INSTRUMENTA paranda, Fig. UTENSILS for Drawing.
Explicatio linearum plani & horizontis, ac punctorum oculi & distantiÆ, I. Explication of the Lines of the Plan and Horizon, and of the Points of the Eye and of the Distance.
Modus delineandi opticÈ quadratum, II. The Manner of delineating a Square in Perspective.
Optica delineatio rectanguli, alter parte longioris, III. The Delineation of an oblong Square in Perspective.
Optica descriptio quadrati duplicis, IV. The Optical Delineation of a double Square.
Vestigia quadratorum cum elevationibus, V. Plans of Squares with their Elevations.
Modus opticÆ delineationis absque lineis occultis, VI. The Manner of designing in Perspective without occult Lines.
Aliud exemplum vestigii geometrici, cum elevatione longitudinis, VII. Another Example of a Geometrical Plan and Upright put into Perspective.
Optica projectio stylobatÆ, VIII. The Projection of a Pedestal in Perspective.
Optica delineatio ArchitecturÆ Jacobi Barozzii, & primum de stylobata Ordinis Etrusci, IX. The Architecture of Vignola in Perspective, and first of his Pedestal of the Tuscan Order.
Optica deformatio stylobatÆ Dorici; ubi de modo vitandi confusionem in vestigiis delineandis, X. A Dorick Pedestal in Perspective, with the Manner of avoiding Confusion in designing the Plans.
StylobatÆ Ionici deformatio; ubi de vitanda confusione in elevationibus, XI. The Ionick Pedestal in Perspective, with the Manner of avoiding Confusion in Elevations.
Deformatio stylobatÆ Corinthii, cum duabus pilis, XII. The Corinthian Pedestal, with its Pilasters, in Perspective.
Projectio stylobatÆ Ordinis Compositi, XIII. The Projection of a Pedestal of the Composite Order.
Deformatio circulorum, XIV. Circles in Perspective.
Optica delineatio columnÆ, XV. A Column in Perspective.
Optica projectio basis EtruscÆ, XVI. The Tuscan Base in Perspective.
Deformatio basis DoricÆ, XVII. The Dorick Base in Perspective.
Optica delineatio basis IonicÆ, XVIII. The Ionick Base in Perspective.
Optica imminutio basis CorinthiÆ, XIX. The Corinthian Base in Perspective.
Basis Atticurga opticÈ imminuta, XX. The Attick Base in Perspective.
Optica imminutio capitelli Etrusci, XXI. The Tuscan Capital in Perspective.
Optica projectio capitelli Dorici, XXII. The Projection of a Dorick Capital in Perspective.
Deformatio capitelli Ionici, XXIII. The Ionick Capital in Perspective.
Optica projectio capitelli Corinthii, XXIV. The Corinthian Capital in Perspective.
Optica descriptio capitelli Compositi, XXV. The Composite Capital in Perspective.
Deformatio coronicis EtruscÆ, XXVI. The Tuscan Entablature in Perspective.
Optica delineatio coronicis DoricÆ, XXVII. The Dorick Entablature in Perspective.
PrÆparatio figurÆ sequentis, XXVIII. Preparatory to the following Figure.
Optica projectio Ædificii Dorici, XXIX. A Projection of the Dorick Order in Perspective.
Optica projectio Ædificii Ionici; ubi de modo jungendi fictum cum vero, XXX. An Ionick Work in Perspective, with the Manner of reconciling the fictitious to the solid Architecture.
Optica projectio coronicis CorinthiÆ, cum capitello & summitate columnÆ, XXXI. The Optick Projection of a Corinthian Cornice, with the Capital and part of the Column.
Delineatio geometrica coronicis Ordinis Compositi, FINIS.

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