A tunnel, defined as an engineering structure, is an artificial gallery, passage, or roadway beneath the ground, under the bed of a stream, or through a hill or mountain. The art of tunneling has been known to man since very ancient times. A Theban king on ascending the throne began at once to drive the long, narrow passage or tunnel leading to the inner chamber or sepulcher of the rock-cut tomb which was to form his final resting-place. Some of these rock-cut galleries of the ancient Egyptian kings were over 750 ft. long. Similar rock-cut tunneling work was performed by the Nubians and Indians in building their temples, by the Aztecs in America, and in fact by most of the ancient civilized peoples. The first built-up tunnels of which there are any existing records were those constructed by the Assyrians. The vaulted drain or passage under the southeast palace of Nimrud, built by Shalmaneser II. (860-824 B.C.), is in all essentials a true soft-ground tunnel, with a masonry lining. A much better example, however, is the tunnel under the Euphrates River, which may quite accurately be claimed as the first submarine tunnel of which there exists any record. It was, however, built under the dry bed of the river, the waters of which were temporarily diverted, and then turned back into their normal channel after the tunnel work was completed, thus making it a true submarine tunnel only when finished. The Euphrates River tunnel was built through soft ground, and was lined with brick Only hand labor was employed by these ancient peoples in their tunnel work. In soft ground the tools used were the pick and shovels, or scoops. For rock work they possessed a greater range of appliances. Research has shown that among the Egyptians, by whom the art of quarrying was highly developed, use was made of tube drills and saws provided with cutting edges of corundum or other hard, gritty material. The usual tools for rock work were, however, the hammer, the chisel, and wedges; and the excellence and magnitude of the works accomplished by these limited appliances attest the unlimited time and labor which must have been available for their accomplishment. The Romans should doubtless rank as the greatest tunnel builders of antiquity, in the number, magnitude, and useful character of their works, and in the improvements which they devised in the methods of tunnel building. They introduced fire as an agent for hastening the breaking down of the rock, and also developed the familiar principle of prosecuting the work at several points at once by means of shafts. In their use of fire the Romans simply took practical advantage of the familiar fact that when a heated rock is suddenly cooled it cracks and breaks so that its excavation becomes comparatively easy. Their method of operation was simply to build large fires in front of the rock to be broken down, and when it had reached a high temperature to cool it suddenly by throwing water upon the hot surface. The Romans were also aware that vinegar affected calcareous rock, and in excavating tunnels through this material it was a common practice with them to substitute vinegar for water as the cooling agent, and thus to attack the rock both chemically and mechanically. It is hardly necessary to say that this method of excavation was very severe on the workmen because of the heat and foul gases generated. This was, however, a matter of small concern to the builders, Besides their use of fire as an excavating agent, the Romans possessed a very perfect knowledge of the use of vertical shafts in order to prosecute the excavation at several different points simultaneously. Pliny is authority The Roman tunnels were designed for public utility. Among those which are most notable in this respect, as well as for being fine examples of tunnel work, may be mentioned the numerous conduits driven through the calcareous rock between Subiaco and Tivoli to carry to Rome the pure water from the mountains above Subiaco. This work was done under the Consul Marcius. The longest of the Roman tunnels is the one built to drain Lake Fucino, as mentioned above. This tunnel was designed to have a section of 6 ft.× 10 ft.; but its actual dimensions are not uniform. It was driven through calcareous rock, and it is stated that 30,000 men were employed for eleven years in its construction. The tunnels which have been mentioned, being designed for conduits, were of small section; but the Romans also built tunnels of larger sections at numerous points along their magnificent roads. One of the most notable of these is that which gives the road between Naples and Pozzuoli passage through the Posilipo hills. It is excavated through volcanic tufa, and is about 3000 ft. long and 25 ft. wide, with a section of the form of a pointed arch. In order During the Middle Ages the art of tunnel building was practiced for military purposes, but seldom for the public need and comfort. Mention is made of the fact that in 1450 Anne of Lusignan commenced the construction of a road tunnel under the Col di Tenda in the Piedmontese Alps to afford better communication between Nice and Genoa; but on account of its many difficulties the work was never completed, although it was several times abandoned and resumed. For the most part, therefore, the tunnel work of the Middle Ages was intended for the purposes and necessities of war. Every castle had its private underground passage from the central tower or keep to some distant concealed place to permit the escape of the family and its retainers in case of the victory of the enemy, and, during the defense, to allow of sorties and the entrance of supplies. The tunnel builders of the Middle Ages added little to the knowledge of their art. Indeed, until the 17th century and the invention of gunpowder no practical improvement was made in the tunneling methods of the Romans. Engravings of mining operations in that century show that underground excavation was accomplished by the pick or the hammer and chisel, and that wood fires were lighted at the ends of the headings to split and soften the rocks in advance. Although gunpowder had been previously employed in mining, the first important use of it in tunnel work was at Malpas, France, in 1679-81, in the tunnel for the Languedoc Canal. This With the advent of gunpowder and canal building the first strong impetus was given to tunnel building, in its modern sense, as a commercial and public utilitarian construction, since the days of the Roman Empire. Canal tunnels of notable size were excavated in France and England during the last half of the 17th century. These were all rock or hard-ground tunnels. Indeed, previous to 1800 the soft-ground tunnel was beyond the courage of engineer except in sections of such small size that the work better deserves to be called a drift or heading than a tunnel. In 1803, however, a tunnel 24 ft. wide was excavated through soft soil for the St. Quentin Canal in France. Timbering or strutting was employed to support the walls and roof of the excavation as fast as the earth was removed, and the masonry lining was built closely following it. From the experience gained in this tunnel were developed the various systems of soft-ground subterranean tunneling since employed. It was by the development of the steam railway, however, that the art of tunneling was to be brought into its present prominence. In 1820-26 two tunnels were built on the Liverpool & Manchester Ry. in England. This was the beginning of the rapid development which has made the tunnel one of the most familiar of engineering structures. The first railway tunnel in the United States was built on the Alleghany & Portage R. R. in Pennsylvania in 1831-33; and the first canal tunnel had been completed about 13 years previously (1818-21) by the Schuylkill Navigation Co., near Auburn, Pa. It would be interesting and instructive in many respects to follow the rise and progress of tunnel construction in detail since the construction of these earlier examples, but all that may be said here is that it was identical with that of the railway. The art of tunneling entered its last and greatest phase There remains now to be noted only the final development in the art of soft-ground submarine tunneling, namely, the use of the shield and metal lining. The shield was invented and first used by Sir Isambard Brunel in excavating the tunnel under the River Thames at London, which was begun in 1825, and finished in 1841. In 1869 Peter William Barlow used an iron lining in connection with a shield in driving the second tunnel under the Thames at London. From these inventions has grown up one of the most notable systems of tunneling now practiced, which is commonly known as the shield system. In closing this brief review of the development of modern methods of tunneling, to the presentation of which the remainder of this book is devoted, mention should be made of a form of motive power which promises many opportunities for development in tunnel construction. Electricity has long been employed for blasting and illuminating purposes in tunnel work. It remains to be extended to other uses. For hauling and for operating certain classes of hoisting and excavating machinery it is one of the most convenient forms of power available to the engineer. Its successful application to rock-drills is another promising field. For operating ventilating fans it promises unusual usefulness. TUNNELING |