18. Breeding Mothers.


By April first every female should be given a separate den, and well fed and cared for.

This is the most important time of all, success or failure depends on the management of the mother at this time. Toward the end of the month she should be given raw meat and plenty of water. This diet should be given until mid-May, as this allays the meat craving which causes the mother to devour the new-born young.

I will repeat again the watchwords of success—

Proper sanitation, seclusion, and quiet, an abundance of raw meat and fresh water.

The period of gestation is nine weeks; the young are born in mid-May.

The young females have from four to six young the first litter and the older females have from eight to sixteen to one litter.

Never put two females with young, in the same house for they will fight and steal one and anothers’ young.

One family in one house is a good old rule to observe.

When one month old they are able to walk around and drink milk. I would advise disarming and weaning at this time.



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