CHAPTER XIII. THE GERMAN METHOD--EXCAVATING TUNNELS THROUGH SOFT GROUND (Continued); BALTIMORE BELT LINE TUNNEL. The German method of tunneling was first used in 1803 in constructing the St. Quentin Canal. In 1837 the KÖnigsdorf tunnel of the Cologne and Aix la Chapelle R.R. was excavated by the same method. The success of the method in these two difficult pieces of soft-ground tunneling led to its extensive adoption throughout Germany, and for this reason it gradually came to be designated as the German method. Briefly explained the method consists in excavating first an annular gallery in which the side walls and roof arch are built complete before taking out the center core and building the invert. Fig. 76.—Diagrams Showing Sequence of Excavation in German Method of Tunneling. Excavation.—The excavation of tunnels by the German method is begun either by driving two bottom side drifts or by driving a center top heading. Fig. 76 shows the mode of procedure when bottom side drifts are used to start the work. The two side drifts No. 1 are made from 7 ft. to 8 ft. wide, and about one-third the total height of the full section; the Fig. 77.—Diagram Showing Sequence of Excavations in Water Bearing Material, German Method. The top center heading plan of commencing the excavation is usually employed in firm materials or when a vein of water is encountered in the upper part of the section. In the latter contingency a small bottom drift A, Fig. 77, is first driven to serve as a drain; but in any case the excavation proper of the tunnel consists in first driving the center top heading No. 1, and then by working both ways along the profile parts, Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5 are removed. Part No. 6 is left to support the strutting until the side walls and roof arch are built, when it is also excavated. Strutting.—When the excavation is begun by bottom side drifts these drifts are strutted by erecting vertical posts close against the sides of the drift and placing a cap-piece transversely across the roof of the drift. The side posts are usually supported by sills placed across the bottom of the drift. These frameworks of posts, cap, and sill are erected at short intervals, and the roof, and, if necessary, the sides of the drift between them, are sustained by means of longitudinal poling-boards Fig. 78.—Sketch Showing Work of Excavating and Timbering Drifts and Headings. Fig. 79.—Sketch Showing Method of Roof Strutting. Two methods of strutting the soffit of the excavation are employed, one being a modification of the longitudinal system employed in the English method of tunneling described in a succeeding chapter, and the other a modification of the Belgian system previously described. Fig. 79 shows the method of employing the radial strutting of the Belgian system. At the beginning the center top heading is strutted with rectangular bents such as are employed for strutting the drifts. As this heading is enlarged by taking out the haunch sections, radial posts are inserted, as shown by Fig. 79, which also indicates Masonry.—Whatever plan of excavation or strutting is employed, the construction of the masonry lining in the German method of tunneling begins at the foundations of the side walls and is carried upward to the roof arch. The invert, if one is required, is built after the center core of earth is removed. Centering.—Tunnel centers are generally employed in the German method of tunneling, a common construction being shown by Fig. 80. It is essentially a queen-post truss, the tie beam of which rests on a transverse sill as shown by the illustration. The transverse sill is supported along its central portion by the unexcavated center core of earth, and at its ends either directly on the vertical posts or on longitudinal beams resting on these posts. The diagonal members of the queen-post truss form the bottom chords of small king-post trusses which are employed to build out the exterior member of the center to a closer approximation to the curve of the arch. Fig. 80.—Sketch Showing Roof Arch Centers and Arch Construction. Hauling.—When the bottom side drift plan of excavation is employed, the spoil from the front of the drift is removed in narrow-gauge cars running on a track laid as close as practicable to the center core. These same cars are also employed to take the spoil from the drifts above, through holes left in the ceiling strutting of the bottom drifts. The spoil from the soffit sections may be removed by the same car lines used in excavating the drifts, or a narrow-gauge track may be laid on the top of the center core for this special purpose. In the latter case the soffit tracks are usually connected by means of inclined planes with Advantages and Disadvantages.—Like the Belgian method of tunneling, the German method has its advantages and disadvantages. Since the excavation consists at first of a narrow annular gallery only, the equilibrium of the earth is not greatly disturbed, and the strutting does not need to be so heavy as in methods where the opening is much larger. The undisturbed center core also furnishes an excellent support for the strutting, and for the centers upon which the roof arches are built. Another important advantage of the method is that the construction of the masonry lining is begun logically at the bottom, and progresses upward, and a more homogeneous and stable construction is possible. The great disadvantage of the method is the small space in which the hauling has to be done. The spoil cars practically fill the narrow drifts in passing to and from the front, and interfere greatly with the work of the carpenters and masons. Another objection to the method is that the invert is the very last portion of the lining to be built. This may not be a serious objection in reasonably compact and stable materials, but in very loose soils there is always the danger of the side walls being squeezed together before the invert masonry is in position to hold them apart. Altogether the difficulties are of a character which tend to increase the expense of the method, and this is the reason why to-day it is seldom used even in the country where it was first developed, and for some time extensively employed. For repairing accidents, such as the caving in of completed tunnels, the German method of tunneling is frequently used, because of the ease with which the BALTIMORE BELT LINE TUNNEL.In the last few years a