Statements Pertaining to the History of Joseph Smith:—Return to Utah:—Home Mission:—Attend the Legislature at Fillmore:—The Standard of Zion:—Return to Salt Lake City. February 24th. I sat for a large likeness, taken in daguerreotype, as a keepsake for my family, being forty-seven years ten months and twelve days old. I presented this to my son Parley, to be handed down from generation to generation, as long as it will last. In March a Council was held at my office, and it was concluded to remove the Conference of the 6th of April next from Santa Clara to San Francisco, where I also moved my wife and made my home during the remainder of my mission. April 12th.—This is my birthday. I am forty-eight years old. I wrote letters for home today and sent a set of books, viz: "Book of Mormon," "Doctrine and Covenants," "Hymn Book," "Voice of Warning," "Harp of Zion," etc., to each of my wives and to Parley, Olivia and Moroni, my elder children; also, books to my younger children, Alma, Nephi, Helaman, Julia, Lucy, Agatha, Belinda and Abinadi, Cornelia and Malona, and small presents and candies for the little ones, Phebe, Hannahette, Mary, Lehi and Moroni W., all as a birthday present or memorial. In May I received a letter from President Young counselling me to return home this coming summer. June 8th.—The sad news reached us today of Brother Silas Beckwith being murdered and buried. This Beckwith was one of the Mormon Battalion in the Mexican War, and was, at the time of his death, a worthy member and teacher in the San Juan branch. I visited his widow and orphans, and spent some hours in the house of mourning. On my second visit I gained and wrote down the following statements pertaining to the history of Joseph Smith: Mrs. Eunice Corinthia Beckwith, formerly Mrs. Lawn (whose father's name was Joshua Twitchell), was the widow of John Lawn, captain of a company of Illinois Militia, of McDonough County, who guarded Joseph and Hyrum Smith in Carthage Jail until the morning of the day they were martyred, when himself and company were disbanded by order of Governor Ford, and started for home, leaving the prisoners in the hands of the Carthage Greys. On taking leave of the prisoners he gave his hand, received Joseph's blessing, and heard him say most solemnly: "Farewell, Captain Lawn; when you and your men leave me my life guard is gone." Previous to this, however, Joseph had read to him the fifty-fifth Psalm, and told him to remember that chapter and read it to his friends when he arrived home. One of the Carthage Greys also read in reply the sixty-first Psalm. Captain Lawn and his troops had marched about twelve miles towards home when the news reached them of the martyrdom! At this he exclaimed: "O that I had known of this massacre, so soon to transpire! I would have remained, and, when the first ball was fired at the Smiths, I would have fired the second through the body of the villain who fired it or died in the attempt." A man named Townsend, living in Iowa, near Fort Madison, was one of the mob who assaulted and forced in the jail door. The pistol discharged by Joseph Smith wounded him in the arm, near the shoulder, and it continued to rot without healing until it was taken off and even then it would not heal. About six months after he was shot Mrs. Lawn saw his arm and dressed it. He was then gradually rotting and dying with the wound. He stayed over night with Mrs. Lawn's father, and groaned through the night without sleeping. He asked the old gentleman what he thought of Joseph Smith being a Prophet? He replied that he did not know. "Well," said Townsend, "I know he was a Prophet of God ! And, oh, that I had stayed at home and minded my own business, and then I would not have lost my life and been tormented with a guilty conscience, and with this dreadful wound, which none can heal!" He died two or three months afterwards, having literally rotted alive! James Head, of McComb, was also one of the murderers at the Carthage Jail; he was heard by Captain Lawn and others to boast of it afterwards, and Captain Lawn drew a pistol and chased him; but he ran away. He was always gloomy and troubled from the time he helped to murder the Smiths, and frequently declared that he saw the two martyrs always before him! He had no peace. A colonel of the Missouri mob, who helped to drive, plunder and murder the Mormons, died in the hospital at Sacramento, 1849. Beckwith had the care of him; he was eaten with worms a large black headed kind of maggot—which passed through him by myriads, seemingly a half pint at a time! Before he died these maggots were crawling out of his mouth and nose! He literally rotted alive! Even the flesh on his legs burst open and fell from the bones! They gathered up the rotten mass in a blanket and buried him, without awaiting a coffin! A Mr. ——-, one of Missouri mob, died in the same hospital about the same time, and under the care of Mr. Beckwith. His face and jaw on one side literally rotted, and half of his face actually fell off! One eye rotted out, and half of his nose, mouth and jaw fell from the bones! The doctor scraped the bones, and unlocked and took out his jaw from the joint round to the center of the chin. The rot and maggots continued to eat till they ate through the large or jugular vein of his neck, and he bled to death! He, as well as Townsend, stank so previous to their death