
CHAPTER I.—Parentage:—Childhood:—Youth:—Education:—Early Impressions:—Journey Westward:—Making a New Farm in the Wilderness of Oswego.
CHAPTER II.—Thoughts on Religion:—Join the Baptist Church:—Strange Perversion of a Scripture Promise.
CHAPTER III.—Reverses:—Loss of our Farm:—Strange Resolve:—Travels West:—Forest Life:—Another New Farm.
CHAPTER IV.—Revisit Canaan, N. T.:—Interesting Meeting:—Marriage:—Return to my Forest Home.
CHAPTER V.—Our Home:—New Sect:—Progressive Religious Views:—Unexpected Meeting:—Dialogue:—Forsake My Home:—Journey to New York:—Public Ministry:—Strange Book:—First Interview with a Latter-Day Saint.
CHAPTER VI.—Interesting Meetings:—Second Interview with Hyrum Smith:—Visit to the Church in Seneca County:—Baptism, Confirmation and Ordination:—Ministry Among my Kindred:—Baptism of my Brother Orson:—Wonderful Sign in the Heavens:—Return to Western New York:—First Interview with Joseph Smith:—Description of his Person and Abilities.
CHAPTER VII.—Mission to the Western States:—Visit to the Indians:—Wonderful Success in Kirtland, Ohio:—Journey Westward:—Great Excitement and Anxiety to Hear the Fulness of the Gospel:—Imprisonment:—Mock Trial:—Escape:—Preaching:—Success:—Visit the Wyandots:—Journey Resumed:—Great Hardships:—Arrival on the Frontiers of Missouri.
Chapter VIII.—Visit the Delawares of Kansas:—Interview with the Chief and Council:—Speech and Reply:—Great Excitement:—Opposition from Missionaries:—Compelled to Leave the Indian Country:—Ministry in Jackson County:—Council in Independence:—Return Eastward:—Disguise:—Hospitality of a Family of the Saints:—Dialogue:—Sickness:—Reunion with President Joseph Smith:—Mission to the Shakers:—Ministry Among the Churches:—False Spirits:—Inquire of the Lord:—Mode of Receiving Revelations .
CHAPTER IX.—Revelation on False Spirits:—Ministry Among the Churches:—Remarkable Miracle of Healing:—Arrival of Emigrant Saints from New York:—Severe Disappointment.
CHAPTER X.—Conference at Kirtland:—Revelation of the High Priesthood:—Ordinations to the Same:—Appointment of Missions through the Western States:—Return Westward, Accompanied by my Brother Orson:—Our Success by the Way:—Arrival at the Frontiers:—Sickness:—Remarkable Conversion of Newel Knight:—A Dream.
CHAPTER XI.—Attend Conference:—Instantaneous Healing:—Return Eastward:—Description of the Inhabitants on the South Side of the Missouri River:—Strange Manifestation:—Arrive at St. Louis:—Preaching and Entertainment:—Arrive at Vandalia:—Reception:—Exposure in Crossing an Over—flowed Bottom:—Dialogue:—Hospitality of a Preacher:—Deaf Landlord:—Meet my Wife.
Chapter XII.—Mission in Ohio:—Start to Western Missouri:—Incidents by the Way:—Discourse on Board a Steamer on the Fourth of July:—Its Effect:—Arrival on the Frontiers:—Farming:—Extortion:—Mission in Missouri and Illinois:—Treatment by Infidels:—Great Success in Illinois:—Opposition from Baptist Ministers:—Outlines of Mr. Peck's Speech and my Reply:—Result:—Return Home:—A Voice from the Dead .
CHAPTER XIII.—Prosperity of the Church:—School in Zion:—Revelation:—Mob:—Destruction of Printing Office:—Defence:—Prisoners:—Journey to Lexington:—A Dream:—Its Fulfilment:—Battle:—Defeat of the Robbers:—A Miracle:—Defence Construed into Murder:—Gov. Boggs and Militia Join the Mob:—Church Driven from the County:—Plunderings and Burnings:—Insurrections:—Signs in the Heavens:—Action of the Governor:—Attorney-General Driven from Court:—Refugees Settle in the North:—A Bandit Chief made Governor.
CHAPTER XIV.—Labors in Clay County:—Conference:—Appointment to a Tedious Journey:—A Case of Healing:—Arrive at Kirtland:—Revelation:—Travel Eastward, in Company with President Joseph Smith:—Conference in Geneseo:—Pleasing Reminiscence:—President Smith and Others Return Home:—Visit Sackett's Harbor:—Crowded Meeting:—Requested to Visit the Sick:—A Little Boy Healed:—Baptisms, etc.:—Miraculous Gifts:—Lying Priests and Rabble:—Visit my Parents in Canaan, N. Y.:—Return to Kirtland.
