Eighty-third FIGURE.


A Corinthian Capital horizontally contracted in Perspective.

You have in this Plate the Perspective both of the Plan and Elevation of the Corinthian Capital, drawn from the Geometrical Descriptions, by transferring their Measures into the Ground-line AB, and into that of the Elevation AC; so that you may readily discover from whence every part of the finish’d Capital is produc’d. I don’t doubt but you’ll experience these horizontal Perspectives to be much less difficult than the vertical propos’d in the Twenty-fourth Figure. For in these the Circuit of the Leaves is determin’d by perfect Circles, whose Centers take their Breadths from the Plan at the Points 1, 2, 3, 4; and their Heights from the Capitals of the Elevation, at the Points 5, 6, 7, 8.

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