The court dimensions, lines, telltale, material, construction, and
lights shall be in accordance with the specifications approved by the
Executive Committee of the National Squash Tennis Association. Existing
[American (hardball)] Squash Racquets courts are recognized by the
National Squash Tennis Association, but a court boundary line across the
back wall, 4'6" [1372mm] from the floor, is essential, and a line from
the center of the service line forward to the front wall is highly

The racquet or bat shall have a frame similar in shape to that of a
lawn tennis racquet, the length including the handle not to exceed 27
inches [686mm]. The stringing shall be of gut, nylon or other kindred
substance, but neither the frame nor the stringing may be of metal.
The ball shall be in accordance with the specification approved by
the Executive Committee of the National Squash Tennis Association.

A game shall be fifteen points; that is, the player scoring fifteen
points will win the game, except in the event both players tie (a) at
"thirteen all," the player who has first reached the score of thirteen
will elect one of the following before proceeding with the game:
1) "set five"--making the game eighteen points, 2) "set three"--making
the game sixteen points, 3) "no set"--making the game fifteen points--or
b) at "fourteen all," providing the score has not been "thirteen all,"
the player who has first reached fourteen points will elect one of the
following before proceeding with the game: 1) "set three"--making the
game seventeen points, 2) "no set"--making the game fifteen points.

Matches shall be the best three out of five games.

Before a match begins, it shall be decided by a spin of a racquet by
the players as to which player shall serve first. Thereafter, when the
server loses a point, his opponent becomes the server. The winner of a
game shall serve first at the beginning of the following game.

The server shall stand behind the service line with both feet on the
floor and not touching or straddling the line, and serve the ball
against the front wall above the front-wall service line and below the
16-ft. [4877mm] line before it touches any other part of the court, so
that it shall drop directly, or off the side wall, into his opponent's
court in front of the floor service line without either touching the
floor service line or the center line.
If the server does not so serve, it is a fault, and if it be the
first fault, the server shall serve again from the same side. If the
server makes two consecutive faults, he loses that point.
The server has the option of electing the side from which he shall
commence serving and thereafter, until he loses the service, he shall
alternate between both sides of the court in serving. If the server
serves from the wrong side of court, there shall be no penalty and if
the receiver makes no attempt to return the ball the point shall be
replayed from the proper court.
When one service fault has been called and play for any reason
whatsoever has stopped, when play is resumed the first fault does not
stand and the server is entitled to two services.

(a) To make a valid return of service the ball must be struck after
the first bounce and before the second bounce, and reach the front wall
on the fly above the telltale and below the 16-ft. line; in so doing it
may touch any wall or walls within the court before or after reaching
the front wall, except as in (e), below. A service fault may not be
played. If a fair service is not so returned, it shall count as a point
for the server and he shall then serve from the other side of the court.
(b) After a valid return of service, each player alternately
thereafter shall strike the ball in the same manner as on the return of
service, except that it may be volleyed. The player failing to so
return the ball shall lose the point.
(c) A ball striking the ceiling or lights or on or above any court
boundary line on the fly shall be ruled out of court; if a ball should
strike the back wall on or above the 4'6" line after having bounced, it
shall continue to be in play. If a ball having bounced should go into
the gallery or strike any construction which alters its course, a let
shall be called.
(d) If a ball before the second bounce hits the front wall above
the telltale for the second time it is still in play.
(e) In an effort to return the ball to the front wall by first
hitting to the back wall, the ball may not be played to the back wall
unless it has first struck the back wall, and must be so struck as to
hit the back wall below the 4'6" line.
(f) A player may not hit a ball twice during a stroke, but, while
the ball is still in play, it may be struck at any number of times.

8. LET
A "let" is the stopping of play and the playing over of the point.
(a) In all cases, a player requesting a let must make his request
before or in the act of hitting the ball. If a let is requested after
the ball has been hit, it shall not be granted.
(b) If a player endeavoring to make his play in proper turn is
interfered with so as to prevent him from making such play as he would
without such interference, or if the striker refrains from striking at
the ball because of fear of hitting his opponent, there shall be a let
whether the ball has been hit by him or not.
(c) A player shall not be entitled to a let because his opponent
prevents him from seeing the ball, provided his stroke is not interfered
(d) If the ball breaks in the course of a point, there shall be a
let. If a player thinks the ball has broken while play is in progress,
he must nevertheless complete the point and then request a let. The
referee shall grant the let only if the ball proves in fact to be
(e) If in the course of a point either player should be interfered
with by elements outside their control, there shall be a let.
(f) It shall be the duty of the referee to call a let if, in his
opinion, the play warrants it. If a match be played without a referee,
the question of a let shall be left to the sportsmanship of the players.
(g) A player hit by a ball still in play loses the point, except
that if he be hit by a ball played by his opponent before the ball
strikes the front wall above the telltale, then it is a let. If
however, a player is hit by a ball off his opponent's racquet that is
clearly not going to reach the front wall above the telltale, a let will
not be allowed and the point shall be given to the player who was hit by
the ball. However, a player hit by a ball still in play will not lose
the point if because of interference a let is called.

Each player must stay out of his opponent's way after he has struck
the ball and (a) give his opponent a fair opportunity to get to and/or
strike at the ball and (b) allow his opponent to play the ball from any
part of the court to any part of the front wall or to either side wall.

(a) A "let point" may be called by the referee if after adequate
warning there is no attempt or evidence of intent on the part of a
player to avoid unnecessary interference or unnecessary crowding during
his opponent's playing of a point. Even though the player is not
actually striking at it, the referee may call a let point. The player
interfered with wins the point.
(b) If in the opinion of a player he is entitled to a let point, he
should at once appeal to the referee whose decision shall be final,
except when judges are present, as described in Rule 11(b).
(c) A let point decision can only be made when a referee is

(a) If available a referee shall control the game in any scheduled
match. His decision is final, except when there are judges present as
described in Rule 11(b).
(b) Two judges may be appointed by the referee or tournament
committee to act on any appeal by a player to the referee's decision.
When such judges are on hand, a player may appeal any decision of the
referee directly to the judges. Only if both judges disagree with the
referee will the referee's decision be reversed. The judges shall not
make any ruling unless a player makes an appeal. The decision of the
judges shall be announced prompt

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