Transcriber's Notes


Obvious errors of punctuation and diacritics repaired.

Note: "LiÉge" was the correct spelling at that time for what is now written "LiÈge".

Hyphen removed: "break-down" (p. 108), "earth-work" (p. 219), "inter-communication" (p. 173), "plate-laying" (pp. 221, 222), "rail-head" (pp. 66, 97, 108), "re-built" (p. 266), "re-organisation" (p. 264), "South-African" (p. 402), "station-master" (p. 145), "store-houses" (pp. 144, 164), "text-books" (p. 133), "turn-tables" (p. 124), "wide-spread" (pp. 15, 82).

The following variants appear frequently and have not been changed: block-house / blockhouse, head-quarter(s) / headquarter(s), sub-division(s) / subdivision(s).

P. 5: "Leipsig" changed to "Leibzig" (Leipzig-Dresden line).

P. 15: "seceeded" changed to "seceded" (the States which had seceded).

P. 17: "Ctiy" changed to "City" (Washington City, D.C.).

P. 31: "Goose Greek" changed to "Goose Creek".

P. 105: "(3)" changed to "(4)" ((4) secure the prompt unloading).

P. 185: "Mazagine" changed to "Magazine" (United Service Magazine).

P. 195: "Raliway" changed to "Railway" (Great Western Railway Magazine).

P. 218: "dependance" changed to "dependence" (to dependence on the railway).

P. 246: "in." added (4·7 in. guns).

P. 273: "de" changed to "des" (des chemins de fer).

P. 273: "Juni" changed to "Juin".

P. 284: "½" added (4 feet 8½ inches).

P. 290: "moblisation" changed to "mobilisation" (on mobilisation, or elsewhere).

P. 290: "pursuading" changed to "persuading" (persuading the Belgian Government).

P. 293, 307, 308, 316: "situate" changed to "situated".

P. 296: "promotor" changed to "promotors" (the aims of their promoters).

P. 303: "enlightment" changed to "enlightenment" (not so blind as to need enlightenment).

P. 306: "between" changed to "between" (communication between Swakopmund and the capital).

P. 315: "Renseignments" changed to "Renseignements" (Renseignements coloniaux).

P. 321: "Expediton" changed to "Expedition" (Kamerun-Eisenbahn-Expedition).

P. 328: "possesssion" changed to "possession" (into a German possession).

P. 350: "tranverse" changed to "transverse" (transverse lines connecting them).

P. 355: "diciplined" changed to "disciplined" (old and well-disciplined units).

P. 355, footnote 82: added "no" (no harm was done).

P. 373: Railway gauges changed to be consistently 3 ft. 6 in., 5 ft. 3 in., 4 ft. 8½ in.

P. 377: "ErÖterung" changed to "ErÖrterung" (gegrÜndeter ErÖrterung Über die militÄrische Benutzung).

P. 377: "militÄrischen" changed to "militÄrische" (Eisenbahnen fÜr militÄrische Zwecke).

P. 378: "militÄrische" changed to "militÄrischer" (in militÄrische Hinsicht).

P. 387: "Heidelburg" changed to "Heidelberg".

P. 388: "Fielddienst" changed to "Felddienst" (Felddienst Ordnung).

P. 389: "Lehrer" changed to "Lehre" (Kurze Lehre ihrer wichtigsten GrundsÄtze).

P. 393: "Revista Technica" changed to "Rivista Tecnica".

P. 401: Index entry for "Germany, Organisation in, present basis of organisation" changed from 188-121 to 118-121.


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