a> Lamps and Lanterns, 330 Inclination of Strata, 6 Ingersoll Drilling Machine, 26 Inverted Arch Lining, 77 Iron and Masonry Lining, 74 Iron Lining, 73, 261, 276 Iron Strutting, 55 Full Section, 56 Headings, 56 Shafts, 57 Italian Method: Advantages and Disadvantages, 188 Excavation, 182 General Description, 182 Modifications, 186 Strutting, 183 Jacks, 260, 271 Joining the Caissons, 295 Lagging, 71 Lamps and Lanterns, 330 Lighting (see Illumination). Lining: Austrian Method, 180 Belgian Method, 148 Concrete, 126, 139 English Method, 170 Foundations, 76 General Observations, 78 German Method, 158 Hudson River Tunnel Pennsylvania Railroad, 276 Invert, 77 Iron, 73, 261, 276 Iron and Masonry, 74 Italian Method, 185 Masonry, 74 Quicksand Method, 191 Roof Arch, 77 Side Tunnels, 79, 83 Side Walls, 77 Subways, 207-213 Timber, 72 Thickness of Masonry, 78, 83 Little Tom Tunnel Relined, 321 Loose Soil (see Soft Ground). Masonry (see Centers). Masonry Culverts, 80 Masonry (see Lining). Masonry Lining, 74 Masonry Niches, 81 McBean, Daniel, 285 Mechanical Installations for Tunnel Work, 84 Milwaukee Tunnel, 226 Mont Cenis Tunnel, 92 Monthly Progress of Tunnels, 342 Mullan Tunnel Relined, 319 Murray Hill Tunnel, 123 Natural Ventilation, 216 Sutro, Adolph, 330 Tamping, 32 Thickness of Lining Masonry, 78, 83 Thomson Excavating Machine, 22 Timber Lining, 72 Timbering (see Strutting). Tremies, 299 Trussed Centers, 70 Tunnel or Open Cut, 1 Tunnels: Baltimore Belt Line, 160 Classification of, 42 Fort George, 135 Murray Hill, 123 Simplon, 103 St. Gothard, 132 Hard Rock, 84 Drift Method, 102 Comparison of Methods, 141 Heading and Bench Method, 152 Heading Method, 130 Soft Ground: American Method, 172 Austrian Method, 176 Belgian Method, 144 English Method, 166 German Method, 155 Italian Method, 182 Pilot Method, 192 Quicksand Method, 188 Submarine: Detroit River Tunnel, 296 Harlem River Tunnel, 285 Hudson River Tunnel of Pennsylvania Railroad, 269 Milwaukee Tunnel, 226 Seine River Tunnel, 293 Severn Tunnel, 221 Van Buren Street Tunnel, Chicago, 282 Under City Streets: General Description, 201 Boston Subway, 203 Turbines, 86 Vacuum Method of Ventilation, 328 Value, Beverley R., 10 Van Buren Street Tunnel, 282 Ventilation, 325 Artificial, 327 Compressed Air, 330 Natural, 326 Plenum Method, 329 Quantity of Air, 331 Saccardo’s System, 330 Simplon Tunnel, 120 Vacuum Method, 328 Vernon-Harcourt, L. F., 221 Working Platforms, 286 Wyman, Erastus, 293