that they had to be placed in rooms by themselves, and it was almost impossible to endure their presence, and the flies could not be kept from blowing them while alive! Wm. T. Head, an officer in Captain Lawn's company, and tarrying in Carthage, testified that he saw a certain man raise a large knife to strike off the head of Joseph, when, all at once, and in the midst of a clear day, with no cloud in sight, "a terrible clap of thunder rolled heavily, and forked lightnings flashed in the face of the murderers, and perfectly paralyzed a number of them. "The ruffian, who had raised his knife and had sworn with a dreadful oath to take the head off Joseph, stood perfectly paralyzed, his arm uplifted with the knife suspended in air, and could not move a limb. His comrades carried him off, and all fled in terror from the scene." These particulars, and many others, were related to me by brother Beckwith previous to his death, and afterwards by his widow and father-in-law, and others who were conversant with them, and are believed to be correct. At a General Conference, held June 16—being the eve of my departure—it was the unanimous voice of the meeting to give me a letter of commendation and fellowship from the Conference to the Presidency of the Church in Utah. Elder J. Crosby was set apart as President of the San Francisco Conference, under my hands and others. I gave them a few words of farewell and blessing, and returned them my sincere thanks for their many marks of kindness and hospitality to me and my wife while we sojourned with them; and I shall long remember the many brethren who have generously assisted me with means whereby I am enabled to puruse my journey home. While on this mission I have been diligent in preaching, teaching, baptizing, visiting and ministering to the sick, and writing for the press. I feel the Saints have rejoiced under my teachings, and a goodly number have been added to the Church. June 20th.—I took leave of the Saints and friends at San Francisco and started at noon, with my team, for my home in Utah; crossed the ferry at Oakland ten miles on a steamer, and drove twenty-five miles and stopped after sundown at Brother Naile's, near San Jose. After resting a few days, and all being ready, we started from Dr. McIntyre's at nine o'clock A. M., with a company composed of seven men, two women and one child, five wagons and sixteen animals. I thanked God that, after thirteen months and a few days' absence, I was now ready to return to my home in the peaceful valley of the Great Salt Lake. August 18th.—After a long and wearisome journey of some eight hundred miles we arrived safely home, and rejoiced to find all well. Sunday, 19th.—I met the great congregation twice in the Tabernacle and bowery; heard Orson Pratt and President B. Young preach, and spoke a few words myself. In the evening met with, the Quorum of the Twelve for prayer, as usual. On Monday I visited my wife Sarah, and her two children, Julia and Teancum, who resided on my farm; and, from this date until the Conference of October 6th, my time was engaged in the care and labors of my family, and other duties, although I attended Sabbath meetings, and sometimes preached. The Conference appointed my brother Orson, and brother Woodruff, and myself, with upwards of twenty others, to a home mission in Utah Territory. After Conference I spent my time mostly in the House of the Lord, in administering in the endowments, until the 20th of October. October 15th, Monday.—Agreeable to instructions from President Young I called a meeting of a few of the Twelve, and others concerned in the mission, and divided the territory into missionary districts, and assigned to each his labor, appointing Conferences, or general meetings in each district. Saturday, 20th.—Commenced my home mission by riding seventeen miles to attend a general meeting in company with O. Pratt, W. Woodruff and others, at Farmington, Davis County. Good attendance and spirited preaching on this day three times. Tarried at Sister Haight's. Sunday, 21st.—At half past eight o'clock, A. M., held a council of the missionaries of the district, and appointed the next quarterly meeting for the districts, to be held in Bishop Stoker's ward on the 18th of November next, and the second to be held December 15th, at ten o'clock, in Bishop Kay's ward. This day we held three meetings, which were well attended, and greatly blessed with the spirit and power of God. Monday, 22d.—Returned home and found all well. November 1st.—Started with my carriage, accompanied by my wife Belinda and child, my brother Orson Pratt and W. Woodruff, and arrived at Ogden on the following day at eleven o'clock, A. M., and put up at President Farr's. Preached in the meeting house three times. The night following a dreadful wind arose, which did some damage. After travelling and preaching through the northern settlements nearly two weeks to large assemblies, who listened with good attention, we returned home and found all well. Saturday, 17th.—Rode ten miles in my carriage with my wife Mary, and brethren O. Pratt and W. Woodruff, to P. Sessions', and met with the Saints in a Quarterly Conference. Sunday, 18th.—Met a crowd out of doors, on the south side of the school-house, at Bishop Stoker's. I preached in the forenoon, and brothers Joseph Young and Erastus Snow in the afternoon. Many were out and the good spirit prevailed. Next morning returned home and found all well. December 3d.