EDUCATING DOGS. TO ROLL A BARREL.Place, on the dog the Bonaparte bridle so that you may control him; then put his fore-feet upon the barrel, standing in front of him with a piece of meat extended towards him, and say, “Roll the barrel;” pull gently on the cord, and if he should start the barrel don’t fail to caress him. With two dogs, put one on the top of the barrel, and they will quickly learn to roll it without being enticed by meat. TO FIRE A GUN.Drill a hole in the back of a common chair; attach a piece of iron at the lower part of the pistol, and place it in the chair as illustrated; tie a string with a knot in the end, to the trigger; EDUCATION OF DOGS—Continued TO PASS BETWEEN YOUR LEGS.Hold meat in your hand and pass it from one hand to the other between your legs. Occasionally give the animal a small piece; you will thus induce him after a little to obey the command “Pass through,” motioning in the direction with your hand. TO JUMP THROUGH A HOOP.At the first lesson procure a barrel hoop and elevate it, say six inches from the ground, holding it in your hand, and with the other hold out a piece of meat a short distance from the hoop, and say to your dog, “Jump.” He will go for the meat; increase the height of the hoop a little each time, and you will soon have TO STAND ON CHAIRS.Place two chairs back to back; then separate the chairs, say one foot apart, and decoy your dog to mount on one chair; then hold a piece of meat in your hand elevated above the chairs, and it will attempt to climb for the meat; repeat this process a few times, and soon you will educate the animal to rest its feet on the back of each chair; after which you may increase the distance until you distend the body, as seen in engraving, in accordance with your wishes. Continue until it will readily obey you without the use of meat; often caress the animal, as by this means you increase confidence and secure obedience. |