The following list of books, pamphlets and articles bearing on the evolution and the development of rail-power down to the outbreak of the Great War in 1914—this alone being the purpose and the scope of the present work—was originally based on selections from a "List of References on the Use of Railroads in War" prepared by the Bureau of Railway Economics, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., and including items from all the leading libraries of the United States (Library of Congress; the libraries of the principal Universities, Colleges and learned or technical societies; State libraries, public libraries, private railway-libraries, and the library of the Bureau itself), together with various foreign libraries, such as those of the Minister of Public Works in Berlin, the International Railway Congress at Berne, and others besides. Much valuable help has been derived from the American list; but a large number of its references, and especially those relating to the World-War itself, have not here been reproduced, while so many additions have been gathered in from other sources among which might be mentioned the published catalogue of the War Office Library; the libraries of the British Museum, the Royal Colonial Institute, and the Patent Office; the Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, the publications of the Royal Engineers' Institute, and official or other publications in Great Britain, France, etc., that the Bibliography here presented may, perhaps, be regarded as practically a new compilation, supplementing the excellent purpose which the list of the American Bureau of Railway Economics will undoubtedly serve. EARLIEST REFERENCES (1833-50). Harkort, Friedrich Wilhelm. Die Eisenbahn von Minden nach KÖln. Hagen, 1833. [The earliest published work in which the importance and the possibilities of railways from a military standpoint were advocated.] Ueber die militÄrische Benutzung der Eisenbahnen. Berlin, 1836. Darlegung der technischen und Verkehrs-VerhÄltnisse der Eisenbahnen, nebst darauf gegrÜndeter ErÖrterung Über die militÄrische Benutzung derselben. Berlin, 1841. "Pz." (Carl Eduard Poenitz). Die Eisenbahn als militÄrische Operationslinien betrachtet und durch Beispiele erlÄutet. Nebst Entwurf zu einem militÄrischen Eisenbahnsystem fÜr Deutschland. Adorf [Saxony], 1842. —— II. Aufl. Adorf, 1853. Essai sur les Chemins de Fer, considÉrÉs comme lignes d'opÉrations militaires. Traduit de l'allemand par L. A. Unger. Paris, 1844. [A French translation of the above-mentioned work by Poenitz, with an introduction by the translator and a map of Germany and Austria showing railways existing in 1842 and the "system" projected by the German writer.] Uebersicht des Verkehrs und der Betriebsmittel auf den inlÄndischen und den benachbarten auslÄndischen Eisenbahnen fÜr militÄrische Zwecke; nach den beim grossen Generalstabe vorhandenen Materialen zusammengestellt. Berlin, 1848-50. Hoffmann, C. Amtlich erlassene Vorschriften Über Anlage und Betrieb der Eisenbahnen in Preussen. Berlin, 1849. WARS AND EXPEDITIONS Crimean War (1854-55) Hamley, Gen. Sir Edward. The War in the Crimea. London, 1891. Luard, R.E., Capt. C. E. Field Railways and their general application in war. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Vol. XVII, 1873. [Refers to military railway built for use in the Crimea.] Italian War (1859) Bartholony, F. Notice sur les Transports par les Chemins de Fer franÇais vers le thÉÂtre de la guerre d'Italie. 71 pp. Paris, 1859. Millar, R.A., Major, Topographical Staff. The Italian Campaign of 1859. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Vol. V, pp. 269-308. London, 1861. [Introductory reference to use of railways.] American Civil War (1861-65) Abhandlung Über die ThÄtigkeit der amerikanischen Feldeisenbahn-Abtheilungen der Nordstaaten; bei den Directionen der Staatseisenbahnen. Durch das KÖnigl. Ministerium in Circulation gesetzt. Berlin. Bacon, E. L. How railroads helped save the Union. Railroadman's Magazine, July, 1909. Haupt, Herman. Reminiscences of General Herman Haupt, Chief of the Bureau of United States Military Railroads in the Civil War. 321 pp. Illustrations. Milwaukee, Wis., 1901. Henderson, Lieut.-Col. G. F. R. Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War. Second edition. Two vols. London, 1899. Porter, W. E. Keeping the Baltimore and Ohio in Repair in War Time was a Task for Hercules. Book of the Royal Blue, June, 1907. United States Military Railroads. Report of Brev.-Brig.-Gen. D. C. McCallum, Director and General Manager, from 1861 to 1866. Executive Documents, 39th Congress, 1st Session. House. Serial number, 1251. Washington, 1866. Vigo-Rouissillon, F. P. Puissance Militaire des États-Unis d'AmÉrique, d'aprÈs la Guerre de la SÉcession, 1861-65. IIIe Partie; chap. viii, Transports gÉnÉraux. Paris, 1866. Austro-Prussian Campaign (1866) Cooke, R.E., Lieut.-Col. A. C. C. Short Sketch of the Campaign in Austria of 1866. 70 pp. Map. London, 1867. Webber, R.E., Capt. Notes on the Campaign in Bohemia in 1886. Papers of the Corps of the Royal Engineers, N.S., Vol. XVI. Woolwich, 1868. Abyssinian Expedition (1867-68) Willans, R.E., Lieut. The Abyssinian Railway. Papers on Subjects Connected with the Duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers. N.S. Vol. XVIII. Woolwich, 1870. Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) Budde, Lieut. H. Die FranzÖsischen Eisenbahnen im Kriege 1870-71 und ihre seitherige Entwicklung in militÄrischer Hinsicht. Mit zwei Karten und zehn Skizzen im Texte. 