An Octangular Cupola. From the Circle describe the Octagon, by taking half the Quadrant of the former for each Side of the latter. On these Sides the Geometrical Plan of the whole Architecture is to be dispos’d, with the Projectures of all the Members thereof, in the same manner as was done in the circular Border of the Ninetieth Figure. It will also be expedient, to make the Geometrical Elevation of the whole Work, tho’ thro’ Want of Room I have here omitted it. Then placing one Point of the Compasses in the Center of the Circle, extend the other to the Height of the several Projectures between A and B, as you see in the Figure; and by help of the Parallels transfer them all into the Line CD, for putting the Profile of the Upright into Perspective, and drawing the other Requisites, as in the foregoing Figure. For here also, by means of the Circles, are found the extreme Points of the Projectures of the several Members of the Architecture; and by conjoining these Points with strait Lines agreeable to the Shape of the Octagon, the whole Work is completed. Fig. xciii. |