modification of the German method was used in this country for the construction of several railroad tunnels. The modification consists in excavating the two-side drifts up to the springing line of the arch of the proposed tunnel. Then a central heading, which is afterward enlarged to the whole section of the tunnel, is excavated close to the crown. At the same time the masonry is constructed from the foundation up in the side drifts. From the floor of the upper section already excavated and strutted, the top of the masonry of the drifts is reached by means of small side cuts; thus the lining is made continuous up to the keystone. The central nucleus or bench is removed after the tunnel has been lined. The most important tunnel excavated by this method was the Baltimore Belt Line tunnel described as follows: The Baltimore Belt Ry. Co. was organized in 1890 by officials of the Baltimore & Ohio, and Western Maryland railways, and Baltimore Capitalists, to build 7 miles of double track railway, mostly within the city limits of Baltimore. This railway was partly open cut and embankment, and partly tunnel, and its object was to afford the companies named facilities for reaching the center of the city with their passengers and freight. To carry out the work the Maryland Construction Co. was organized by the parties interested, and in September, 1890, this company let the contract for construction to Ryan & McDonald of Baltimore, Md. The chief difficulties of the work centered in the construction of the Howard-street tunnel, 8350 ft. long, running underneath the principal business section of the city. Material Penetrated.—The soil penetrated by the tunnel was of almost all kinds and consistencies, but was chiefly sand of varying degrees of fineness penetrated by seams of loam, clay, Excavation.—The excavation was carried out according to the German method of tunneling. Bottom side drifts were first driven, and then heightened to the springing line of the roof arch. Next a center top heading was driven, and the haunch sections taken out. The object of beginning the excavations by bottom side drifts, was to drain the soil of the upper part of the section. The center core was removed after the side walls and roof arch were completed, its removal being kept from 50 ft. to 75 ft. to the rear of the advanced heading. The dimensions of the side drifts proper were about 8× 8 ft., but they were often carried down much below the floor level to secure a solid foundation bed for the side walls. Strutting.—The side drifts were strutted by means of frames composed of two batter posts resting on boards, and having a cap-piece extending transversely across the roof of the drift. These frames were spaced about 4 ft. apart. The excavation was advanced in the usual way by driving poling-boards at the top and sides, with a slight outward and upward inclination, so that the next frame could be easily inserted leaving space Fig. 81.—Sketch Showing Method of Excavating and Strutting Baltimore Belt Line Tunnel. The center top heading was strutted in the same manner as were the side drifts. The arrangement of the strutting employed in enlarging the center top heading is shown clearly by Fig. 81, which also shows the manner of strutting the side drifts and face of the excavation, and of building the masonry. Centers.—Both wood and iron centers were employed in building the roof arch. The timber centering was constructed of square timbers, as shown by Fig. 82. This construction of the iron centers is shown by Fig. 83. Each of the iron centers consisted of two 6× 6 in. angles butted together, and bent into the form of an arch rib. Six of these ribs were set up 4 ft. Fig. 82.—Roof Arch Construction with Timber Centers, Baltimore Belt Line Tunnel. Masonry.—The side walls of the lining were built first in the bottom side drifts, as shown by Fig. 81. They were generally placed on a foundation of concrete, from 1 ft. to 2 ft. thick. As a rule the side walls were not built more than 20 ft. in advance of the arch, but occasionally this distance was increased to as much as 90 ft. The roof arch consisted ordinarily of five rings of brick, but at some places in especially unstable soil eight rings of brick were employed. The arch was built in concentric sections about 18 ft. in length. All the Fig. 83.—Roof Arch Construction with Iron Centers, Baltimore Belt Line Tunnel. Owing to the very unstable character of the soil, considerable difficulty was experienced in building the masonry invert. The process adopted was as follows: Two parallel 12× 12 in. timbers were first placed transversely across the tunnel, abutting against longitudinal timbers or wedges resting against the side walls. Short sheet piles were then driven into the tunnel bottom outside of these timbers, forming an inclosure similar to a cofferdam, from which the earth could be excavated without disturbing the surrounding ground. The earth being excavated, a layer of concrete 8 ins. thick was placed, and the brick masonry invert constructed on it. In less stable ground each of the above described cofferdams was subdivided by transverse timbers and sheet piling into three smaller cofferdams. Here the masonry of the middle section was first constructed, Accidents.—In this tunnel, owing to the quick striking of the centers, it was found that the masonry lining flattened at the crown and bulged at the sides. This was attributed to the insufficient time allowed for the mortar to set in the rubble filling. Earth packing was tried, but gave still worse results. Finally dry rubble filling was adopted, with satisfactory results. There was necessarily some sinking of the surface. This resulted partly from the necessity of changing and removing of the timbers, and from the compression and springing of the timbers under the great pressures. The crown of the arch also settled from 2 ins. to 6 ins., due to the compression of the mortar in the joints. The maximum sinking of the surface of the street over the tunnel was about 18 ins.; it usually ran from 1 to 12 ins. Some damage was done to the water and gas mains. This damage was not usually serious, but it of course necessitated immediate repairs, and in some instances it was found best to reconstruct the mains for some distance. At one point along the tunnel where very treacherous material was found, the surface settlement caused the collapse of an adjacent building, and necessitated its reconstruction. |