Books by Pratt
A History of Inland Transport and Communication in England — Edwin A. Pratt
Absurdities of Immaterialism / Or, A Reply to T. W. P. Taylder's Pamphlet, Entitled, "The Materialism of the Mormons or Latter-Day Saints, Examined and Exposed." — Orson Pratt
An Interesting Account of Several Remarkable Visions / And of the Late Discovery of Ancient American Records — Orson Pratt
Armenia and the Armenians: A List of References in the New York Public Library — Ida A. Pratt
British Canals: Is their resuscitation practicable? — Edwin A. Pratt
Divine Authority; Or, the Question: Was Joseph Smith Sent of God? — Orson Pratt
Newfoundland Verse — E. J. Pratt
Practical Skunk Raising / A Book of Information Concerning the Raising of Skunks for Profit — William Edwin Pratt
Scrap Book of Mormon Literature, Volume 2 (of 2). Religious Tracts — Orson Pratt
The Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt / One of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Embracing His Life, Ministry, and Travels — Parley P. Pratt
The Blue Star — Fletcher Pratt
The Hohokam Dig — Theodore Pratt
The Horse's Friend / The Only Practical Method of Educating the Horse and Eradicating Vicious Habits; Followed by a Variety of Valuable Recipes, Instructions in Farriery, Horse-shoeing, the Latest Rules of Trotting, and the Record of Fast Horses Up to 1876 — O. S. Pratt
The Kingdom of God, Part 1 — Orson Pratt
The Living Mummy — Ambrose Pratt
The Millennium, and Other Poems / To Which is Annexed, a Treatise on the Regeneration and Eternal Duration of Matter — Parley P. Pratt
The Onslaught from Rigel — Fletcher Pratt
The Regulating Silver Coin, Made Practicable and Easie, to the Government and Subject — Samuel Pratt
The Rise of Rail-Power in War and Conquest, 1833-1914 — Edwin A. Pratt