Although the Apples of Life had been brought back, and although Loke appeared for some time very penitent and willing to obey the laws of the kind Odin, the gods had little faith in him. More than that, so much had they suffered, that now they were in constant fear of him. “We never know,” plead Freyja and Sif and Idun, all of whom had good reason to fear him, “what mischief he may be planning.” And so it came about that Loke was driven forth from Asgard, as indeed he deserved to be. Straight to the home of the giants Loke went—he always had been a giant at heart, the evil creature!—and was much more in harmony with them in their thoughts and acts, than ever he had been with the gods whom he claimed as his people. But now that he was cast out from Asgard, and could no longer share its beauties and its joys, he had but one wish—that was, to be revenged upon the gods, to destroy them, and to ruin their golden city. To do this he raised two dreadful creatures. Terrible monsters! Even the gods shuddered as they looked upon them. “Loke! Loke!” thundered Odin, looking down upon him in wrath that he should dare such vengeance. But Loke stood defiant. There was but one thing to be done, so the gods thought; “The serpent we will cast into the sea,” said Thor. “But the wolf—what shall we do with the wolf? Certainly he cannot be left to wander up and down in Midgard. The sea would not hold him. Loke must not have him in Jotunheim. What shall be done with him?” “Kill him,” said some. “No,” answered Odin. “To him Loke has given the gift of everlasting life. He will not die as long as we the gods have life. There is but one way left open to us; and that is to bring the wolf into Asgard. Here we can watch him and keep him from much, if not all the evil he would do.” And so the wolf—the Fenris-wolf he was called—was brought into the home of the gods. He was a dreadful creature to look upon. His eyes were like balls of fire; and his fangs were white, and sharp, and cruel. Every day he grew more terrible. Fiercer and fiercer he grew, and larger and stronger and more dreadful to look upon. “What is to be done with him?” asked Odin one day, his face white with despair, as he looked upon the wolf, and realized what sorrow by and by he would bring among them. “Kill him!” cried one. “Send him to Jotunheim,” cried another. “Chain him,” thundered Thor. And indeed to chain him seemed really the only thing that could be done with him. “We will make the chains this night,” said Thor. And at once the great forge was set in motion. All night long Thor worked Morning came. The gods were filled with hope as they saw the great heap of iron. “Now we shall be safe. Now we shall be free,” they said; “for no creature living can break the irons that the god of Thunder forges.” The wolf growled and showed his wicked teeth as Thor approached and threw the chain about him. He knew the gods hated him and feared him. He knew, too, that, with his wondrous strength, even the chains of Thor were not too strong for him to break. So, snarling and showing his fangs and lashing his tail, he allowed himself to be bound. “They are afraid of me,” the cruel wolf grinned. “And well they may be; The chains were tightly fastened, and the gods waited eagerly for the wolf to test his strength with them. Now, the wolf knew well enough that there were no chains that could hold him. “I will amuse myself,” said he to himself, “by tormenting the gods.” So he glared at the chains with his fiery eyes, sniffed here and there at them, lifted one paw and then the other, bit at them with his sharp teeth, and clawed at them with his strong claws; setting up now and then a howl that echoed, like the thunders of Thor, from cloud to cloud across the skies. The faces of the gods grew brighter and brighter. They looked at each other and hope rose high in their hearts. “We are saved!” But Odin did not smile. He knew only too well that the wolf was amusing himself; and that when the gods were least expecting it, he would spring forth and shatter the links of the mighty chain, even as a mortal might shatter a chain of straw. “Conquered at last, you cruel Fenris-wolf!” thundered Thor, lifting his hammer in scorn, to throw at the helpless wolf. “The Fenris-wolf is never conquered,” hissed the wolf; and with one bound he leaped across the walls of Asgard, down, down across the skies to Midgard, the links of the chains scattering like sparks of fire as he flew through the air. “See! See!” cried the people of Midgard, The gods stood, wonder-struck. Their faces were pale with fright. The brow of Thor grew black and stern. Odin looked pityingly upon them all. “Lose not your courage,” said he kindly. “The Fenris-wolf shall yet be bound; and there shall yet remain Hardly were the words out of Odin’s mouth when Thor set forth upon the wings of his own lightning, to the home of the dwarfs, to do the bidding of Odin the All-wise. Ornamental letter K. |