99 pp. Berlin, 1877. [Gives maps of the French railway system in 1870 and 1877 respectively.] —— Die franzÖsischen Eisenbahnen im deutschen Kriegsbetriebe, 1870-71. 487 pp. Berlin, 1904. Ernouf, Le Baron. Histoire des Chemins de Fer franÇais pendant la Guerre Franco-Prussienne. Paris, 1874. Jacqmin, F., IngÉnieur en Chef des Ponts et ChaussÉes. Les Chemins de Fer pendant la Guerre de 1870-71. 351 pp. Paris, 1872. —— 2e edition. 363 pp. 1874. MÜller-Breslau, F. Die TÄtigkeit unserer Feldeisenbahn-Abteilung im Kriege 1870-71. Berlin, 1896. Railway Organisation in the late War. Edinburgh Review, January, 1872. Russo-Turkish War (1877-78) Lessar, P. De la construction des Chemins de Fer en temps de guerre. Lignes construites par l'armÉe russe pendant la campagne 1877-78. Traduit du russe par L. Avril. 142 pp. 10 Planches. Paris, 1879. Sale, R.E., Capt. M. T. The Construction of Military Railways during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Vol. XXIV. 1880. Egypt and the Sudan (1882-99) History of the Corps of the Royal Engineers. Vol. II. By Maj.-Gen. Whitworth Porter, R.E. The War in Egypt, 1882-85, pp. 64-87. London, 1889. —— Vol. III. By Col. Sir Chas. M. Watson. The Sudan Campaigns, 1885-99, pp. 53-76. Royal Engineers' Institute, Chatham, 1915. Military History of the Campaign of 1882 in Egypt. Prepared in the Intelligence Branch of the War Office. Revised edition. London, 1908. Nathan, R.E., Lieut. M. The Sudan Military Railway. Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Occasional Papers, Vol. XI. 1885. Wallace, R.E., Maj. W. A. J. Railway Operations in Egypt during August and September, 1882. Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers, Chatham. Occasional Papers, Vol. IX. Philippine War (1898) Colson, L. W. Railroading in the Philippine War. Baltimore and Ohio EmployÉs' Magazine, Feb., 1913. Soldiers Running a Railroad. Railroad Telegrapher, Sept., 1899. [Tells how the 20th Kansas Regiment ran four miles of the Manila and Dagupan Railroad during the Philippine insurrection.] South African War (1899-1902) Detailed History of the Railways in the South African War, 1899-1902. Two vols. Royal Engineers' Institute, Chatham, 1905. Vol. I.—Organisation, Military Control, Working and Repair of Cape and Natal Government Railways; Management, Engineering and other Departments of Imperial Military Railways; Railway Pioneer Regiment; Organisation, Equipment and Use of Armoured Trains; Army Labour DepÔts. Vol. II.—61 Photographs and 93 Drawings. Girouard, R.E., Lieut.-Col. E. P. C., Director of Railways, South African Field Force. History of the Railways during the War in South Africa, 1899-1902. 149 pp. Maps. London, 1903. Harrison, C. W. Francis. Natal: an Illustrated Official Railway Guide and Handbook. Published by Authority. London, 1903. [Gives a statement, on pp. 287-290, as to services rendered by Natal Government Railways during South African War.] History of the War in South Africa, 1899-1902. Compiled by the Direction of His Majesty's Government. Vol. IV, Appendix 10, Notes on the Military Railway System in South Africa. London, 1910. Netherlands South African Railway Company and the Transvaal War. Account by the Secretary, Th. Steinnetz, dated Pretoria, April, 1900. De Ingenieur, July 14 and 21, 1900. English translation in Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Jan., 1902. The Times. History of the War in South Africa, 1899-1902. Vol. VI, Part II, chap. iii, The Railway Work in the War, pp. 297-331. London, 1909. Watson, Col. Sir Chas. M. History of the Corps of the Royal Engineers. Vol. III, chap. iv, The South African War, 1899-1902. Royal Engineers' Institute, Chatham, 1915. Working of Railways: Duties of Staff Officers. Pamphlet. Published by authority. Pretoria, 1900. Russo-Japanese War (1904-5) Kuropatkin, General A. N. The Russian Army and the Japanese War. Translated by Captain A. B. Lindsay. Two vols. Maps, Illustrations. London, 1909. MÉtin, Albert. Le TranssibÉrien et la Guerre. Revue Économique Internationale, Oct., 1904. Official History of the Russo-Japanese War. Prepared by the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence. London, 1910. "P., A." Construction et Exploitation de Chemins de Fer À Traction animale sur le ThÉÂtre de la Guerre de 1904-5 en Mandchourie. Revue du GÉnie Militaire, Avril, Mai, Juin, 1909. Paris. Russo-Japanese War. Reports from British Officers attached to the Japanese and Russian Forces in the Field. Vol. III. General Report (dated March, 1905) by Col. W. H. H. Waters: Section XXXVIII, "Railways," pp. 184-9. London, 1908. Russo-Japanese War. The Ya-Lu. Prepared in the Historical Section of the German General Staff. Authorised Translation by Karl von Donat. Chaps. ii and iii. London, 1908. Vickers, R.E., Capt. C. E. The Siberian Railway in War. Royal Engineers' Journal, Aug., 1905. Chatham. Mexican War (1910-13) Hine, Maj. Charles. War Time Railroading in Mexico. Paper read before the St. Louis Railway Club, Oct. 10, 1913. The Railway Library, 1913. Chicago. Weeks, G. E. How Mexican Rebels Destroy Railways and Bridges. Scientific American, Sept. 13, 1913. COUNTRIES Australia Ellison, H. K. Australia's Trans-Continental Railway. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, June, 1912. Kitchener of Khartoum, Field Marshal Viscount. Memorandum on the Defence of Australia. Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1910. Proceedings of the War Railway Council. (1) First and Second Meetings, Feb. 14-16, 1911, and May 19, 1911. (2) Fifth Meeting, Nov. 18 and 19, 1914. Government of the Commonwealth of Australia. Austria-Hungary Geschichte der Eisenbahnen der Österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie. Unsere Eisenbahnen im Kriege. Eisenbahnbureau des K. u. K. General-Stabes. Wien, 1898-1908. Hare, R.E., Capt. W. A. Organisation of the Austrian Railway and Telegraph Corps. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution. Vol. XXIX, pp. 257-79. London, 1885-6. Jessep, R.E., Lieut. H. L. Railway Works in Connection with an Army in the Field; forming the Second Division of the Austrian Guide to Railways. Vienna, 1872 (Translation). Professional Papers of the Royal Engineers. Chatham. Vol. O.II. Joesten, Josef. Studien Über die heutigen Eisenbahnen im Kriegsfalle. Wien, 1892. Leitfaden des Eisenbahnwesens, mit besonderer RÜcksicht auf den Dienst der Feldeisenbahn-Abteilungen. 2 BÄnde. Wien, 1872. Nosinich, Maj. Das Österreichisch-ungarische Eisenbahn- und Übrige Communications-System. Politisch-militÄrisch beleuchtet. 77 pp. Wien, 1871. Obauer, H., und E. R. von Guttenberg. Das Train-Communications und Verpflegungswesen, vom operativen Standpunkte. Wien, 1871. Panz, Oberst V. v. Das Eisenbahnwesen, vom militÄrischen Standpunkte. Two vols. Plates. Wien, 1863. —— Les Chemins de Fer au point de vue militaire. Traduit de l'Allemand par Costa de Serda. Paris, 1868. Technischer Unterricht fÜr die K. u. K. Eisenbahn-Truppe. Theil 3: Strassen, Eisenbahn- und Wasserbau. Theil 7: FeldmÄssige ZerstÖrung von BrÜcken und Viaducten. Wien, 1898. Tlaskal, Maj. L. Uebersichtliche Zusammenstellung der GrundsÄtze und der wesentlichen Details aus dem Strassen- u. Eisenbahn-Baue, mit BerÜcksichtigung der ZerstÖrung und der feldmÄssigen Wiederherstellung von Eisenbahnen. 90 pp. Plates. Wien, 1877. Zanantoni, Oberstlt. E. Die Eisenbahnen im Dienste des Krieges, und moderne Gesichtspunkte fÜr deren AusnÜtzung. 33 pp. Wien, 1904. [See Railways in War and Modern Views as to their Employment. Royal Engineers' Journal, March, 1907.] Belgium Body, M. Aide-mÉmoire portatif de campagne pour l'emploi des Chemins de Fer en temps de guerre. 253 pp. Plates. LiÉge, 1877. —— Les Chemins de Fer dans leurs Applications militaires. LiÉge, 1867. —— Notice sur l'attaque et la dÉfense des Chemins de Fer en temps de guerre. LiÉge, 1868. Formanoir, A. de, Capitaine d'État-Major. Des Chemins de Fer en temps de guerre. ConfÉrences Militaires Belges. Bruxelles, 1870. Grandvallet, Antonin. La neutralitÉ de la Belgique et les Chemins de Fer franÇais, belges et allemands. 11 pp. Paris, 1889. France Allix, G. La Mobilisation des Chemins de Fer franÇais. Le Journal des Transports, Jan. 30, 1915. Paris. BergÈre, Capitaine C. Les Chemins de Fer et le Service des Étapes, d'aprÈs les nouveaux rÈglements. Journal des Sciences Militaires. NeuviÈme sÉrie. Tome vingt-quatriÈme. Paris, 1886. Bresson, L. RÉorganisation militaire.... Chemins de Fer. 50 pp. Paris, 1881. Dany, Jean. Le RÔle des Chemins de Fer À la Guerre. Revue de Paris, Sept. 15, 1911. De l'Utilisation des Chemins de Fer dans la prochaine Guerre. Paris, 1899. EugÈne, J. B., Capitaine du GÉnie. Études sur les Chemins de Fer et les TÉlÉgraphes Électriques, considÉrÉs au point de vue de la dÉfense du territoire. 2e. Édition. Two vols. Paris, 1879. "G., A." A propos des RÉseaux ferrÉs de la France et de l'Allemagne. 30 pp. Paris, 1884. Grandvallet, Antonin. Les Chemins de Fer franÇais au point de vue de la Guerre. 85 pp. Map. Paris, 1889. Jacqmin, F. Étude sur l'exploitation des Chemins de Fer par l'État. 104 pp. Paris, 1878. Lanoir, Paul. Les Chemins de Fer et la Mobilisation. 170 pp. Paris, 1894. Lanty ——. Exploitation militaire des Chemins de Fer, OpÉrations exÉcutÉes par le 5e RÉgiment du GÉnie À l'occasion des grandes manoeuvres de BÉance. Revue de GÉnie Militaire. Vol. XX, pp. 345-83. Paris, 1900. Laplaice, A. Notions sur les Chemins de Fer, À l'usage des officiers et sous-officiers de toutes armes. Paris, 1887. Leroy, A. Cours Pratique de Chemins de Fer, À l'usage de MM. les officiers et sous-officiers de toutes armes, des sections techniques, des ouvriers du gÉnie et des Écoles spÉciales. 478 pp. Plates and Illustrations. Dijon, 1881. Marcille, Capt. E. Étude sur l'emploi des Chemins de Fer avant et pendant la guerre. 96 pp. Paris, 1874. Partiot, L. Transport d'un Torpilleur effectuÉ de Toulon À Cherbourg par les Chemins de Fer. Paris, 1891. Permezel, H. Du RÉgime des Chemins de Fer en temps de guerre. Paris, 1904. Pernot, Capt. A. AperÇu historique sur le service des transports militaires. Pp. 492. Paris, 1894. Picard, Alfred. TraitÉ des Chemins de Fer. Vol. IV, Part IV, chap. iv, Transports militaires par chemins de fer. Paris, 1887. Pierron, GÉn. Les MÉthodes de Guerre, etc. Tome I, Part III (Chemins de Fer). Maps and plans. Paris, 1893. Rovel, Chef d'escad. J. J. Manuel des Chemins de Fer, À l'usage des officiers. 122 pp. Plates. Paris, 1882. Wibrotte, Lieut. Construction et destruction des Chemins de Fer en campagne. 2e. edition. 40 pp. Plates, Paris, 1874. Vigo-Rouissillon, F. P. Des Principes de l'Administration des ArmÉes. Paris, 1871.
