
Abyssinian Campaign:
Construction and working of military railway, 210-14.
Adams, William Bridges: 67-9.
Advantages from Use of Railways: 345-50.
Africa, German Designs on:
Proposals of von Weber, 297;
German South-West Africa, 298-300;
the Herero rising, 300-1;
railways, 304-10;
military preparations, 307, 310-12;
rail connection with Angola, 312-14;
German East Africa Central Railway, 314-7;
Katanga district, 316;
Central Africa, 318;
rival railway schemes, 319-20;
railway schemes in the Cameroons, 320-5;
official admissions, 325-6;
"der Tag" and its programme, 326-30.
Agadir Crisis, The: 324.
Aggression, Use of Railways for: 355-6.
Alexander the Great: 63.
Alexandretta, Germany and: 334, 343.
Alexeiev, Admiral: 275.
Ambulance Trains: see Railway Ambulance Transport.
American Civil War:
What it established, 13;
railway lines, 15;
Federal Government and railways, 16;
mileage taken over, 18;
gauge of lines, 18;
condition of lines, 19;
Transportation Department, 20-1;
locomotives, 21-2;
rolling mills, 23;
movement of troops, 23-5;
destruction of railways, 27-8;
Construction Corps, 29-37;
control of railways, 43-50;
protection of, 54-5;
armoured cars, 72-4;
removal of sick and wounded, 86-91;
American precedents followed in Europe, 104, 122, 153, 177;
"surface railroads," 210;
the Civil War and the South African campaign, 258 (n.).
Anatolia: 331, 335.
Anatolian Railway, The: 334.
Angola: 299, 312-4, 320.
Armoured Trains:
Protection of railway lines, 59;
first suggested, 67-9;
proposals of Lieut. A. Walker, 69-70;
of Col. Wethered, 70-71;
of Lieut. E. P. C. Girouard, 71-2;
Civil War, 72-4;
Franco-Prussian War, 75;
Egyptian Campaign, 75-6, 224;
Delhi, 76;
experiments in France, 77;
at Newhaven, Sussex, 77-9;
South African War, 79, 248-52.
Asia Minor:
Germany's "share" in the Turkish spoils, 332;
Germany's colonisation field, 332-3;
proposed German protectorate, 333.
Aspinall, Mr. J. A. F.: 197.
Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad: 36, 73.
Australia and the Baghdad Railway: 342, 344.
Early troop movements by rail, 8-9;
scheme for strategical railways, 9;
Italian campaign of 1859, 11-12;
Railway Troops, 123;
German rail communications, 287.
Austro-Prussian Campaign:
Protection of railways, 55, 59;
removal of sick and wounded, 91-2;
Prussian mobilisation, 104;
defective transport arrangements, 104-5;
destruction and restoration of railway lines, 124-6.
Babylonia, Germany and: 332.

Baghdad railway, The:
Concession, 334;
branches, 334-5;
Germany's aims, 336;
the conquest of Egypt, 338-40;
the Persian Gulf, 341;
India, 342;
Capt. Mahan's views, 342;
the desired extension to Koweit, 343;
what the railway was to accomplish, 344.
Balck: 110.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad: 29.
Basson, Wilhelm: 127.
Becker, Lieut.: 169-70.
Early Railways in, 4-5;
German strategical lines on Belgian frontier, 288-294;
German designs, 323-4, 325-6, 327, 329.
BÉrigny, M. de: 7.
Beyens, Baron: 325.
Bigelow, Capt. J.: 56, 348 (n.).
Billington, Mr. R. J.: 78.
Bismarck, Prince: 136, 338.
Blockhouses for Protection of Railways: 54, 58, 245.
Boulger, Mr. D. C.: 288, 294.
Boxall, Col. C. G.: 78.
British Central Red Cross Committee: 95, 254.
British East Africa: 317, 327.
British South Africa:
German designs on, 301, 302, 303, 308, 312, 327.
Bryden, Mr. H. A.: 300 (n.).
Budde, H.: 51.
Buller, Sir Redvers: 254.
Burgoyne, Sir John: 178, 209.
Butterworth, Sir A. K.: 197.
Caledonian Rly.: 197.
Calthrop, Mr. Guy: 197.
Cameroons, The: 320-5.
Campenau, Gen.: 137.
Canals and Troops: 1.
Cape Government Railways: 237, 240, 246, 253.
Cape-to-Cairo Railway: 320.
Central Africa: 318-20.
ChÉradame, M. AndrÉ: 338.
Christian, Princess: 254.
Clarke, Sir Andrew: 224.
Coast Defence: 67, 179.
Commerce Defence League, The German: 303 (n.).
Congo, The Belgian: 315-320, 322-6.
