The solid rocks were rent in twain, When Christ the Lamb of God was slain; The sun in darkness veiled his face, The mountains moved and left their place. And all creation groaned in pain Till the Messiah rose again; When earth did cease her dreadful groans, The sun unveiled his face and shone; The righteous that were spared alive, With joy and wonder did believe, And soon together they convened Conversing on the things they'd seen: Which had been given for a sign, When lo, they heard a voice divine, And as the heavenly voice they heard The Lord of glory soon appeared. SECOND PART. With joy and wonder all amazed, Upon their glorious Lord they gazed, And wist not what the vision meant But thought it was an angel sent While in their midst he smiling stood, Proclaimed himself the son of God, He said come forth and feel and see, That you may witness bear of me. And when they all had felt and seen Where once the nails and spear had been, Hosanna they aloud proclaimed, And blessed and praised his holy name, He then proceeded to make plain His gospel to the sons of men, The prophecies he did unfold, Yea, things that were in days of old. And every thing that should transpire Till element should melt with fire, Commanding them for to record The sayings of their risen Lord; That generation should be blessed, And with him in his kingdom rest; But, O! what scenes of sorrow rolled When he the future did unfold! PART THIRD. Four generations should not pass Until they'd turn from righteousness, The Nephite nation be destroyed! The Lamanites reject his word, The gospel taken from their midst, The record of their fathers hid, They dwindle long in unbelief, And ages pass without relief, Until the Gentiles from afar, Should smite them in a dreadful war, And take possession of their land, And they should have no power to stand. But as their remnants wander far, In darkness, sorrow and despair, Lo! from the earth their record comes To gather Israel to their homes. First to the Gentiles 'tis revealed, The prophecy must be fulfilled; That they may know and understand His gospel, and no more contend. Hear! O ye Gentiles, and repent, To you is this salvation sent; God to the Gentiles lifts his hand, To gather Israel to their land.