Official Publications Instruction Speciale pour le Transport des Troupes d'Infanterie et du GÉnie par des voies ferrÉes. 6e Édition. Paris, 1899. Organisation GÉnÉrale aux ArmÉes. I. Services de l'arriÈre aux armÉes. Volume arrÊtÉ À la date du 8 DÉcembre, 1913. 171 pp. —— II. Transports stratÉgiques. Tirage Novembre, 1914. 291 pp. Organisation GÉnÉrale du Service Militaire des Chemins de Fer. Volume arrÊtÉ au 15 Juillet, 1904. 20 pp. —— SupplÉment, 31 DÉcembre, 1912. 8 pp. RÈglements et instructions sur le transport des troupes. Édition annotÉe ... jusqu'en AoÛt, 1913. 362 pp. RÉglement GÉnÉral de 1re Juillet, 1874, pour les transports militaires par chemins de fer. Paris, 1874. Sections de Chemin de Fer de campagne. Volume arrÊtÉ À la date du Sept., 1914. 92 pp. Transports militaires par Chemin de Fer (Guerre et Marine). Édition mise À jour des textes en vigueur jusqu'en Octobre, 1902. 712 pp. Paris. Transports ordinaires du matÉriel de la guerre. 15 Juin, 1912. 270 pp. Troupes des Chemins de Fer. Volume arrÊtÉ À la date du 1er. DÉcembre, 1912. 106 pp. Germany A., H. von. Ueber die militÄrischen und technischen Grundlagen der Truppentransports auf Eisenbahnen. Darmstadt und Leipzig, 1861. Albert ——. Die Anstellungen im Eisenbahn-Dienst. Handbuch fÜr Unteroffiziere, welche sich dem Eisenbahnfach zu widmen beabsichtigen. 59 pp. Berlin, 1884. Allix, G. L'Organisation Militaire des Chemins de Fer allemands. Journal des Transports, 13 Mars., 1915. Paris. Bauer, Haupt. Fuhrkolonne ... und Feldbahn. 31 pp. Plates. Berlin, 1900. Beck, C. H. Studien Über das Etappenwesen. Nordlingen, 1872. [A detailed account of the rail and road services organised under the Prussian Regulation of May 2, 1867.] Le Service des Étapes in guerre. Revue Militaire de l'Étranger. 1er. Mai, 1872. [A digest of the facts recorded by C. H. Beck.] Becker, Lieut. Der nÄchste Krieg und die deutschen Bahnverwaltungen. 62 pp. Hannover, 1893. Bedeutung der Eisenbahnen fÜr den Krieg. Jahrbuch fÜr die deutsche Armee und Marine. Berlin, 1898. Die ThÄtigkeit der deutschen Eisenbahntruppen in China, 1900-1. Annalen fÜr Gewerbe und Bauwesen, April 15, 1902. Eisenbahnen im Kriege, Die. Zeitung des Vereins, Oct. 18, 1899. Erste Benutzung der Eisenbahn fÜr Kriegszwecke. Zeitung des Vereins, Sept. 2, 1914. "Ferrarius, Miles" (Dr. jur. Joesten). Die Eisenbahn und die KriegfÜhrung: Eine politisch-militÄrische Studie. Deutsche Zeit- und Streit Fragen. Heft 66. 30 pp. Hamburg, 1890. Giese, Oberst O. v. Provisorische Befestigungen und Festungs-Eisenbahnen. 96 pp. Plans. Berlin, 1882. Joesten, Josef. Geschichte und System der Eisenbahnbenutzung im Kriege. Leipzig, 1896. —— Histoire et Organisation militaires des Chemins de Fer. Traduit de l'allemand par le Lieut.-Colonel B. ... 226 pp. Paris, 1905. Lanoir, Paul. The German Spy System in France. Translated from the French by an English Officer. Pp. viii, 264. London, 1910. [Chapters on "Designs on French Railways" and "German Strategic Railways."] Schaeffer, Eduard. Der Kriegs-Train des deutschen Heeres. Berlin, 1883. Schmiedecke, Oberst. Die Verkehrsmittel im Kriege. (Die Eisenbahnen: die Feld- und FÖrderbahnen.) Maps and plates. 242 pp. Berlin, 1906. —— 2te. Auflage. 1911. Stavenhagen, Haupt. W. Verkehrs- und Nachrichten-Mittel in militÄrischer Beleuchtung. (Eisenbahnen.) Berlin, 1896. —— 2te. Auflage, 1905. W. [Westphalen], Haupt. H. L. Die KriegfÜhrung, unter Benutzung der Eisenbahnen, und der Kampf um Eisenbahnen. Nach den Erfahrungen des letzen Jahrzents. 290 pp. Leipzig, 1868. —— II Auflage. Neu bearbeitet von einem deutschen Stabsoffizier. Leipzig, 1882. De l'emploi des chemins de fer en temps de guerre. Traduit de l'allemand. 241 pp. Paris, 1869. [A French translation of the 1st edition of Westphalen's work.] Weber, Baron M. M. von. Die Schulung der Eisenbahnen fÜr den Krieg im Frieden. (1870.) Translated into English, under the title of Our Railway System viewed in Reference to Invasion, with Introduction and Notes, by Robert Mallet, M.I.C.E., F.R.S. London, 1871. Wehberg, H. Die rechtliche Stellung der Eisenbahnen im Kriege, nach den BeschlÜssen der zweiten Haager Friedens-Konferenz. Archiv fÜr Eisenbahnwesen, Mai-Juni, 1910. Berlin. Wernekke, Regierungsrat. Die Mitwirkung der Eisenbahnen an den Kriegen in Mitteleuropa. Archiv fÜr Eisenbahnwesen, Juli und August, 1912. Designs on Africa Boulger, Demetrius C. German Designs on the Congo. Fortnightly Review, Sept., 1914. [Republished in England's Arch-Enemy: A Collection of Essays forming an Indictment of German Policy during the last Sixteen Years, by D. C. Boulger. London, 1914.] Bryden, H. A. The Conquest of German South-West Africa. Fortnightly Review, July, 1915. London. Crabtree, The Rev. W. A. German Colonies in Africa. Journal of the African Society, Oct., 1914. London. Lewin, Evans. The Germans and Africa. 317 pp. Map. London, 1915. Martin, Camille. Le Chemin de Fer du Tanganyika et les progrÈs de l'Afrique orientale allemande. Renseignments coloniaux, No. 3. SupplÉment À L'Afrique FranÇaise de Mars, 1914. Paris. Memorandum on the Country known as German South-West Africa. Section on Railways, pp. 83-88. Pretoria, Government Printing Office, 1915. O'Connor, J. K. The Hun in our Hinterland; or the Menace of German South-West Africa. 43 pp. Map. Cape Town, 1914. [Gives details concerning strategical railways in German South-West Africa.] RenÉ, Carl, Director des Kamerun-Eisenbahn Syndikats. Kamerun und die Deutsche TsÂdsee-Eisenbahn. 251 pp. Mit 37 Textbildern und 22 Tafeln. Berlin, 1905. South-West African Notes. Republished from the Transvaal Chronicle. South Africa, Nov. 14 and Dec. 5, 1914. London. Zimmermann, Emil. Neu-Kamerun. Zweiter Teil: Neu Kamerun und das Kongosystem. Deutschland und Zentralafrika. 