Conditions Essential to Efficiency: 350-2.
Connor, Maj. W. D.: 58, 80, 258 (n.).
Construction Corps:
U.S.A., 20, 21, 23, 29-37;
Prussia, 122-3, 124-8, 132-6, 215-6, 219;
Austria, 123-4;
Bavaria, 127-133;
France, 128, 152-4;
England, 198-202;
South African War, 242-5;
Russo-Japanese War, 273-4.
Construction of Railways:
Military requirements, 350-1.
Control of Railways in War:
Conditions of operation, 40-3;
American Civil War, 43-50;
views of Baron M. M. von Weber, 50-2;
need for intermediaries, 52;
organisation in peace, 99;
Austro-Prussian War, 104-5;
German system in 1870-71, 106-115;
new regulations, 115-7;
present system, 118-121;
inefficient military control in France in 1870-71, 139-147;
creation of new organisation, 149-170;
State control in England, 176-7;
draft scheme for State operation, 185-7;
Railway Transport Officers, 189-191;
South African War, 233-7, 238-9, 249-52;
Russo-Japanese War, 274-5;
general, 351.
Cowans, Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. S.: 204.
Crimean War:
Deaths from sickness and disease, 81;
removal of sick and wounded by railway, 83;
transport conditions, 207-8;
construction of military railway, 208;
operation, 208-64.
Furley, Sir John: 95, 96, 254.
Gambon, M.: 325.
Gauge, Railway:
Various countries, 60;
Russian policy in respect to, 61;
experiences in Russo-Turkish War, 61, 217;
Germany and Russian lines, 284-6.
German East Africa: 314-5, 316-7.
German Emperor, The:
African railways, 321;
visit to Constantinople, 334;
to Damascus, 337.
German South-West Africa: 298-312.
Germany and Egypt: 338-40.
Early proposals for strategical railways, 2-3;
early railways constructed, 5;
possible attacks on two fronts, 5;
"aggressive" lines, 7;
early troop transports, 8;
control of railways in war, 50-52;
railway ambulance transport, 84-6, 91-3, 94;

see also Germany, Organisation in.
Germany, Organisation in:
Influence of American Civil War, 104, 122;
Railway Section of General Staff formed, 104;
Danish War (1864), 104;
Austro-Prussian War, 104-6;
Route Service Regulation, 106-9;
Franco-Prussian War, 110-15;
further Regulations, 115-6;
Field Service Regulations, 117;
present basis of organisation, 118-121;
Railway Troops, 122-37.
Girouard, Sir E. Percy C.: 71, 225, 228, 233-7, 238-9, 240-1, 248-9, 252, 257, 258 (n.).
Goltz, von der: 135, 139, 282, 346 (n.), 352.
Gordon, Gen.: 221, 222.
Graham, Gen. Sir G.: 223, 224 (n.).
Granet, Sir Guy: 197.
Grant, Capt. M. H.: 251.
Grant, Gen.: 22.
Great Central Railway, 197.
Great Eastern Rly.: 194, 204.
Great Northern Rly.: 194, 197, 204.
Great Western Railway: 192, 195 (n.), 197.
Grey, Earl de: 180.
Grund System of Railway Fittings: 94.
Gurlt, Dr. E.: 81, 84, 85.
Gyulia, Count: 12.
Halleck, Gen.: 23-4.
Hamley, Gen. Sir E.: 207, 349 (n.).
Harkort, F. W.: 2-3.
Harrison, Mr. C. W. F.: 247.
Haupt, Herman:
Pioneer of Construction Corps, U.S.A., 29-30;
rebuilding of bridges, 31-2;
control questions, 43-9;
armoured car, 72.
Hedjaz Railway: 335.
Herbert, Mr. Sidney: 180.
Herff, Herr von: 305.
Heyer, Mr. A. E.: 305.
Hine, Maj. Charles: 37.
Hobart, Mr. F.: 73.
German strategical lines on Dutch frontier, 293-4.
Home, R.E., Lieut.-Col. R.: 63.
Hood, Gen.: 35.
Hospital Trains; see Railway Ambulance Transport.
German anticipations of rebellion, 326;
the Baghdad railway and India, 342, 344.
Invasion of England:
Fears of, 67, 177-8, 182.
Italian Campaign (1859):
Conveyance of troops by rail, 9-13;
destruction of railway lines, 27;
removal of sick and wounded by rail, 84.
Jacqmin, M.: 143, 148, 235.
Jagow, Herr von: 325-6.
Joesten, Dr. Josef: 281, 283.
Kaerger, Dr. Karl: 332-3.
Katanga District (Central Africa): 316-20.
Kelton, J. C.: 50.
Kitchener, Lord: 58, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 239.
