i. 56. Mode of declaring and conducting, 56, 57. Great object of, 95. Tlascalan love of, ii. 107. Cholulans disqualified for, 182. Warburton, William, i. 106, note, 110, note. War-god. See Huitzilopochtli. Warren, John C., i. 255, note. Water, ablution with, at table, i. 168, ii. 303. Basins of, at Tezcotzinco, i. 197, 198. Use of, for religious purification, 241, note. Want of, iii. 336. See Aqueducts and Tezcuco lake. Water-fowl, ii. 297. Weeks, division by, i. 126. Weights, no Mexican, ii. 318, iii. 9. Wheat, yield of, ii. 188, note. Wheels, chronological, i. 132, note. Gold and silver, ii. 17, 59, note. White, Blanco, ii. 267, note. Wild turkeys, i. 169, 191, note, ii. 35. Wilkinson, J. G., i. 86, 271, note. Wives of Montezuma, ii. 299, iii. 155, iv. 302. Women, employment and treatment of, in Mexico, i. 149, 167, 172, ii. 311. Torquemada on, i. 149, note. Sophocles on Egyptian men and, 149, note. Their appearance, 167. Asiatic, 172. Sacrificed, 218, note. Totonac, ii. 37. Protected at the Cholulan massacre, 205, 212. Dress of, 311. Accompany the Christian camp, iii. 168. Heroism of, iv. 58. Heroism of the Mexican, iv. 75, 93. Efforts to spare, 94, 99; to bring into New Spain, 156. See Daughters. Wooden ware, Mexican, i. 159. World, tradition of the destruction of the, i. 75, 140. Wounds, want of medicaments for, iv. 32, note. X Xalacingo, ii. 100, note. Xalapa, Spaniards at, ii. 88. Xaltocan, assault on, iii. 305. Xaramillo, Don Juan, iv. 191. Xicotencatl, the elder, ii. 114, 165, iii. 220. Converted, iii. 244. Ominous words of, cited, iv. 55. Xicotencatl, the younger, a Tlascalan commander, ii. 114, 121, 124, 128. His standard, 132. Facts respecting, 138, 141, 145, 146, 154, 156, 157. Countenances jealousies, iii. 216. Favors an embassy from Mexico, 221. Leads against Tepeacans, 224. Imitates Spaniards, 253. Joins CortÉs, iii. 366. Leaves the army, 369. Hung, 371. Remarks on, 372. Ximenes, Cardinal, destruction of manuscripts by, i. 116. His administration, 279, iii. 355. Commission by, to redress Indian grievances, i. 286, ii. 73. Xochicalco, lake, ii. 240. Xochicalco, ruins of the temple or fortress of, i. 257, 261, note, 263. Xochimilco, iii. 338, 346, iv. 19. Xoloc, Fort, ii. 249. Stormed, iii. 348. Fleet at, iv. 6. Headquarters at, 7. Barracks built there, 31. Xuarez, Catalina, intimacy and marriage of CortÉs with, i. 304, 308. Joins her husband, iv. 158. Fate of, 159, note, 226, and note. Y Years, Aztec, i. 126. On divisions of time into, 128. Hieroglyphics for, 129-131, note. On the names of, 247, note. Yucatan, mentioned, i. 258, iv. 178. Resemblances to the architecture of, i. 261. Expedition to, 290. The word, 290, and note. Called New Spain, 292. Ordaz despatched to, to liberate Christians, 333, 339. Canoe from, with Aguilar, 339. See Tabasco. YxtacamaxtitlÁn, ii. 100, and note. Z Zacatecas, silver from, iv. 232. Zacatula, fleet at, iv. 155, 169. Zacotollan, copper from, i. 154. Zahuatl, the river, ii. 167. Zodiacal signs, coincidences as to, i. 246. Zoltepec, massacre at, iii. 210, 298. Zuazo, i. 87, note, 151, note. On mantles of feathers, ii. 311, note. On the Aztec cuisine, 316, note. Urges CortÉs to return to Mexico, iv. 200. ZumÁrraga, Don Juan de, i. 94. First archbishop of Mexico, destroys manuscripts, 115. Image destroyed by, 197, note. Demolishes the Statue of the Sun, iii. 193. Zumpango, or Tzompanco, iii. 185. ZuÑiga, DoÑa Juana de, second wife of CortÉs, iv. 223, 235. Zurita, i. 39, note, 43, note, 62, note, 185 note. THE END FOOTNOTES: [79] “Mas como el Guatemuz era mancebo, y muy gentil-hombre y de buena disposicion.” Ibid., ubi supra. [158] [According to SeÑor Alaman, the cathedral, instead of being dedicated to Saint Francis, was consecrated to the Assumption of the Virgin. Conquista de MÉjico (trad. de Vega), tom. ii. p. 254.] [250] Bernal Diaz, Hist. de la Conquista, cap. 195.