The Geometrical Design of a Cornice, of the Composite Order. That this Figure might be larger and more distinct, I have here describ’d only the Half of it. PN is the Geometrical Plan. M is the solid Wall. OO are the Places of the Columns. H shews the Projectures of the Cornice. The Geometrical Elevation of the Breadth of the Frontispiece, consists of the Architrave T, the Freeze L, and the Cornice V, over which is rais’d the Pedament S. For finding the Center of the arch’d Lines of the Pedament, make the Distance AC equal to that of AV; and placing one Point of the Compasses in C, extend the other to V, and describe the Arch. The other Arches, of which BD is the utmost, have all the same Center. The Elevation F shews the Length of the Work on the Side GI. The Upright E shews the Length of the same on the Front DR. |