Kuropatkin, Gen.: 263, 269-70, 271, 275, 355 (n.).
Lamarque, Gen.: 6.
Lancashire and Yorkshire Rly.: 197.
Land Transport Corps (Crimea): 181 (n.), 208, 209.
Langhams, Paul: 338.
Lanoir, M. Paul: 136-7.
Lattmann, Herr: 306.
Ledebour, Herr: 302.
Leopold, King: 318, 325.
Limitations in Usefulness of Railways: 352-5.
Liverpool and Manchester Rly.: 1, 8.

Lobito Bay Rly.: 314, 319-20.
Lodian, Mr. L.: 73.
London and North Western Rly.: 194, 197.
London and South Western Rly.: 192, 193, 197, 199, 201.
London, Brighton and South Coast Rly.: 77-8, 197.
London, Chatham and Dover Rly.: 199.
London, Defence of: 71.
Lorme, M. Dupuy de: 75.
Luard, R. E., Capt. C. E.: 209.
LÜderitz, Adolf: 298.
Luxemburg Railways: 288, 289, 292.
McCallum, D. G.:
Appointed Military Director, etc., U. S. railroads, 17-18;
views on situation, 19;
creation of Transportation Department and Construction Corps, 20, 32-37;
movement of troops, 23-4;
question of control, 50;
German translation of report, 127.
McDowell, Gen.: 30, 54.
McMurdo, Gen. Sir W. M.: 180, 181, 182-3.
Mahan, Capt. A. T.: 342, 344.
Manassas Gap Railway: 55.
Manby, F.R.S., Mr. C.: 180.
Mangelsdorf, Prof. R.: 340.
Maquay, R. E., Col. J. P.: 214.
Marschall, M., 7.
MassÉna, Marshal: 64.
Matheson, Mr. D. A.: 197.
Meade, Maj.-Gen. G. G.: 54.
Meigs, Gen.: 48.
Mexico, Railway Destruction in: 37-9.
Midland Railway: 197.
Military Operation of Railways:
Civil War, 20-1;
Franco-German War, 130-1;
British organisation, 175;
South African War, 239-41;
Russo-Japanese War, 374.
Military Railways:
Description of, 205-6;
pioneer military line in Crimean War, 206-10;
American Civil War, 210;
Abyssinian Campaign, 210-14;
Franco-German War, 215-6;
Russo-Turkish War, 216-20;
the Sudan, 220-231;
Russo-Japanese War, 272-3;
general, 349.
Millar, R. A., Maj.: 9.
Moltke, von: 8, 106, 109, 278, 346 (n.).
Morache, Dr.: 81.
Muni (Spanish): 324.
Nance, Capt. H. O.: 80.
Nanton, R. E., Capt. H. C.: 250.
Napier of Magdala, Lord: 210.
Napier, Sir Charles: 178.
Napoleon: 62, 63, 64.
Nashville and Chattanooga Rly.: 33, 34.
Natal Government Railways: 237, 246-8, 253.
Natal Railway Pioneer Staff: 247.
Nathan, R. E., Lieut. M.: 223.
National Defence Act, 1888: 177, 195.
Netherlands South African Rly.: 240, 254-8.
Niel, Marshal: 138, 139.
Norton, Mr. Roy: 286.
North Eastern Rly.: 197.
North Missouri Railroad: 29.
O'Connor, Mr. J. K.: 310-12, 326-7.
Orange and Alexandria Railroad: 46, 55, 88.
Osman Pasha: 218.
Panz, Oberst. von: 123.
Peel, Gen.: 176.
Pernot, Capt. A.: 172, 174.
Philadelphia-Baltimore Railroad: 73.
Philadelphia Railroad: 87.
Pomerania, Strategical Railways in: 283.
PÖnitz, C. E.: 4-6, 280.
Pope, Gen.: 43.
Porter, Maj.-Gen. Whitworth: 209, 224.
Potter, Mr. F.: 197.
Powell, Maj.: 209.
Preparations in Peace:
Need for, 98-102, 106, 123, 138, 149, 178-180, 184, 351-2.
Protection of Railways in War:
American Civil War, 20.
SaÏd Pasha: 221.
Samassa, Dr. Paul: 301-2.
Sarolea, Dr. Charles: 337.
SchÄffer, E.: 113 (n.).
German strategical lines, 294.
Schofield, Gen.: 24.
Scott, Maj.-Gen. D. A.: 181.
Sherman, Gen. W. T.: 19, 34-

6, 54, 65.
Sick and Wounded in War:
Evacuation hospitals, 167;
infirmary stations, 167;
distribution stations, 167;
general, 349-50.
See also, Railway Ambulance Transport.
