To prevent a shot from this deadly battery of the skunk they are disarmed while very young. When animals are young the operation When ready for disarming, spread a burlap or gunnysack across your lap and order the assistant to bring the skunk. He must be careful to hold it by the tail, with it near the ground. The sack is then rolled around the animal; rear exposed. The assistant holds the animal firmly and double muffles the eyes, so it cannot possibly see. A skunk seldom shoots unless it sees an enemy. The proper instruments consist of a scalpel, clamping forceps, extracting forceps, hook and goggles. The scent sacks are located one on each side of the vent off one fourth inch from the vent. To disarm—First make an incision three eighths of an inch long and one half an inch from the vent. As soon as the incision is made, cut deeper until the scent sac appears, which is about the size of a bean in young skunks and about the size of a marble in mature ones. With the blunt forceps, force the adhering muscles down off the sac, and cut the sac off one fourth inch from the vent. If the operation is done according to instructions, there will be no loss whatever. Animals do not require disarming unless they are going to be shipped. If skunks are raised solely for fur, it is just as well to leave them armed. Express companies refuse to ship them unless scent sacks are removed. |