INSTRUMENTA paranda, | Fig. | UTENSILS for Drawing. |
Explicatio linearum plani & horizontis, ac punctorum oculi & distantiÆ, | I. | Explication of the Lines of the Plan and Horizon, and of the Points of the Eye and of the Distance. |
Modus delineandi opticÈ quadratum, | II. | The Manner of delineating a Square in Perspective. |
Optica delineatio rectanguli, alter parte longioris, | III. | The Delineation of an oblong Square in Perspective. |
Optica descriptio quadrati duplicis, | IV. | The Optical Delineation of a double Square. |
Vestigia quadratorum cum elevationibus, | V. | Plans of Squares with their Elevations. |
Modus opticÆ delineationis absque lineis occultis, | VI. | The Manner of designing in Perspective without occult Lines. |
Aliud exemplum vestigii geometrici, cum elevatione longitudinis, | VII. | Another Example of a Geometrical Plan and Upright put into Perspective. |
Optica projectio stylobatÆ, | VIII. | The Projection of a Pedestal in Perspective. |
Optica delineatio ArchitecturÆ Jacobi Barozzii, & primum de stylobata Ordinis Etrusci, | IX. | The Architecture of Vignola in Perspective, and first of his Pedestal of the Tuscan Order. |
Optica deformatio stylobatÆ Dorici; ubi de modo vitandi confusionem in vestigiis delineandis, | X. | A Dorick Pedestal in Perspective, with the Manner of avoiding Confusion in designing the Plans. |
StylobatÆ Ionici deformatio; ubi de vitanda confusione in elevationibus, | XI. | The Ionick Pedestal in Perspective, with the Manner of avoiding Confusion in Elevations. |
Deformatio stylobatÆ Corinthii, cum duabus pilis, | XII. | The Corinthian Pedestal, with its Pilasters, in Perspective. |
Projectio stylobatÆ Ordinis Compositi, | XIII. | The Projection of a Pedestal of the Composite Order. |
Deformatio circulorum, | XIV. | Circles in Perspective. |
Optica delineatio columnÆ, | XV. | A Column in Perspective. |
Optica projectio basis EtruscÆ, | XVI. | The Tuscan Base in Perspective. |
Deformatio basis DoricÆ, | XVII. | The Dorick Base in Perspective. |
Optica delineatio basis IonicÆ, | XVIII. | The Ionick Base in Perspective. |
Optica imminutio basis CorinthiÆ, | XIX. | The Corinthian Base in Perspective. |
Basis Atticurga opticÈ imminuta, | XX. | The Attick Base in Perspective. |
Optica imminutio capitelli Etrusci, | XXI. | The Tuscan Capital in Perspective. |
Optica projectio capitelli Dorici, | XXII. | The Projection of a Dorick Capital in Perspective. |
Deformatio capitelli Ionici, | XXIII. | The Ionick Capital in Perspective. |
Optica projectio capitelli Corinthii, | XXIV. | The Corinthian Capital in Perspective. |
Optica descriptio capitelli Compositi, | XXV. | The Composite Capital in Perspective. |
Deformatio coronicis EtruscÆ, | XXVI. | The Tuscan Entablature in Perspective. |
Optica delineatio coronicis DoricÆ, | XXVII. | The Dorick Entablature in Perspective. |
PrÆparatio figurÆ sequentis, | XXVIII. | Preparatory to the following Figure. |
Optica projectio Ædificii Dorici, | XXIX. | A Projection of the Dorick Order in Perspective. |
Optica projectio Ædificii Ionici; ubi de modo jungendi fictum cum vero, | XXX. | An Ionick Work in Perspective, with the Manner of reconciling the fictitious to the solid Architecture. |
Optica projectio coronicis CorinthiÆ, cum capitello & summitate columnÆ, | XXXI. | The Optick Projection of a Corinthian Cornice, with the Capital and part of the Column. |
Delineatio geometrica coronicis Ordinis Compositi, | FINIS.