South African War:
Removal of locomotives and rolling stock, 59-60;
hospital trains, 95-6, 253-4;
transport of troops for embarkation, 193;
South African railways, 232-3;
creation of Department of Military Railways, 233;
control questions, 233-5;
basis of organisation, 235-7;
transport conditions, 237-8;
how the system worked, 238-9;
Imperial Military Railways, 239-40;
need for operating staff organised in time of peace, 240-1;
destruction and repair of lines, etc., 241-5;
Railway Pioneer Regiment, 242;
blockhouses, 245;
military traffic, 245-6;
miscellaneous services, 246-8;
armoured trains, 248-52;
operation of Netherlands South African Railway by Boers, 254-9;
the war and rail-power, 258-9.
South Carolina Railroad: 36.
South Eastern and Chatham Rly.: 197.
South Eastern Rly.: 199.
Sprenger, Dr. A.: 332.
Stanton, Mr.: 23, 29.
Stavelot-MalmÉdy Line: 288-292.
Steinnetz, Mr. T.: 255-8.
Strategical Movements by Rail: 12, 25, 245-6, 346.
Strategical Railways:
Early proposals in Germany, 2, 5-6, 7;
France, 7;
Austria, 9;
defensive lines in France, 170-4;
position in Great Britain, 202;
connecting links, 203;
attitude of Parliament, 203;
Northern Junction line, 203-4;
nature of strategical railways, 277-80;
ideal conditions, 279-81;
position in Germany, 281-4;
Pomerania and East Prussia, 283-4;
Russian frontier, 284-7;
southern Silesia, 287;
French frontier, 287-8;
Belgian frontier, 288-93;
Dutch frontier, 293-4;
Schleswig-Holstein, 294;
German South-West Africa, 304-9;
Angola, 312-4;
German East Africa, 314-5;
Cameroons, 320-324;
Baghdad Railway, 334-344.
Stuart-Stephens, Maj.: 290 (n.).
Sturgis, Gen.: 44.
Suakin-Berber Line: 199, 223-5.
Supplies for Troops:
War of Secession, 15-16, 46;
"living on the country," 63, 64, 65;
conditions in pre-railway days, 63-4;
discipline, 64;
road transport, 65;
advantages of rail transport, 65-6;
defective organisation, Austro-Prussian War, 105;
new system for Germany, 107;
Franco-German War, 110-113, 143-6;
present French system, 164-6;
general, 347-8.
Surface Railroads in the American Civil War: 210.
Sudan, The:
Early railway schemes, 221;
Wady Halfa-Sarras line, 221;
extension for expedition of 1884, 221-2;
abandonment, 222;
results attained, 223;
Suakin-Berber line, 223-5;
Nile Valley line, reconstructed and extended, 225-6;
Nubian Desert line, 226-7;
extension to Atbara, 228;
Khartoum, 229;
El Obeid, 229;
military results, 228;
services to civilisation, 230-1;
Germany and the Sudan, 321-2.
SuvÓroff: 62.
Szlumper, Mr. G. S.: 197.
Tactical Movements by Rail: 346.
Thiers, M.: 64.
Thornhill, Mr. J. B.: 316.
Thomas, Gen. G. H.: 89.
Tovey, R. E., Lieut.-Col.: 354 (n.).
Town, Dr. F. L.: 90.
Trans-Siberian Rly. See Russo-Japanese War.
Transvaal, Germany and the: 304, 305, 311, 327.
Troop Movements by Rail:
Early, 8;
Italian campaign of 1859, 9-12;
Civil War, 23-5;
quicker transport, 62;
more complete numbers, 62-3;
Danish War of 1864, 104;
Austro-Prussian War, 104;
Franco-Prussian War, 110, 139-140;
Volunteer reviews and army manoeuvres, 192, 194;
South African War, 193, 245-6;
Russo-Japanese War, 269, 271;
general, 345-6, 352-4.
Turkey, Asiatic: Germany's Land of Promise, 331.
Turkey: Germany's designs against, 331, 336-40.

Unger, L. A.: 6.
Vickers, R.E., Capt. C. E.: 274.
Vigo-Rouissillon, M.: 36.
Volunteer Corps in Great Britain: 67, 178-9, 182, 191-2.
Walker, Lieut. Arthur: 69.
Walker, Sir Herbert A.: 197.
Walter, Maj. J.: 191-2.
War Railway Council, The: 187-9, 193, 196.
Waters, Col. W. H. H.: 274, 275.
Watson, Col. Sir Charles: 228.
Watson, Mr. P. H.: 72.
Webber, R.E., Capt. C. E.: 55, 125, 126.
Weber, Baron, M. M. von: 50-2.
Weber, Ernst von: 297, 330.
Weeks, G. E.: 37-8.
Wellington, Duke of: 65, 177.

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