—Bid farewell to my family and started in my carriage with Agatha, my wife, and O. Pratt and W. W. Phelps as passengers, for the city of Fillmore, to attend the Legislative Assembly. Friday, 7th.—Arrived at Fillmore at 1 P.M. in a heavy snow storm. Put up with Brother Bridges. Sunday, 9th.—Attended meeting twice. Preached in the morning and listened to O. Pratt in the afternoon. Monday, 10th.—Attended the council of the Legislature and witnessed the organization, and was unanimously elected chaplain of the council. Accepted and was sworn, and entered upon my duties, being charged by the President, Hon. H. C. Kimball, to instruct and exhort the members and others in their duties. I prepared an address on the laws of marriage and morals, which was delivered to the council on the twenty-first. This was so favorably received that the Governor and President called for the reading of it before the joint session. It was accordingly read by the clerk on the thirty-first of December. On motion, it was unanimously voted to have it printed in the Deseret News; and, on motion, a vote of thanks was carried unanimously. January 1st, 1856. Wrote a letter to the New York Herald, and, in the evening, attended a dance in the Legislative Hall. It was a fine party, where old and young engaged in the dance till near midnight. From this time till the adjournment of the Legislative Assembly nothing worthy of record transpired. THE STANDARD OF ZION
FILLMORE COUNCIL CHAMBER, January 8, 1856. Tuesday, 15th.—I attended a festival of the Legislature in the State House, where all were treated to abundance of oysters, fruits, wines, etc., by the Hon. Secretary Babbitt. Friday, 18th.—The Legislature adjourned and all started for home. We travelled about forty-five miles—some of the distance in about eight inches of snow—and camped at night in a point of cedars. The cold was extreme, but we emptied our carriage and kept a constant fire in the stove. Sat up through the night, as there was not room for all to lie down, and thus we passed the night. 19th.—Rode twenty miles to breakfast; arrived in Nephi about ten o'clock, nearly frozen; but a good breakfast and three hours' rest revived us, and we started again at 1 P.M. and rode to Payson, a distance of twenty-five miles, and were kindly received by Brother Donich. 20th.—Started at ten A.M. Rode to Provo and dined at Brother Stewart's. Rode ten miles more, and were entertained by Bishop Walker, of Pleasant Grove. 21st.—Rode thirty-five miles and dined at the Bishop's, Unionville, and arrived home at sundown; found all my family in tolerable health except my little daughter Isabel, who had been sick with a fever and cold on the lungs. I ministered to her and she speedily recovered. Friday, 25th.—Spent the day with my family, and in a meeting with a chartered company, called the Deseret Road and Express Company, of which I was a member. Saturday, 26th, and from thence to February 14th was spent with my family, and in preaching occasionally in the Tabernacle and in the different wards in the city. Also in the office of juryman on the Grand Jury of the United States Court. Tuesday, March 4th.—Attended at the President's office in the duty as a Regent of the University. Next day attended at the President's office as a Committee of the Regency in raising school books. Thursday, 6th.—Myself and family fasted and attended meeting in the Fourteenth ward school-house, and at evening visited at Brother Southworth's, and attended another meeting in the ward. Having been elected a delegate of Salt Lake County to a Convention called by the people of the Territory of Utah, to form a Constitution for the State of Deseret, I attended the daily sessions of the Convention for ten days, ending March 27, 1856. My time, after the adjournment of said Convention, was devoted to laboring on the farm, garden, and administering in the various duties of my calling, writing history, etc., until the Annual Conference, which convened April 6th and closed on the 8th. This Conference was held under a bowery adjoining the Tabernacle, and was attended by six or eight thousand people. At this Conference several hundred persons were called to go on missions to the United States, England, Australia, the Sandwich Islands and other parts of the earth. The Presidency enjoined upon me the duty of setting apart and ordaining those who were called for their several missions, in which I was assisted by the rest of the Twelve and some of the Presidents of Seventies. About this period, or immediately after Conference, I was taken sick with a fever and came nigh unto death, which sickness continued about two weeks. May 26th.—Accompanied by Elder Gates I started on a mission of preaching, visiting and instructing the Saints in the southern part of the Territory; during which tour we held meetings at Union Fort, American Fork, Pleasant Grove, Provo, Payson, Summit, Nephi, Fillmore, Beaver, Paragona, Parowan, Cedar City and Harmony. On my return to Salt Lake City called and preached at the different towns and settlements on the route, arriving home June 27, 1856. While at home my time was occupied in attending meetings, instructing and speaking words of comfort and encouragement to the Saints, and writing my history, assisted by my wife Kezia, as copyist. |