135 pp. Map. Berlin, 1913. —— Was ist uns Zentralafrika? Wirtschafts- und verkehrspolitische Untersuchungen. 57 pp. Maps. Berlin, 1914. Destruction and Restoration of Railways Anleitung zur Unterbrechung von Eisenbahnverbindungen, resp. ZerstÖrung, etc., sowie zur Wiederherstellung. Berlin, 1861. Basson, Wilhelm. Die Eisenbahnen im Kriege, nach den Erfahrungen des letzten Feldzuges. 72 pp. Ratibor, 1867. [A work dealing with the technicalities of railway destruction, restoration and operation on (a) national and (b) occupied territory.] Taubert ——. ZerstÖrung, Wiederherstellung und Neubau von Vollbahnen und deren Kunstbauten in Feindesland. Leipzig, 1896. Verhandlungen des Kriegs- und Handelsministeriums Über ZerstÖrungen von Eisenbahnen und die Entstehung der AllerhÖchsten Instructionen vom Jahre 1859 und vom 31 Juli, 1861. Ungedrucktes ActenstÜck. Berlin. Germany and the Baghdad Railway ChÉradame, AndrÉ. La Question d'Orient. Le Chemin de Fer de Bagdad. Cartes. 397 pp. Paris, 1903. Hamilton, Angus. Problems of the Middle East, Great Britain, Germany and the Baghdad Railway. Pp. 156-86. London, 1909. Lynch, H. F. B. Railways in the Middle East. Asiatic Quarterly Review, April, 1911. —— The Baghdad Railway. Fortnightly Review, March, 1911. —— The Baghdad Railway: Four New Conventions. Fortnightly Review, May, 1911. Mahan, Capt. A. T. Retrospect and Prospect. VI: The Persian Gulf and International Relations. Pp. 209-51. London, 1902. Rohrbach, Dr. Paul. Die Bagdadbahn. 2. Auflage. 86 pp. Map. Berlin, 1911. Sarolea, Charles. The Anglo-German Problem. The Baghdad Railway and German Expansion in the Near East. Pp. 247-80. London, 1912. Schneider, Siegmund. Die Deutsche Bagdadbahn und die projectirte UeberbrÜckung des Bosporus, in ihrer Bedeutung fÜr Weltwirthschaft und Weltverkehr. Wien und Leipzig, 1900. Sprenger, Dr. A. Babylonien, das reichste Land in der Vorzeit und das lohnendste Kolonisationfeld fÜr die Gegenwart. Ein Vorschlag zur Kolonisation des Orients. 128 pp. Map. Heidelberg, 1886. The Times. Maps of the Baghdad Railway, showing lines open, under construction and projected. Dec. 1, 1914, and Nov. 1, 1915. "X." The Focus of Asiatic Policy. National Review, June, 1901.
Official Publications Die Verwaltung der Öffentlichen Arbeiten in Preussen, 1900 bis 1910. Kartenbeilage I: Die Preussisch-Hessischen Staatseisenbahnen am 1 April, 1900, und Ende MÄrz, 1910. Berlin, 1911. Organisation des Transports grosser Truppenmassen auf Eisenbahnen. Berlin, 1861. Field Service Regulations (Felddienst Ordnung, 1908) of the German Army. Translated by the General Staff, War Office. London, 1908. Railway Troops ArmÉe allemande. Les troupes de Chemin de Fer. Revue Militaire de l'Étranger. Mai, 1898. Paris. Hille, Maj., und Meurin, Maj. Geschichte der preussischen Eisenbahntruppen. Teil I. Von 1859 bis zur Beendigung des deutsch-franzÖsischen Krieges. Maps, plans, plates and illustrations. Two vols. Berlin, 1910. Hille, Maj. Geschichte der preussischen Eisenbahntruppen. Teil II, 1871-1911. Portraits, maps, plans, plates and illustrations. Berlin, 1913. Les troupes allemandes de communications. Revue Militaire, Avril, 1900. Rawson, R.E., Lieut. H. E. The German Railway Regiment. Royal United Service Institution Journal, Vol. XX, 1877. Webber, R.E., Capt. The Field Army Department of the Prussian Army. See Notes on the Campaign in Bohemia in 1866, Papers of the Corps of the Royal Engineers, N.S., Vol. XVI, Woolwich, 1868. Strategical Railways Littlefield, Walter. Hitherto Unpublished Pages in War's Prelude. Railway Cartography reveals Germany's elaborate Preparations. New York Times, Nov. 15, 1914. Norton, Roy. The Man of Peace. Oxford Pamphlets, 1914-15. 22 pp. Oxford University Press. Stuart-Stephens, Major. How I Discovered the Date of the World War. The English Review, June, 1915. [Deals with the German strategical railways on the Belgian frontier.] "Y." Object Lesson in German Plans. Fortnightly Review, Feb., 1910. London. —— A Further Object Lesson in German Plans. Fortnightly Review, Feb., 1914. [These two articles were republished in England's Arch-Enemy: A Collection of Essays forming an Indictment of German Policy during the last Sixteen Years By Demetrius C. Boulger. London, 1914.] Yoxall, M.P., Sir James. The Kaiser's Iron Web. The Daily Graphic, March 9, 1915. Tactics and Strategy Balck, Oberst. Taktik, Band 4. Eisenbahnen, etc. Berlin, 1901. —— 4te. Auflage, 1909. Êtude sur le RÉseau ferrÉ allemand au point de vue de la concentration. 32 pp. Avec une carte des chemins de fer allemands. Paris, 1890. "Ferrarius, Miles" (Dr. jur. Joesten). Die Anforderungen der Strategie und Taktik an die Eisenbahnen. 48 pp. Berlin, 1895. Goltz, Baron Colmar von der. Das Volk im Waffen. Ein Buch Über Heereswesen und KriegfÜhrung unserer Zeit. Berlin, 1883. —— The Nation in Arms. Translated by Phillip A. Ashworth. New edition. Revised in accordance with the fifth German edition. London, 1906. —— KriegfÜhrung. Kurze Lehre ihrer wichtigsten GrundsÄtze und Formen. Berlin, 1895. —— The Conduct of War. A Short Treatise on its most important Branches and Guiding Rules. Translated by Major G. F. Leverson. Vol. IV of the Wolseley Series. London, 1899. Lassmann, Lieut. J. C. Der Eisenbahnkrieg. Taktische Studie. 