CHAPTER XV.—An Army:—A Long March:—Recruits:—A Voice:—Camp Arrives in Missouri:—Delegation to the Governor:—Interview:—Return to Camp:—Council:—Great Storm and Flood:—A Battle Providentially Prevented:—Cholera:—Army Disbanded:—Sudden Destruction:—Labor with my Hands:—Journey to Ohio:—Labor and Ministry:—Accusations:—Repair to Kirtland:—Interview with the President:—His Action on the Matter:—Calling and Ordination of a Quorum of Twelve Apostles:—My Ordination, Blessing and Charge:—Charge to the Quorum.
CHAPTER XVI.—Return to New Portage:—Fire:—Return to Kirtland:—Mob:—Journey Eastward, as far as Maine:—Return to Boston:—Removal to Kirtland:—A Temple:—School, Endowments, Prophecyings, Visions, etc.:—Visit from Brother H. C. Kimball and Others:—My Wife Healed and Blessed:—A Remarkable Prophecy and its Fulfilment:—Mission to Canada:—Falls of Niagara:—Reflections .
CHAPTER XVII.—Journey Resumed:—Ministry:—Striking Answer to Prayer:—Arrival at Toronto:—John Taylor:—Visit the Religious Ministers, the Sheriff, and the Public Market, Seeking for an Opening, but in Vain:—Secret Prayer:—About to leave the City—God Sends a Widow to Receive Me:—Great Faith:—Eyes of the Blind Opened:—Great Excitement and Gainsayings:—Public Preaching:—Find a People Prepared to Receive the Message .
CHAPTER XVIII.—Crowded Meeting:—Discourse:—Baptize the People and Organize a Church:—Spread of the Work:—First Visit to the Country:—Opposition:—Remarkable Success:—Return to Kirtland:—Return with my Wife to Toronto:—Meetings at Mr. Lamphere's:—A Woman Healed and Evil Spirits Rebuked:—Mr. Lamareux:—A Meeting:—A Challenge:—Discussion Held in the Open Air:—Great Crowd:—Opening Propositions by Elder O. Hyde:—Result of the Discussion .
CHAPTER XIX.—A Vision:—Remarkable Signs in the Heavens:—A False Prophet:—A Dream:—Impression:—Prayer:—Interpretation Given in a Second Dream:—Attend Mr. Caird's Meeting:—He Shows Himself to be a Railer and a Liar:—We Challenge Him to an Investigation:—He Visits Toronto:—We Return There:—Continues His Opposition:—Refusing to Meet Us:—Great Meetings:—Excitement:—Text:—Summary of the Discourse Proving Him a False Teacher:—He Retires to Private Life:—Return to Kirtland:—Birth of My First Born.
CHAPTER XX.—Two Items of Prophecy:—Death of my Wife: An Open Vision Forewarning Her of Her Death:—Burial: Description of Her Person and Character:—Reflections: Return to Canada:—Selection for an English Mission Jarrings in the Church:—Apostacy:—Temptation:—Deliverance:—Mission to New York City:—The Voice of Warning:—Its Success:—English Mission:—Remarkable Prophecy:—Several Instances of Healing:—Spread of the Work in the City and Country.
CHAPTER XXI.—Remove to Missouri:—National Anniversary at Far West:—Corner Stone of a Temple:—Insurrections:—Defence:—Attack on De Witt, Carroll County:—Mob Chaplain:—Surrender and Flight of the Citizens of De Witt:—Action of the Governor:—General Defence:—Battle of Crooked River:—Death of Colonel Patten:—Defence Construed into Murder and Treason:—Muster of State Forces Against the "Mormons," with Orders for Extermination:—General Lucas, with Four Thousand Men, Menaces Far West.
CHAPTER XXII.—Exterminating Order:—Betrayal and Imprisonment of Joseph Smith and Others:—Camp of the Enemy:—The Howlings of the Damned:—The Enemy Boast of the Highest Crimes:—Secret Inquisitory Trial of the Prisoners:—Sentence of Death!—How Reversed:—A Judas:—Surrender of Far West:—Attempt to Assassinate the Prisoners:—Farewell Scenes:—Captives Removed to Jackson County:—General Clark Demands the Prisoners:—Refusal to Surrender them:—Cross the Missouri River:—Visitors:—Preaching in Camp by President Smith:—Arrive at Independence:—Public Exhibition of the Prisoners.
