??1. | Diagram Showing Manner of Lining in Rectilinear Tunnels | 10 |
??2. | B. R. Value’s Device for Locating the Center Line Inside of a Tunnel | 11 |
??3. | Triangulation System for Establishing the Center Line of the St. Gothard Tunnel | 12 |
??4. | Method of Transferring the Center Line down Center Shafts | 13 |
??5. | Method of Transferring the Center Line down the Side Shafts | 14 |
??6. | Method of Laying out the Center Line of Curvilinear Tunnels | 15 |
??7. | Diagram of Polycentric Sectional Profile | 19 |
??8, 9 and 10. Typical Sectional Profiles for Tunnel | 20 |
?11. | Soft Ground Bucket Excavating Machine; Central London Underground Railway | 22 |
?12. | Column Mounting for Percussion Drill; Ingersoll Sargent Drill Co. | 26 |
?13. | Sketch of Diamond Drill Bit | 27 |
?14. | Diagram Showing Sequence of Excavation for St. Gothard Tunnel | 36 |
?15. | Diagram Showing Manner of Determining Correspondence of Excavation to Sectional Profile | 38 |
?16. | Polar Protractor for Determining Profile of Excavated Cross-Section | 39 |
?17. | Joining Tunnel Struts by Halving | 48 |
?18. | Round Timber Post and Cap Bearing | 48 |
?19. | Ceiling Strutting for Tunnel Roofs | 49 |
?20. | Ceiling Strutting with Side Post Supports | 49 |
?21. | Sill, Side Post and Cap Cross Frame Strutting | 49 |
?22. | Reinforced Cross Frame Strutting for Treacherous Materials | 49 |
?23. | Longitudinal Poling-Board System of Roof Strutting | 50 |
?24. | Transverse Poling-Board System of Roof Strutting | 50 |
?25. | Shaft with Single Transverse Strutting | 52 |
?26. | Rectangular Frame Strutting for Shafts | 53 |
?27. | Reinforced Rectangular Frame Strutting for Shafts in Treacherous Materials | 53 |
?28. | Strutting of Timber Posts and Railway Rail Caps | 56 |
?29. | Strutting Made Entirely of Railway Rails | 56 |
?30. | Rziha’s Combined Strutting and Centering of Cast Iron | 57 |
?31. | Cast-Iron Segment of Rziha’s Strutting and Centering | 57 |
?32. | Cast-Iron Segmental Strutting for Shafts | 58 |
?33. | Platform Car for Tunnel Work | 59 |
?34. | Iron Dump-Car for Tunnel Work | 60 |
?35. | Wooden Dump-Car for Tunnel Work | 60 | 128. Beach’s Shield Used on Broadway Pneumatic Railway Tunnel | 245 |
129. | Shield for City and South London Railway | 246 |
130. | Shield for St. Clair River Tunnel | 247 |
131. | Shield for Blackwall Tunnel | 248 |
132. | Elliptical Shield for Clichy Sewer Tunnel, Paris | 249 |
133. | Semi-Elliptical Shield for Clichy Sewer Tunnel | 250 |
134. | Roof Shield for Boston Subway | 251 |
135. | Transversal and Longitudinal Section of Prelini’s Shield | 252 |
136. | Elevation and Section of Hydraulic Jack, East River Gas Tunnel | 260 |
137. | Cast-Iron Lining, St. Clair River Tunnel | 262 |
138. | General Elevations and Sections of Shields | 270 |
139. | Plan and Elevation of First Bulkhead Wall in South Tube, Manhattan | 273 |
140. | Typical Cross-Sections of One Tube of Pennsylvania Railroad Tunnel under the Hudson River | 278 |
141. | Sections of Cofferdam, Van Buren St. Tunnel, Chicago | 283 |
142. | Showing Working Platforms and Piles Sunk in Dredged Channel | 286 |
143. | Showing Sheeting-Piles for the Sides of the Caisson and Trussed Beam for the Roof | 287 |
144. | Showing the Caisson with the Working-Chamber | 287 |
145. | Showing the Tunnel Constructed within the Caisson | 289 |
146. | Showing Sides of the Caisson and Supports for the Roof | 290 |
147. | Showing the Roof of the Caisson Formed by the Upper Half of the Tunnel | 291 |
148. | Showing the Tunnel Completed by Building the Lower Half within the Caisson | 292 |
149. | Transversal Section of the Caissons for the Tunnel under the Seine River | 294 |
150. | Showing the Joining of the Caissons at the Pont Mirabeau Tunnel under the Seine River | 295 |
151. | Cross-Sections and Plans of the Detroit River Tunnel | 298 |
152. | Tunneling through Caved Material by Heading | 306 |
153. | Tunneling through Caved Material by Drifts | 307 |
154 and 155. Filling in Roof Cavity Formed by Falling Material | 307 |
156. | Timbering to Prevent Landslides at Portal | 308 |
157. | Shortening Tunnel Crushed by Landslide at Portal | 308 |
158. | Extending Tunnel through Landslide at Portal | 309 |
159 and 160. Relining Timber-Lined Tunnel | 316 |
161. | Relining Timber-Lined Tunnel, Great Northern Ry | 317 |
162. | Relining Timber-Lined Tunnel, Great Northern Ry | 318 |