112 pp. Berlin, 1867. Verdy du Vernois, Gen. J. v. Studien Über den Krieg. Theil III. Strategie. Heft 5. (Einfluss der Eisenbahnen operativer Linien auf die KriegfÜhrung). Maps and plans. Berlin, 1906. Great Britain Burgoyne, F.R.S., Sir J. Railways in War. A paper read before the British Association at Birmingham. The Engineer, Sept. 22, 1865. p. 182. London. Burnaby, Capt. F. G. The Practical Instruction of Staff Officers in Foreign Armies. Royal United Service Institution Journal, Vol. XVI, pp. 633-44. 1873. Collinson, Gen. T. B. Use of Railways in War. Extracted from three Royal Engineer Prize Essays for 1878 by Captains D. O'Brien and T. J. Willans and Lieut. W. H. Turton. 82 pp. Chatham. Findlay, Sir George, Assoc. Inst. C.E., Lieut.-Colonel Engineer and Railway Volunteer Staff Corps. Paper on The Transport of Troops by Rail within the United Kingdom, read before the Royal United Service Institution, June 20, 1890, and forming chapter xxiii of Working and Management of an English Railway. London, 5th edition, 1894. —— The Use of Railways in the United Kingdom for the Conveyance of Troops. United Service Magazine, April, 1892. Girouard, 2nd Lieut. E. P. C. The Use of Railways for Coast and Harbour Defence. Royal United Service Institution Journal, Vol. XXXV, 1891. Girouard, R.E., Brev-Lieut.-Colonel Sir E. Percy C. Railways in War. A lecture delivered at the Royal Engineers' Institute, March 23, 1905. Royal Engineers' Journal, July, 1905. Chatham. Home, C. B., R.E., Lieut.-Col. R. On the Organisation of the Communications of an Army, including Railways. Royal United Service Institution Journal, Vol. XIX, 1875. Hopkins, R.E., Capt. L. E. Army Railway Organisation. The Royal Engineers' Journal, August, 1905. Chatham. Luard, R.E., Captain C. E. Field Railways and their General Application in War. Royal United Service Institution Journal, Vol. XVII, 1873. Mallet, Robert, M.I.C.E., F.R.S. See under Germany: Weber, Baron M. M. Maquay, R.E., Col. J. P. Railways for Military Communication in the Field. Professional Papers of the Royal Engineers, Chatham, Vol. VIII. 1882. Phelp, S. M. The Use of our Railways in the Event of Invasion or of a European War. The Railway Magazine, May, 1901. Porter, R.E., Maj.-Gen. Whitworth. History of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Two vols. London, 1889. [Vol. III, by Col. Sir Chas. M. Watson, was issued by the Royal Engineers' Institute, Chatham, in 1915.] Prytherch, H. J. The Great Eastern Railway and the Army Manoeuvres in East Anglia, 1912. Great Eastern Railway Magazine, Nov., 1912. Rothwell, R.A., Col. J. S., The Conveyance of Troops by Railway. United Service Magazine, Dec., 1891, and Jan., 1892. —— The Reconnaissance of a Railway. Its Utilisation and Destruction in Time of War. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution. Vol. XXXVI, pp. 369-89. London, 1892. Strategical Importance of Railways, The. The Engineer, Feb. 16, 1900. The Part Played by Railways in Modern Warfare. By "A.M.I.C.E." Land and Water, Jan. 30 and Feb. 6, 1915. London. The Transport of an Army. Great Western Railway Magazine, Nov., 1909. [An account of the work done by the Great Western Railway on the occasion of the Army Manoeuvres of 1909.] Tovey, R.E., Lieut.-Col. The Elements of Strategy. [1887.] Section on Railways, pp. 42-49. 2nd edition, edited by T. Miller Maguire. London, 1906. Tyler, R.E., Capt. H. W., Railway Inspector, Board of Trade. Railways Strategically Considered. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution. Vol. VIII, pp. 321-41. Maps. London, 1865. Williams, J. A. Our Railway in Time of War. North-Eastern Railway Magazine, March, 1912. Engineer and Railway Staff Corps Army Book for the British Empire, The. London, 1893. [References to "Railway Volunteer Staff Corps" on pp. 382 and 531.] Engineer and Railway Staff Corps. The Railway News, Aug. 8, 1914. Jeune, C. H. The Engineer and Railway Staff Corps. Great Eastern Railway Magazine, July, 1911. London. McMurdo, C.B., Maj.-Gen., Hon. Colonel, Engineer and Railway Staff Corps. Rifle Volunteers for Field Service; a Letter to Commanding Officers of Rifle Corps. 27 pp. London, 1869. McMurdo, Gen. Sir W. M. Article on "Volunteers," EncyclopÆdia Britannica, 9th edition. [For references to the "Engineer and Railway Transport Corps," see p. 295.] Walter, Maj. James, 4th Lancashire Artillery Volunteers. England's Naval and Military Weakness. The Volunteer Force. London, 1882. [References to services rendered by the Engineer and Railway Volunteer Staff Corps in the Volunteer Reviews of 1881. See p. 305.] Official Publications Army Service Corps Training. Part III, Transport. Section VI, Conveyance of War Department Stores. 1—Rail. Appendix III, Acts of Parliament relating to Transport Services. 1911. Field Service Pocket Book. Section 30, Transport by Rail. General Staff, War Office. 1914. Field Service Regulations. Part I, Operations. 1909. (Reprinted, with amendments, 1914.) Chap. iii, Movements by Rail, pp. 62-6. Part II, Organisation and Administration. 1909. (Reprinted, with amendments, 1913.) Chap. viii, Railway Transport, pp. 91-96. General Staff, War Office. Instruction in Military Engineering. Part VI, Military Railways. War Office, 1898. [Embodies a portion of the course of instruction in railways at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Was first issued with Army Orders, dated March 1, 1889, as a Manual of Military Railways, 95 pp.] Manual of Military Engineering. Chap. xvii: Hasty Demolition of Railways ... without Explosives. Chap. xxiii: Railways. (Technical details concerning construction, repairs and reconstruction.) 