CHAPTER XXIII.—Treatment of the Prisoners:—Visit the Temple Lot:—Gain my Freedom:—Temptation:—Voluntary Return to Bondage:—Leave Independence:—Conduct of the Guards:—Fall into the Hands of Col. Price and Guards:—Arrive at Richmond:—Chains:—Interview with Gen. Clark:—Dialogue:—Inconceivable Absurdities .
CHAPTER XXIV.—Massacre at Haun's Mill .
CHAPTER XXV.—Speech of Major—General Clark, Delivered at Far West while its Citizens were held as Prisoners, November, 1838.
CHAPTER XXVI.—The Prisoners:—Second Interview with General Clark:—Inquisition:—Sickness of Elder Rigdon:—Colonel Price and Guards:—Their Conduct;—Rebuke by Joseph Smith:—Trial:—Similarity between King Herod and Governor Boggs:—Judge Austin A. King in Open Court Threatens a Wholesale Extermination of the "Mormons:"—Other Prisoners Obtained by Stratagem:—Advice of General Doniphan, Attorney for the Prisoners:—Decision:—Disposal of the Prisoners:—Flight of the Church to Illinois:—Conduct of the Outlaws:—My Family Visits me in Prison..
CHAPTER XXVII.—Legislative Action on the Subject .
CHAPTER XXVIII.—Joseph Smith and his Fellow Prisoners in Clay County:—Mock Trial in the County of Davies:—Final Escape:—Their Arrival in Illinois .
CHAPTER XXIX.—Farewell Scenes:—Departure of the Last Remnant of the Exiles:—Court:—Release of Two of the Prisoners:—Reflections in Prison.
CHAPTER XXX.—Letter to Judge Austin A. King .
CHAPTER XXXI.—The Prison:—Fare:—Conduct of the Guards:—A Strange Couple:—My Wife Visits the Prison:—Fasting and Prayer:—An Important Question:—Vision:—A Ministering Spirit:—The Question Answered:—Visit from Judge King:—Change of Venue:—Handcuffs:—Departure from the Prison:—Journey:—Arrival in Columbia, Boone County:—Enter Another Prison:—Treatment:—Arrival of Friends:—News from my Family:—Impressions of the Spirit:—Plan and Preparations for Escape:—Fourth of July Celebration:—Flag:—Public Dinner:—Now's the Day:—Our Friends take Leave:—Rendezvous .
CHAPTER XXXII.—Description of the Prison:—Ladies in the Prison:—Evening of a Public Day:—Song:—Obstinate Coffee Pot:—Order of Attack:—Escape:—Race:—Great Excitement:—Our Friends in the Thicket:—Prisoners Gain the Thicket:—Flight:—Encounter:—Climb a Tree:—Faint:—Prayers:—Night Favors us at Last:—Loss of my Horse:—Journey on Foot:—Reflections.
CHAPTER XXXIII.—Dawn:—Bewildered in a Forest:—Beautiful Valley:—Escape of Phelps:—Dialogue:—His Final Escape and Arrival in Illinois:—Fate of our Two Friends:—Interview between my Brother Orson and my Wife:—She Prepares for my Reception:—Disappointment:—Excitement:—Search:—Suspense:—Scenes at the Prison:—Treatment of Mrs. Phelps:—Mr. Follett Retaken:—His Return to Prison:—Chains:—Escape of Mrs. Phelps:—Finale of Luman and Phila.
CHAPTER XXXIV.—Reminiscence:—Resume my Wanderings:—Lost Again:—Storm:—Conversation:—Suspicious Characters:—Lost in a Swamp:—Strange River:—Retrace my Steps:— Cross the River:—Wild Scenery:—Strange Bedfellow:—Dawn:—Reach the Mississippi:—Cross the River in a Canoe:—Land on an Island:—Entangled in the Thickets:—Reembark:—Land in Illinois:—An Old Acquaintance:—Arrive at Quincy .
CHAPTER XXXV.—Opinions of the Press:—Extracts from the "Columbia Patriot:"—"Banner of Liberty:"—"Boone's Lick Democrat:"—"Saturday News:"—"Missouri Republican:"—"New York Sun:"—"Quincy Argus:"—Minutes of a Public Meeting in Quincy:—"New York Commercial Advertiser:"—Public Meeting in New York:—Closing Remarks .
