Twenty-ninth Figure.


A Projection of the Dorick Order in Perspective.

In this Twenty-ninth Figure, you have in Perspective the Plan, and one of the Uprights of the Twenty-eighth Figure; namely, that of the Length; from whence is drawn this finish’d Piece of the Dorick Order, which has the upper Part and Caps of three Pillars, with their Architrave, Freeze, and Cornice.

BO is the Horizontal-line; AC that of the Plan; into which, from the Lines D and C of the Twenty-eighth Figure, are transferr’d the Points of Breadth and Length of the two Elevations; first prolonging the Line itself, as much as is needful, through C. The Work is then perform’d, as was shewn in the Twenty-third Figure; namely, the Divisions of the Breadth of the Plan end in the Point V, at which those of Length begin. From the first, Lines are drawn to the Point of Sight; and from the latter, occult Lines are directed to the Point of Distance: And where these cut the Visual VO, Lines are drawn parallel to AC; with those that are farther necessary for completing the Plan in Perspective.

The Elevation C of the Twenty-eighth Figure is put in Perspective, as usual, by transferring the Divisions of the Line E, or F, into that of AB in this Plate; from whence drawing Visuals to the Point of Sight, they are intersected by Perpendiculars let fall from those Divisions of AO made by the Parallels to the Ground-line AC, and again continu’d parallel to the Perpendicular AB.

The Observation, mention’d in the Twenty-sixth Figure, is also pertinent in this place; That the Lines, which, in the Perspective-Elevation, tend downward, give the Advance and Recess of the several Members of the Work; and from them are taken all the Projectures of the Entablature and Capitals.

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