144 pp. General Staff, War Office, 1905. Manual of Military Law. War Office, 1914. [Includes a brief account of the relations of the State to the railways in regard to the conveyance of troops (see pp. 184-5), and gives text of various Parliamentary enactments relating thereto.] Notes on Reconnaissance and Survey of Military Railways for Officers of R.E. Railway Companies. Compiled in the Quartermaster-General's Department of the War Office. 1910. Railway Manual (War). 64 pp. 1911. Reprinted, with Amendments, 1914. Regulations for the Transport of Troops by Railway Quartermaster-General's Office, Horse Guards, Feb. 28, 1867. Holland Wijnpersse, Kapt. W. J. M. v. d. De voorbereiding van het militair gebruik der spoorwegen in oorlogstijd. 76 pp. Plans and plates. s'Gravenhage, 1905. India Andrew, W. P. Our Scientific Frontier. London, 1880. Innes, R.E., Gen. J. J. McLeod. Life and Times of Gen. Sir James Browne, R.E., K.C.B., K.C.S.I. 371 pp. London, 1905. [Gives an account of the construction of the Sind-Pishin Railway, of which Sir J. Browne was Chief Engineer.] Lyons, Capt. Gervais. Afghanistan, the Buffer State. Great Britain and Russia in Central Asia. 232 pp. Maps. Madras and London, 1910. [Gives, in summarised form, much information concerning British Indian frontier and Russian Central Asian Railways.] Military Railways in India. PrÉcis of Report of the Railway Transport Committee, India, 1876. Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Occasional Papers, Vol. II. Chatham, 1878. Ross, C.I.E., David. Military Transport by Indian Railways. 109 pp. Maps and plates. Lahore, 1883. —— Transport by Rail of Troops, Horses, Guns, and War Material in India. A lecture. 24 pp. London, 1879. Scott-Moncrieff, R.E., Capt. G. K. The Frontier Railways of India. Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Occasional Papers, Vol. XI, 1885. Chatham. Italy Allix, G. La Mobilisation des Chemins de Fer Italiens. Journal des Transports, 3 Juillet, 1915. Paris. Aymonino, C. ConsidÉrations Militaires et StratÉgiques sur les chemins de fer italiens. Traduit de l'Italien par G. Malifaud. 3e. Éd. 68 pp. Paris, 1889. Le Ferrovie dello Stato e le grandi manovre del 1911. Rivista Tecnica della Ferrovie Italiane, Nov., 1912. Zanotti, Mag. B. Impiego dei ferrovieri in guerra. 67 pp. 1902. Russia Fendrikh, Col. A. von. The Organisation of a Staff for Military Railway Work and of a Central Management for the Control of Rolling Stock in War Time. Translated from The Russian Military Magazine, by Capt. J. Wolfe Murray, R.A., D.A.A.G. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Vol. XXXII, 1889. Igel, Gen. von. Russlands Eisenbahnbau an der Westgrenze. Deutsche Revue, Dec., 1902. Stuttgart. K., H. Das russische Eisenbahn-Netz zur deutschen Grenze in seiner Bedeutung fÜr einen Krieg Russlands mit Deutschland. 29 pp. Map. Hannover, 1885. NienstÄdt, Oberstlt. Das russische Eisenbahnnetz zur deutschen-Österreichischen Grenze in seiner Bedeutung fÜr einen Krieg. 43 pp. Map. Leipzig, 1895. Strategical Railways. Translated from the VoÏÉnnyi SbÓrnik. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Oct., 1899.
Spain Taylor, Ten. T. L. Los ferrocarriles en la guerra. 288 pp. Plates. Barcelona, 1885. Switzerland Blaser, Haupt. E. Die ZerstÖrungs- und Wiederherstellungs-Arbeiten von Eisenbahnen. 22 pp. Plates. Basel, 1871. Hoffmann-Merian, T. Die Eisenbahnen zum Truppen-Transport und fÜr den Krieg im Hinblick auf die Schweiz. 2e. Ausg. Basel, 1871. Nowacki, Karl. Die Eisenbahnen im Kriege. 160 pp. Zurich, 1906. United States Are Railroads Neutralising Sea Power? American Review of Reviews, June, 1913. Bigelow, John, Captain 10th Cavalry, U.S. Army. The Principles of Strategy, illustrated mainly from American Campaigns. 2nd edition. Philadelphia, 1894. Commerce of the Ohio and Western Rivers. Importance of Railroads in a Military point of view. DeBow's Commercial Review, June, 1857. Connor, Maj. W. D. Military Railways. 192 pp. Illustrations. Professional Papers, No. 32, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. Washington, 1910. —— Operation and Maintenance of the Railroad in a Theatre of War. Journal of the Military Service Institute. New York, 1905. Derr, W. L. The working of railways in Military Operations. Engineering Magazine, Oct., 1898. Great Railroad Feats during War and Flood. Washington, D.C., Post, April 25, 1913. Grimshaw, Robert. War Capacity of United States Railways. Scientific American, May 1, 1915. Haines, Charles O. Our Railroads and National Defence. The North American Review, Sept., 1915. Haupt, Herman. Military Bridges ... including designs for trestle and truss bridges for military railroads, adapted specially to the wants of the service in the United States. 310 pp. 69 plates. New York, 1864. Use of Railroads in War. Journal of the Military Service Institution. Vol. XXI. New York, 1897. Palmer, Capt. John McAuley. Railroad Building as a Mode of Warfare. North American Review, Dec., 1902. Railroads, and not Bullets, will feature the next War. Washington, D.C., Star, Feb. 11, 1912. Wilson, W. B. History of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Two vols. The Railroad in War Times, Vol. I, pp. 411-18. Philadelphia, 1899. AMBULANCE AND HOSPITAL TRAINS Furse, Lieut.-Col. G. A. Military Transport. Chap. vii, Railway Ambulance Trains, pp. 185-99. Diagrams and illustrations. London, 1882. Gurlt, Dr. E. Ueber den Transport Schwerverwundeter und Kranker im Kriege, nebst VorschlÄgen Über die Benutzung der Eisenbahnen dabei. 