CHAPTER XXXVI.—Congratulations:—Remove to Nauvoo:—Meet with President Smith and Other Fellow Sufferers:—President Smith's Reproof for the Elders:—Toils:—Start for England:—Arrival in Detroit:—Visit my Brother Anson and Parents:—Arrive in New York:—Visit Philadelphia and Washington:—Meet President Smith:—Great Meeting:—Preaching by S. Rigdon and President Smith:—Success in New York:—Farewell Song:—Sail for England:—Reflections .
CHAPTER XXXVII.—General Conference at Preston, England:—Publishing Committee:—Editorial Appointment:—First Number of the "Millennial Star" Issued:—My own Ministry in Manchester and Vicinity:—New Hymn Book:—Action of Congress on the Missouri Tragedies .
CHAPTER XXXVIII.—General Conference at Manchester:—Ordinations and Appointments:—Return to New York:—Meet with my Family:—Visit to the State of Maine:—A Dream and its Fulfilment:—Embark Again for England:—Consequence of Looking Back:—Safe Arrival in England:—Resume the Editorial Duties:—Reflections.
CHAPTER XXXIX.—Visit and Ministry in Bolton:—Conduct of two Methodist Priests:—Arrest and Trial:—Emigration:—General Conference at Manchester:—Council of the Twelve:—Charter the ship "Tyrean:"—"Philosophy of the Resurrection:"—Emigration on the Ship "Chaos:"—Visit to the Isle of Man:—Visit to Norwich:—Mob .
CHAPTER XL.—Notice for a General Conference:—Extract of a Letter from Elder Orson Hyde in Jerusalem:—Extracts from my Farewell Address .
CHAPTER XLI.—Vessels Chartered:—Emigration:—Sail for New Orleans on the "Emerald:"—Passage:—Land in New Orleans:—Charter of a Steamer:—Historical Letter:—Journey and Arrival at Nauvoo:—Mission with Joseph Smith:—Visit to Chester .
CHAPTER XLII.—Miscellaneous Writings:—Mission to the East:—Impressions of the Spirit:—Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith:—Spirit of Exultation:—Return to Nauvoo:—Sidney Rigdon Disfellowshipped.
CHAPTER XLIII.—Eastern Mission:—Return:—Mobocracy:—Labor in the Temple:—Expulsion from Nauvoo:—Cross the Mississippi:—Garden Grove:—Mount Pisga:—Council Bluffs:—Mormon Battalion:—Winter Quarters:—Mission to England with Elders Orson Hyde and John Taylor:—Conference at Manchester:—Tour through the Kingdom .
CHAPTER XLIV.—An Apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-Day Saints, _was in the Island of Great Britain for the Gospel's sake; and being in the Spirit on the 24th of November, 1846, addressed the following words of comfort to his dearly beloved Wife and Family, dwelling in tents, in the Camp of Israel, at Council Bluffs, Missouri Territory, North America; where they and twenty thousand others were banished by the civilized Christians of the United States for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus_.
CHAPTER XLV.—Return with Elder John Taylor to America:—Arrival at Winter Quarters:—Camp Starts for the Rocky Mountains:—Meet the Pioneers:—Arrival in Great Salt Lake Valley:—Visit to Utah and Great Salt Lake .
CHAPTER XLVI.—Spring of 1848:—Scarcity of Provisions:—"Harvest Feast:"—Arrival of President Young and Company:—Gold Fever:—Explore Southern Utah.
CHAPTER XLVII.—Start on my Pacific Mission:—Sketch of the Journey:—Attacked by Indians:—Crossing the Desert:—Arrival at Los Angelos.
CHAPTER XLVIII.—Los Angelos:—Catholic Celebration of Corpus Christi:—Arrival in San Francisco:—Letter to President Brigham Young:—Family Letter .
CHAPTER XLIX.—Valparaiso:—Quillota:—Letter to President Brigham Young.
CHAPTER L.—Arrival in San Francisco:—Return to Salt Lake City:—Second Mission to the Pacific:—Articles from the Press .
CHAPTER LI.—Reply to the Rev. Mr. Briggs on the Subject of the Expediency of the Reappointment of His Excellency Governor Young, of Utah .
CHAPTER LII.—Statements Pertaining to the History of Joseph Smith:—Return to Utah:—Home Mission:—Attend the Legislature at Fillmore:—The Standard of Zion:—Return to Salt Lake City .
CHAPTER LIII.—Journal of Eastern Mission.
CHAPTER LIV.—Family Letters:—"My Fiftieth Year:"—Response by John Taylor.


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