33 pp. Berlin, 1860. [Contains, so far as can be traced, the earliest recommendations as to the special fitting up of railway rolling stock for the transport of the sick and wounded in war.] Loeffler, Dr. F. Das Preussische MilitÄr-SanitÄtswesen und seine Reform nach der Kriegserfahrung von 1866. Two parts. Berlin, 1869. [In the appendix of Part II of this work will be found an "Anleitung zur AusfÜhrung der BefÖrderung verwundeter und kranker Militairs auf Eisenbahnen," issued July 1, 1861.] Longmore, Surg.-Gen. Sir T. A Manual of Ambulance Transport. 2nd edition. Edited by Surg.-Capt. W. A. Morris. Chap. vi, Class V, Railway Ambulance Transport, pp. 347-89. Illustrations. London, 1893. [The 1st edition was published in 1869 under the title of A Treatise on the Transport of Sick and Wounded Troops.] Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. Part III, Vol. II, Surgical History. Railway Transportation, pp. 957-71. Diagrams and illustrations of hospital cars, fittings, etc. U.S.A. Dept. of War. Surgeon-General's Office. Washington, 1883. [Gives a detailed account of the evolution, in the Civil War, of the hospital train in vogue to-day. A copy of the work will be found in the British Museum Library. Pressmark: 7686 i. 4.] Melville, A.M.S., Surg.-Capt. Continental Regulations for the Transport of Sick and Wounded by Rail. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution. Vol. XLII, pp. 560-92. London, 1898. Military Hospital Trains: Their Origin and Progress. The Railway Gazette, Dec. 4, 1914. London. Nieden, J. Der Eisenbahn-Transport verwundeter und erkrankter Krieger. 2 Aufl. 271 pp. Berlin, 1883. Otis, George A. A Report on a Plan for Transporting Wounded Soldiers by Railway in Time of War. Surgeon-General's Office, War Department, Washington, 1875. [The material parts of this work are reproduced in the "Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion."] Report by the Central British Red Cross Committee on Voluntary Organisations in aid of the Sick and Wounded during the South African War. Part VII, Hospital Trains, pp. 32-5. London, 1902. Report on the Medical Arrangements in the South African War. By Surg.-Gen. Sir W. D. Wilson, K.C.M.G., late Principal Medical Officer, South African Field Force. Part IX, Hospital Trains, pp. 213-9. London, 1904. Riddell, J. Scott. A Manual of Ambulance. Section on Railway Ambulance Wagons and Ambulance Trains, pp. 168-76. 6th edition. London, 1913. ARMOURED TRAINS Adams, W. Bridges. English Railway Artillery: A Cheap Defence against Invasion. Once a Week, Aug. 13, 1859. London. Armoured Truck ("Union Railroad Battery," Petersburg) used in the American Civil War, 1861-65. See illustration, Century Magazine, Sept., 1887, p. 774. Boxall, Charles Gervaise, Col. Commanding 1st Sussex Artillery Volunteers. Armoured Train for Coast Defence in Great Britain, The. Paper read at a meeting of Officers and N.C.O.'s of the Brigade at Newhaven Fort, Sussex, May 14, 1894. 11 pp. —— Railway Batteries and Armoured Trains. Fortnightly Review, Aug., 1895. Connor, Maj. W. D. Military Railways. Section on Armoured Trains, pp. 141-50. Professional Papers, No. 32, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. Washington, 1910. Detailed History of the Railways in the South African War, 1899-1902. Vol. I, Section on Organisation, Equipment and Use of Armoured Trains. Chatham, 1905. Field Service Regulations. Part I, Operations. 1909. (Reprinted, with amendments, 1914.) Section 40, Defence of Railways. General Staff, War Office, London. FitzGerald, W. C. The Armoured Train. The Four-track News, March, 1906. New York. Forbin, V. Les trains blindÉs. Nature, Dec. 12, 1914. Paris. Fraser, R.E., Lieut. T. Armour-plated Railway Wagons used during the late Sieges of Paris in 1870-71. Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers, N.S., Vol. XX. Woolwich, 1872. Girouard, R.E., Lieut.-Col. E. P. C. History of the Railways during the War in South Africa, 1899-1902. Section V, The Organisation and Use of Armoured Trains. London, 1903. Hobart, Frederick. The first Armoured Train. Railway Age Gazette, Jan. 22, 1915. Chicago, U.S.A. Lodian, L. The Origin of Armoured Railroad Cars unquestionably the Product of the American Civil War. Railroad and Locomotive Engineering, May, 1915. New York. [Reproduces from Leslie's Weekly for May 18, 1864, an illustration of a "Railroad Battery on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railway," showing a "box" car completely covered with armour plating, with loop-holes at end and side for guns, and placed on the line in front of the locomotive, itself otherwise unprotected.] Military History of the Campaign of 1882 in Egypt. Prepared in the Intelligence Branch of the War Office. Revised edition. London, 1908. [References to use of armoured train.] Nance, Capt. H. O. Armoured Trains. Lecture delivered at the Royal Engineers' Institute. 52 pp. Photographs and drawings. Professional Papers, fourth series, Vol. I, Paper 4. Chatham, 1906. [The subject is dealt with in three sections: (1) Uses of Armoured Trains; (2) Construction, equipment and garrison; (3) Organisation and administration.] Railway Manual (War). Chapter VI, Section 15, Armoured Trains. London, 1911. Walker, Lieut. Arthur. Coast Railways and Railway Artillery. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Vol. IX, pp. 221-23. Plates. London, 1866.